Police harrasment


New Member
Jun 25, 2005
Huntsville, Alabama, United States
Quin said:
To everyone that's said fuck the police...

Have fun calling your friendly neighborhood crack dealer the next time you get robbed

My brother had his Kawasaki ZX-7R stolen along with a rottertiller from his house, a neighbor saw it happening and called the police, neighbor gave the police a description of the perp, vehicle and licenses plate number. Apparently my brother was not import enough to warrant an immediate response, took them four hours to respond and they just took a report. Case never solved, property never recovered.

If you believe you can truly count on police to protect you or you property, your sadly mistaken.


Sep 17, 2005

it was about 4 pm, sunny day. i was driving through my neighborhood . i was going the speed limit, seat belt on, not doin a damn thing wrong. cop pulls out of nowhere and tailgates me for a minute, then pulls me over. i rolled my window down to hear the excuse y he pulled me over. as soon as he aproached the window he said may i have you license and registration please, and i said im sorry officer but i dont understand y im pulled over rite now, he was slurring when he was talkin to me and said you didnt have your headlights on, :-o !!!!! im like excuse me officer but you do realize it is only 4pm and its very sunny outside. he said step out of the car, and immediatly handcuffed me, and was like are y ou tired, you can sit on my bumper until the other unit gets here. im still confused by now like wtf is goin on. they had no reason to handcuff me. other unit shows up, officers talk and then they all came up to me and said " since we already made an arrest, you can pay us $500 right now, or we put you in jail.

another officer asked me how much money do i have on me.

and i said you know what this has nothing to do with anything, i dont know y the fuck im pulled over, take me to jail and i WILL see all you asses in court first thing tomorrow. just so happens my dad and my bro were driving past and they seen me flippin out on the officers, my brother ran out and asked the officer what the problem was, officer said i didnt have my license when i clearly handed it to him ???? then the officer says he can pay us 500 now or go to jail, and my brother was also confused but happen to look under the officers car, and seen my license chillin oon the ground. officer was like oh thats right u did hand me it didnt you. un cuffed me, and just left with out sayin anything to me.

ever since then i just hated cops because that was 5 officers trying to make money on the side.


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
Quin said:
To everyone that's said fuck the police...

Have fun calling your friendly neighborhood crack dealer the next time you get robbed

There's a difference between "police" and "traffic cops/pigs". I respect cops that protect and serve, I disrespect pigs who "ticket, threaten, harass, and in this case taunt".


Apr 24, 2007
Macon, GA
Oh yea ive been pulled over 3 times in 2 weeks for "one of my tags lights being out" by 3 different cops, wasn't speeding or anything. Each time i got a warning..I get home..both tag lights work perfectly every time..I hate traffic cops. The power they have really goes to their heads..


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
suprarx7nut said:
I think shaeff (Kurt, I believe? :dunno:) was eluding(sp?) to the fact that your general demeanor towards officers is that of a ignorant, punk kid. If he wasn't trying to say that..... well then I will. :)


right on. and my name is Chris. ;) (kurt is supra90turbo, and he's FTMFW!)


-shaeff (chris)


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Wow, that was ridiculous.

Unfortunately, sometimes that isn't far from the truth. And what can you really do? Many can't afford to not show up to work the next day, because they were arrested - whether the arrest was warranted or not is irrelevant :(


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
holy shit. Ive dealt with some asshole cops and been kicked out of commuter lots before, but jesus. That (ex)cop really needs to get laid.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
I agree..That cop was out of line and needs to be fired. But if I was that kid I wouldnt be talking smack to that power hungry cop. I just would not waste my valuable time arguing with a cop.

You know some of these cops come straight out of the military and think they run the show with their own rules. I thought that cop must have come from a miltary background and did not like to be talked back to. Maybe his kids at home talk back at him and he hates it.

I wouldnt say all cops are pigs. I have had my share of running into cops and
the cops I met were okay. They all let me go on all occasions because of my honesty.



Mar 17, 2007
oh wow that was ridiculous
i think these kinds of cops' are single.. lol
and if not. their wives need to put out..
its for the better good of society!


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
tte said:
I agree..That cop was out of line and needs to be fired. But if I was that kid I wouldnt be talking smack to that power hungry cop. I just would not waste my valuable time arguing with a cop.

You know some of these cops come straight out of the military and think they run the show with their own rules. I thought that cop must have come from a miltary background and did not like to be talked back to. Maybe his kids at home talk back at him and he hates it.

I wouldnt say all cops are pigs. I have had my share of running into cops and
the cops I met were okay. They all let me go on all occasions because of my honesty.


Yes I agree there are some even many nice POLICEMAN out there but TRAFFIC COPS are a bad breed, in fact I love policeman people that go out to do stuff like you see on the show "Cops" which I find a great example of good cops.

Also I heard he got fired?!!?! Anyone know, that news would make a day!


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
has anyone else tried looking up more video from this brett darrow?
to me its starting to look more like he's going out and looking for trouble.dont get me wrong,the latest traffic stop with the crazy cop is the worst display of police misconduct ive ever seen,but on one of the video's the cop plainly asks where he's off to,and he says,
'I dont want to discuss my personal life with you." WTF????
how do you think a cop is going to react to an answer like that? do you think he's going to be nice?
(oh yessuh,so sorry to be a buggin youse suh...ise jus go bout ma bizzness suh!!!)
they DO have the right to ask,they DO have the right to stop you for whatever reason.its part of thier job as far as public safety.granted,some cops have too much time on thier hands and get off doing shit like this.
and his excuse for being in the parking lot?
i was waiting on a freind to give me back my cell fone,that late at night? geez,just get it tomorrow.
something to me is not starting to look right about this kid.