Men's Restroom Predicament, Input Needed.

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
Reference before reading.

I found myself in an interesting situation at about 7:00 PM yesterday, August 16... Let me begin.
My new wife and I were on the way home from our Cozumel honeymoon. Everything was going just fine. We made it the airport with time to spare, I met a retired Firefighter from Kansas in the American Airlines check-in line and had a nice conversation with him to make the time pass a little faster. Our flight boarded on time, they showed an episode of "The Office" that I had never seen before and we landed in Dallas/Ft. Worth early. Immigration and Customs paperwork correctly filled out, we then re-checked our bags, breezed through security, shuffled across the terminal to gate C-11, where our next flight would be boarding from, and even had enough time to grab a bite to eat before our flight to Washington D.C. We had finished eating a light dinner from Wendy's during which I drank roughly 32oz. of bottled water (dehydration is a travelers worst enemy). This, my friends, is were the situation gets hairy.

Being that I am 6'2", 255lbs, I try to avoid using airplane bathrooms. In the past I have crossed the Atlantic 4 times and never used the airplane's bathroom once. I was not going to tarnish my sterling record on a measly flight from DFW to IAD. I located the appropriate facility and began reviewing "Male Restroom Etiquette" protocol in my head. I rounded the corner and began the process of elimination in my search for the best urinal. There were 9 regular urinals and 1 urinal mounted several inches lower. Wanting to maintain the "one urinal buffer zone" I found myself in this predicament.The only urinal that I could use and not violate the "one urinal buffer zone" was, indeed, the urinal mounted lower on the wall. Some readers may be wondering "What is the problem?" I have to agree, my first instinct was to use the lower urinal and been done with it, finish my business and get the hell out. As I took a step toward the urinal of stunted growth I began pondering the logic behind placing a urinal several inches lower than the rest. Several reasons came to mind. Children, little people, I don't know, maybe even generously endowed specimens. It was then I began to question my choice in the urination process. I thought to myself, "Here I am, all 6'2" 255lbs. of me, getting ready to use a urinal with an obviously specific demographic of which I definitively do not belong to." Then I asked myself the inevitable question, "What if?". What if a loving father brings a child in dire need into the restroom, for the child using a "big boy potty" would be a highpoint in the day, for the father, one more victory in the dirty diaper war. What if a little person, just trying to live his life, comes into that restroom hoping to find a lowered urinal. A lowered urinal! One small justice ( no pun intended, teehee) in a world ripe with injustice. Both of these noble persons may at anytime round the same corner I did and be elated to see the prized "low urinal", then have their elation obliterated by the looming shadow of the "six-foot-two, two-hundred-fifty-five-pound meanie". The thought of those brave souls stopped me in my tracks.

It was then I was faced with a daunting decision. Break the man-law that is the "one urinal buffer zone" and use a regular size urinal; or remain a man in the eyes of my peeing peers, maintain the hallowed no-mans-land by whizzing in the low urinal, thus trouncing the hopes of any who are physically restrained to the nether regions of the bathroom. I began to sweat.


Destroyer of Turbos
Mar 30, 2005
Plano, TX
in the time it took you to post that i went to the bathroom 3 times.....

in all seriousness i would go for the low one (yes even being 6'1" myself) and do the half squat. if father and son come in more than likely i will be passing them on the way out. i treat the bathroom like a pit stop, how quick can i be in and out.


The quiet one
Oct 29, 2005
I just use the toilet, standing. Ultimate buffer of a hard panel between you and the world. Plus with a toilet you can stand back far enough that splashback or mist won't hit you.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Hey, I'm on shift at DFW Airport right now.

As for the urinal thing. I would've had no issue pissing in the shorty urinal.

No way in hell am I going to enter a stall just to piss. 99% of the time you'll walk in to find a toilet full of shit. I'll violate the urinal code of conduct before I do that. And all this homophobia associated with urnials is quite funny.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
I was completely unaware of this whole rule. I use the urinal thats open, thats it.

If I dont have to be right next to another dude, I wont be, but I wont leave the restroom to come back later when I can have my ten feet of privacy, lol.


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
In this situation I would head for a stall. If there were no stalls available, i would use the short urinal. The only time I will neglect to follow the spacing rule is when the three following conditions are met. 1) I really have to piss. 2) All other options are exhausted. 3) There is a divider between urinals. If any one of these conditions are not met, I will wait. If waiting is not an option (line situation) I will take my business elsewhere.
I was once at seekonk speedway (1/3 mi oval track) I waited 15 mins to go to the bathroom. The ancient facility contained an artifact some men refer to unfondly as the trough. The trough was not only overcrowded, but the "bathroom attendant" was sitting in a lawn chair at the end of the trough Looking down it, where he was eye level with the line of discharging penises. I immediately evacuated the area, and then hiked all the way around the track to locate the underrated safe haven better known as a portapotty.