Navy Seabee $ question


T-virus infected
Well I was talking to a guy the other night whom is a navy seabee at the local base.

He's 21 and I don't think he has any high rank or what not but he kept going on and on like he was the greatest thing on earth. I know he doesnt have a car cause he's a friend of a friend or a place think he still lives on base.

But anyhow he was going on talking about how he makes 4,000.00 monthly.
I know it depends on what you do in the service depends on how much you get paid.

It just aggrivated me because I've been doing what i've been doing for sometime now and i'm really good at it but I'm only gettin paid 3500.00 a month with a raise commin next month that'll put me 4500.00 or more a month.

other guys I've talked to said usually without rank or anything he's lucky to even make over 3k a month..

Anyone with any light to shine on this let me kno. I was curious of joining the navy but I don't want to get into something that starts me off lower than what I'm making now because then I wouldnt be able to afford bills.

insight appreciated!


Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
My grandpa was a seabee!

I got a tattoo of the seabee insignia on my arm, with his group under it.

As almost seen there.

I wish I could join the navy. Go do it.


T-virus infected
Well the problem is although my job pay is going up which is good I was just curious if this was true because just the way he spoke about it wasnt too trusting I guess I could say.

BUt I dont want to get into the navy for a few years making less then what I will be because then i wont be able to cover my expenses as of today...

I was thinking reserve but if I can get into the navy and be making 4k a month with no rank then I'll be happy!


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
My brother was a seabee a few years back. He's been out for probably six or seven years now, but when he was in, he made 14.00 an hour. All he basically had to do was show up for roll call and exercise and he was free the rest of the day. I wish he had stayed in, but he was in for four years and got out. They've got one hell of a retirement program and I wish someone had talked me into joining when I was younger.


T-virus infected
Yes I dont think he is an officer. Like I said he doesnt even have a car.

Even if he joined the navy right out of High school @ 18 and serving for 3 years I highly doubt he has made up to 4k a month.

My ex is a SSGT in the air force and was just starting to get into the 4kish range after almost 6 years


New Member
Mar 12, 2008
Alamogordo, NM
Yeah, I doubt the 4k with me being in the air force and all I am only making 3200 a month after 4 years. This is with no special pay. If you are on a boat in the navy and depending on your job you get extra pays out of it.


Jan 22, 2006
East Coast
IMO he could be an officer. Beside's him not having a car or a house what other info do you have about him? The reason he may not have a car is because he lives on base and does most things on base. Why have a car if you dont use it?


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
If you live on base you really have no need for a car. If you don't have a car then you don't have to pay for the maintenance of a car, the car payments (or the total cost if you just flat out buy one) and you don't have to pay for gas. All that money is pocketed.

Also, if you live on base, you basically live where you work so you don't really have a commute and you can do the vast majority of your shopping on base. If you need something off base, most likely someone else is heading out so you can catch a ride with them.

I know a bunch of people that ride bikes and even walk to work in the morning.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Justin727;1037092 said:
I know it depends on what you do in the service depends on how much you get paid.


The only way it depends is if that job is particularly dangerous and you are given a monthly incentive pay [ie: Flight pay, parachute/jump pay and a few others], which you must qualify for.
Aside from incentive pay, it doesn't matter if you are an electronics technician or a cook - if you are an E-5, you are paid what an E-5 makes.

If he is young and makes that much money, the chances are that he is an officer.