Notice: Easy to follow rules!


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005

In other words:


That is all.

I'm not sure what is so difficult to understand about this, but I'm going to start killing people soon.


Man up, Nancy.
May 8, 2008
DFW, texas
One of my biggest pet peeves on the road is that seemingly no one in the US understands the simple concept of 'slower traffic keep right', and that the left lanes are for passing that slower traffic.


New Member
Jan 28, 2009
What do you do when you have 2 ass hats on a 2 lane running the same speeds, and are at the same position, which will not allow you to pass the slow asses??? And what bothers me the most is that the majority of the asshats are on the phone, or shoving some shit down there top ass holes.. What ever happened to proper road ethics??? Maybe the DMV ( A Form of Big Brother ) / Insurance Companies should monitor the roadway cams, and if a driver is spotted doing anything other than driving you get fined, and rates jump up.. :icon_evil


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Of all the states I've been in Washington seems to be the capitol. People here can't seem to grasp such a simple fucking concept as this. It's ridiculous, and pisses me off almost every time I go out.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
Dirgle;1425480 said:
Of all the states I've been in Washington seems to be the capitol. People here can't seem to grasp such a simple fucking concept as this. It's ridiculous, and pisses me off almost every time I go out.

you've never been to Massachusetts have you? :biglaugh:


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Motherfucking people from North Carolina, WTF is wrong with you? I have never seen people who will hold onto that left lane even if it is a threat to their life. You could honestly have a tractor trailer tailgating 3" off their bumper, laying on the air horns with flames pouring out of the front fenders and they'd just ignore it.


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
That flowchart should be in all drivers ed books.

This is one of the many problems caused by the lack of a legitimate driver training program. I would love to hear the reasoning of the individual who decided that backing up in a straight line, making a 3pt. turn, and knowing where you directionals are, are satisfactory conditions for obtaining a drivers license.

Another one of my favorites is sitting in traffic for an hour because people had to bring it down to 40 on the highway, so they could get a good look at the poor bastard on the side of the highway with a flat tire. Dammit, either pull over and help him, or keep driving.


Since 9/16/05
Nov 9, 2005
East Bay, Cali
That youtube vid is very funny. That made my night SC :D

^Rubbernecking seems to be a fad that won't die in the multitudes it takes to evolve :evil2:

More like people are afraid to go fast or something when there is a distraction, like they aren't sure they can maintain their lane or something.
"Dear god he might drop his tire iron into the fast lane from the shoulder, i better slow down so i can get a better chance of being back ended"

Mike, are you guilty of yelling at the top of your lungs at people??? LOLz


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
Can someone explain why the hell I am passing people in a damn 92 Sentra with a 1.6 liter motor on the freeway? Seriously. People are so fucking stupid that I actually have to pass on the right just to do the fucking speed limit. This is ludacris. I really should get myself a loud speaker so I can tell the bastards to move out of the way. So tempting to just give people a little nudge in their back bumper to move them out of the way. Maybe I should get a sign on my window that says "move out of my way if I'm on your ass and flashing my high beams at you"


Since 9/16/05
Nov 9, 2005
East Bay, Cali
^ I get those sentra drivers in the fast line and we're approaching a grade, of course i move right to go around them. I drive an econoline 250 (big extended van) as safely as i can manage like a bike: always advance. Its huge, the blind spots force me to keep moving lest i merge into someone i was expecting to already have passed me.
If people are going unreasonably slow, i merge back in front of them closely and keep going (swerve around them-like) to make it obvious either that maybe i'm speeding, or damn! they are going to cause a wreck and should speed up.

Indecision at intersections is my pet peeve.


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
I also drive a 16ft box truck. I'm prohibited from the left lane...and the other two are filled with morons. I just see dollars falling out of my pocket when i have to bring that massive diesel chugger down to 40, cuz numbnuts and his buddy wanna drive next to one another on the highway.


Buzzin' Half Dozen
Sep 13, 2007
Utica, New York
My biggest problem is when people can't seem to understand that turning lanes are for turning, and nothing else.

There is this one spot near me where this is a big problem, because on one side of the intersection its 3 lanes, but one of them is a turning lane, but on the other side its 3 lanes as well. So I always get in the middle lane and change lanes after the intersection because there "shouldn't" be anyone in that right lane because they should have turned, but I can't tell you how many times I've been marooned in the middle of the road waiting to get into the right lane because some asshole decided to blast right through the intersection.

I actually asked someone one time if they knew it was a turning lane and the guy replied to me "I don't care, as long at there is a road for my car to go to on the other side of the intersection I don't care what kind of lane I'm in."

And yield signs too, god damn these people...I'm getting angry now...


Since 9/16/05
Nov 9, 2005
East Bay, Cali
^Watch the youtube vid all the way through, its very funny ;)

I feel ya lewis, all those morons clogging the roadway, making it that much harder to make money by wasting the day. BTW I that avatar is comedy, Push Button, Receive Bacon :)


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
Quick question, is it really hard to use a fucking turn signal? Seriously! I've almost been in numerous wrecks or simply been cut off because some ass hat is too damn lazy to use his/her fucking turn signal. I swear some people think it's an option. Sitting in the turn lane, the ass clowns who only use their turn signal right as they are making the turn or 1 second before they are about to turn drives me bonkers, especially when they've been waiting in the turn lane for a couple minutes.

And yes, I have bad road rage thanks to all the stupid people, especially slow drivers on a 1 lane road (little old lady in a massive early 90's Suburban doing 35 in a 50 with no room to pass anywhere).


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
I'm used to people not driving in the correct lane, I live with it (we also have left exits here so it makes the issue worse).

Not using turn signals definately pisses me off though...