My Supra is almost dead help!!

Wayne G.

87Turbo 5sp Targa
Apr 19, 2005
Yesterday drove to work all was fine, went out to the car to drive home
and the supra started but did not have "any" power at all. It was acting
like it did once when I forgot to reconect the air flow meter would start run
but would not except and throttle. Anyway I nursed the car about 4-5 miles
but with the throttle required it was trying to build boost 6-7 or so still
was not getting anywhere. So I stopped the car cut the engine and checked
the engine--the turbo was RED hot and the overflow tank was boiling over.
The engine will only start and idle at this point.
Did the head gasket go big time or could it be something else ie electrical???
Your educated gusses would be appreciated.

87 turbo targa 5sp


New Member
Hey wayne, sory to hear about your car man. I'm just getting my own and don't know much yet but your problem sounds like one I am having. If I disconnect the TPS the car runs better than if I have it connected leading to a TPS that I had to replace. Unplug the TPS and see what happens.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Wayne G. said:
Yesterday drove to work all was fine, went out to the car to drive home
and the supra started but did not have "any" power at all. It was acting
like it did once when I forgot to reconect the air flow meter would start run
but would not except and throttle. Anyway I nursed the car about 4-5 miles
but with the throttle required it was trying to build boost 6-7 or so still
was not getting anywhere. So I stopped the car cut the engine and checked
the engine--the turbo was RED hot and the overflow tank was boiling over.
The engine will only start and idle at this point.
Did the head gasket go big time or could it be something else ie electrical???
Your educated gusses would be appreciated.

87 turbo targa 5sp

The stardard "help me" reply: Check your codes & let us know what you find. What ever it is, I hate it for you though.


The Don
Mar 31, 2005
Med-City, USA (Rochester, MN)
Maybe an IC hose that blew off or an IC issue? Any noticable black smoke blowing out the exhaust?

This sounds a lot like when I blew a side off my MKIV IC - I had black smoke and ran like you describe.

Wayne G.

87Turbo 5sp Targa
Apr 19, 2005
Thanks for the tips guys, as I work full time I do not have the time or
place to sort this thing out. Our homeowners assoc. does not permite you
to work on a vech. outside. SO it is at the Toyota dealership being diagnosed as I write this. It is curious that this problem started once or twice before when the A/C was turned on??, however cleared up right away.
In any case I will post the results of the checkout with Toyota.


ps still love this automobile and WILL sort it out---