Mystery smoke



Awe man, I started up my supe today and everything was fine, I cruised aruond town and evrything was fine, I jumped on the freeway, everything seemed cool. I got off the freeway I look to the right I see smoke coming out from under the supe, I look to the left and see the same thing. wtf, I got it back home lokked at where I parked it,no leaks, Ilet it set awhile, no leaks. Anybody have any idea whats going on. 1987 n/a auto.


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Yeah that can honestly be any number of things. One possibility is that the smoke could be as a result of fluid dripping on other parts of the engine from a hose or some other source. The reason you are not getting any spots could be because it is only leaking at high pressure...

Where exactly was the smoke coming from? Rear? front?

Also as the post above said... what color?


New Member
Apr 8, 2005
try checking all your cooling and heater hoses. My '87 NA did the same thing, minus noticing the smoke while driving. turned out that a heater hose was leaking coolant on to the exhaust manifold causing it to burn off there and smoke. I only noticed the smoke when I opened the hood. Check all your fluid levels and check to see what is low and may be leaking. Go from there. takes time and patience though. finding small leaks are a f%&^ing pain.


Its a thin whiteish smoke, It looks like it may be comeing from either front rear or middle of car, Also I dont see anything wet or satureated in the engine bay.


Naw, It doesn't smell like coolant, but now that I remember the other day I went to check and thighten a few of my bolts and the second bolt from the front on the exhaust manifold, when I spin the nut It looks like its pulling the bolt right out of place, maybe its not a good seal and the smoke is exhaust smoke.Also noticed after letting her sit for a while I heard a pssssss kind of sound from the intake side. Car has also gotten very loud, I thought maybe a bad muffler. What you think?
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Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
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Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
1Relentless87 said:
It looks like it may be comeing from either front rear or middle of car

that is way too vague. of course the smoke is going to come from the front, rear, or middle of the car. thats the whole car!

if it's a thin whitish smoke, chances are it's antifreeze burning off of something hot in your engine bay. check all coolant hoses for pinholes. squeeze them and move them around. watch very carefully for any coolant that may escape from the hose at any spot. the system is pressurized, and when it builds pressure while driving is most likely when the leak will occur.

do you have any temperature gauge spikes? thats another thing to look for with coolant leaks. check literally EVERY hose on the car.
