need some help and some advise plz

gonzy tunning

New Member
Dec 6, 2006
new jersey
hey guys wats up i need some help plz,if any1 can give me some advice i will be glad
ok this my problem i have 89 supra with a 2jz-gte
my car has a garrett t78
720cc injector
255 hp walbro
fuel regulator
full exhaust
tial waist gate
im trying to go standalone
but i dont have that much money
i be asking around about the map ecu people talk shit about it i ask about the stinger from driftmotinon people dosent know about,emanment people talk shit about it so wat can i do plz help me,thanks gonzy


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
the motor city
first word of advice would be to research the english language and learn about how it works....but i digress.

sounds like you have a fairly good setup....and standalone would be the only way to properly harness all of its potential. note that the MAP ECU and emanage are NOT standalones....they are piggybacks.

as for what to do, i recommend saving your pennies and getting a standalone....and having it professionally installed. yes, it will be expensive....but it is the right thing to do given a turbo of that size.