Pioneer AVIC-D2 and CDX-P1280 changer, not playing nicely with each other


Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
Well since the supra is up and back on the road it is time to "try" and fix why my Pioneer AVIC- D2 doesn’t see the CDX-P1280 cd changer. On the main menu of AV on the D2 the touch screen will have the m-cd sort of “raised” so you can chose it to play. Well it doesn’t :( But one time random this past winter it was there, and it worked just fine. Then I removed the battery again for storage and now once again it is not there anymore.

I called Pioneer and asked them if there is some sort of setting or something I have to turn on so it will recognize the cd changer and they said no it will automatically recognize it once it is plugged into the head unit via the ip-bus cable. They recommended trying a new ip-bus cable so I bought another new one and it still doesn’t work. I have reset both cd changer and head unit several times, and removed the battery several times with no success.

Yes the power is hooked up correct and the IP-BUS cable is installed in the correct direction, and plugged into both the D2 and changer. If you have any experience with this or any ideas shoot them out there, because I am all out of ideas why it doesn’t work. The only thing I haven’t tried is buying another cdx-p1280 changer but I rather not since this one should be working. Unless you want to send me your to test with ;)


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
if I remember right the pbus cable is directional. The ports on the changer (if it has an input for daily chaining) is also specific, one in, one out.

Measure your power with a multimeter make sure you're getting a good 12v and good ground. I don't care where its hooked up or if someone says its good, you don't know until you measure it.

That's all I can stink of.


Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
Good Idea, I didn't even think to check the voltage! Shit my battery is located less the 2 feet away from the cd changer I could even hook it up directly for testing purposes.

You are correct about the IP-BUS cable being directional. In fact even color coded, one end is blue iirc that plugs into the head unit, and only one end has the power harness/plug for the cd changer where the other end of the cable is just a bare wire for acc. switched power to be hooked up behind the D2.

Also the CD changer has only one harness port on the back of it. I tried to “flip flip” the IP-BUS cable but in fact can only plug in one direction. The harness plug has different ends on of the cable.

I will also try to post some pics tonight if the voltage thing doesn’t work.

Thank you for the ideas!!!