Living in a cul-de-sac


Zero State
Mar 31, 2005
Anybody else get paranoid about unidentified cars? So I live in a cul-de-sac type street. Pretty quiet neighborhood save for sometimes I'm working in the garage until 2am or later. Not a lot of loud noises, kind of a safe area, except robberies happen every now and then, but generally low crime. There's also a no parking from 3am to 5am on the street without a permit law to keep unidentified cars off the streets. I usually come home late, around 1 to 2am on weekends after work. Sometimes there are cars I don't recognize sitting outside on the street at this hour. Most of my neighbors cars and their relatives cars I can identify, but every now and again I get some car that doesn't ring a bell. After my neighbor had a vehicle stolen out of their driveway awhile back, I started tagging descriptions and license plate numbers of suspicious vehicles, just in case. Sometimes the cars are occupied.

Well, tonight there was a couple of cars, one with very foggy windows, both small cars. I approached and shined my flashlight through, and they had covered their faces. My guess is they were some teens getting high and smoking weed, either that or having sex, although the foggy windowed car was a Yaris, not exactly the romp vehicle of choice :icon_bigg. I walked away and stood in my garage, the Yaris started up and drove away. I waited, knowing someone would come get the other car. He finally did, and at first tried to casually get in the car and drive away as I called out to him a couple times. I tried not to be a dick about it, but my tone ended up more interrogator like than friendly since he had ignored my first few calls. Our conversation went as follows:

Me: "What were you guys doing in the Yaris?"
Him: "What Yaris? I just came from my friends house. My friend lives over there." (Pointing in the opposite direction he came from)
Me: "Uh-huh, let me see your eyes." (eyes were bloodshot red)
Him: "We weren't smoking weed or anything."
Me: "Look, I really don't mind what you do, just find a better place to do it. I'm not as crazy as I seem to be, I just come home late often, and the last thing I need is to be paranoid about an unknown car in the street, thinking someone might be robbed."

I know my local Sheriff patrols fairly often, especially during that 3-5am mark. I've tried weed, did the whole hotbox thing in a neighborhood, just not my thing. I suppose I gave them a little scare, but better for them it was me and not the Sheriff. The last time a car was in my street, the couple inside were doing the deed :naughty:, and I hit them with a floodlamp and politely asked them to finish up and leave. I know they were doing it, because I found their used condom on the street the next day:3d_frown:... Good thing street sweeping is weekly. Whatever happened to going to the park at night?

My friend just told me congratulations, I am now that old man who yells at kids to get off his lawn. I'm fine with that.


Nov 2, 2008
M-Town Avoyelles parish La.
hahaah yea i definately am suspicious about unknown vehicles... specially if they are fallowing closely and whatnot... but yea i get paranoid about things like that... down my road there isn't anything that ever happend but there is always a chance that something could.... jsut be cautious....


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
I live in a cul-de-sac also and have been paranoid since my wifes truck was broken into last year. They did catch the people you were doing it though. Before they caught them they had moved from breaking in cars into breaking into garages.

The guy behind me found some kids trying to break into his lower garage, he held them at gunpoint until the police arrived. The people that do these things don't even live in my neighborhood.

I'm so paranoid now I hate to even have my garages doors open for any length of time. I've got several dirtbikes and those things are easy to steal. That's what they were after at my neighbors house. I live in a nice neighborhood and then these fuckers ride through here looking for shit to steal.

I seriously hope I don't end up killing someone, but If I ever catch someone in my house, or garage they will be shot.


May 7, 2005
Surrey BC
I lived on a cul-de-sac for 20 years with my parents, before I moved out on my own. for the most part I wasnt to concerned about the cars coming and going, even with a, in my opinon... drug dealer living at the end of the street. His customers were regulars, so I got no know even their cars. As for cars coming and going late at night, well if I saw them come in I would make sure they saw me watching them, keep a quiet eye on them, But most the time they were there for good reason.

Funny story about when I finally decided to go say something to a car that was parked across the street daily for weeks. I went across the street, bang on the window. Guy rolls down the window:

Me: hey, what the hell are you doing here everyday for hours??
Him: Ummm, *pulls out his badge* Survellence operation
Me: oh..... cool... anything I should be concerned about?
Him: I cant say yes, or no. But no, no one is in any direct danger
Me: ok sweet. Have a good one!
Him: you too
Dec 3, 2003
lol Daryl.

I was wondering about those cul da sac areas, and whether or not they are good or not.

If I was to approach a car, I would have something besides a flashlight, in case. ;)



Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
I stand on my porch with my assault rifle. So strange cars already know whats up when they ride by.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
upgradedsupra;1465559 said:
lol Daryl.

I was wondering about those cul da sac areas, and whether or not they are good or not.


Cul de sacs are usually a good place to be located. The neighbors are usually close knit, and keep an eye on everything. They know who belongs and who doesn't. That can also be a downfall. If you move to a shit bag infested cul de sac where everyone is a shit bag and your not, your stuff will probably end up missing. They all know each other, they know your schedule, and they will cover for each other.
Dec 3, 2003
When we were thinking of moving, we were thinking an area such as this, minus the shit bags of course. I can see everyone watching one another to check on things, but, you don't really know people until you move. Maybe scope an area for weeks before do a final sale, see what people do etc... :)

I think we will stay here since we have been in this house longer than all of our neighbors.


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
Most of the people in my cul-de-sac have kids my age or older. Atleast they are quiet for the most part.


New Member
Jul 18, 2009
i live in a cul-de-sac and we just noticed one of the kids that lives around here lookin in some cars. so we all know who it is hes even been confronted and he was busted last night again so we are all keeping an extra eye out.
we think it might have to do with drugs if hes trying to breck into cars in his own cul-de-sac not smart :3d_frown:

flight doc89

Registered Murse
Apr 21, 2006
Bessemer, Alabama, United States
I live 5 minutes out of town. Don't have to worry that kind of stuff. Besides, if someone messes with my house before I introduce them to my neighbor, their german shepherd will eat the people alive, or at least make enough noise to wake the neighbor :D (Once I introduce them, the dog is fine).

Move out of town and get rid of your neighbors and you wont need to be (as) paranoid.


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
I live on an upper middle class cul-de-sac as well. Used to think it was a safe place but shitbags target cul-de-sacs. I had a car stolen, suspicious people exc. cops wont even roll out, they're completely useless, were on our own so we look out for each other. Im the one up late so essentially I look out for them. Theres suspicious vehicles sitting there, that speed off when you go outside. I have scared the shit out of people my lil bro invites over without telling me.
One night a friend and I spotted a guy breaking into the neighbors house through the window. We were both pretty drunk so we opted to watch and call the cops, instead of jumping the guy and potentially gettting arrested. Guy spotted us and hid in the bushes like we didnt see him. Cop shows up and we tell him whats going on. He calls for back up. 30 seconds later another cop rolls up and hops out of his car hand on gun maglighting us in the eyes telling us show hands. Other cop explains that we were the RPs. meanwhile guy makes a run for it. 6 cops set up a perimiter, and despite being trapped inside a 12 house block, he gets away. So were pretty much on our own.
Ive caught a couple guys in my back yard, one of which tried to enter my basment. He was met with a baseball bat, but lucky for him, im not a fast runner. I dont even call the cops because they usually dont even show up.
I have lots of stuff outside such as my jetskis and landscape equip and ill be damned to let someone take them.

Bottom line no matter where you go your gonna deal with shitbags. If they dont live near you they will come to you.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
Damn, either I'm oblivious or I just live in nice places. I've had my windshield smashed, my car stereo stolen, but thats it. Nothing involving people breaking and entering and scoping out cars and garages.

Crazy shit. Never really dealt with it, but I'm ready. Someone breaking into my place/garage now would be met with a .40 sig pointed at their chest...


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
This has nothing to do with a cul-de-sac but my car was stolen out of the walmart parking lot, it was jeep cherokee laredo. It was stolen by escapies from an anger management facility. They ended up getting in a high speed chase and rolled the thing and turned it into a peace of modern art. When we went to the tow yard we looked inside of it there was blood everywhere especially where the dash smashed into the passenger seat. Other than the injuries substained they got away with it scott free, supposedly there juvenile officer filed the paperwork but it got "lost".


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
I live in one of these. We've had an occasional problem, but nothing serious. There's this old retired guy who lives at the end of the street who notices and records *everything*. We're reasonably certain he used to work for some sort of intelligence agency, but he won't say - which is a sign, I guess. Had a mobile drug dealer working out of his caddy for a couple nights. These kids carry more often than not, too. Old guy exits house, walks over to the car, in full view of everyone on the street. Talks to the dealer for ~5 minutes, then goes back in his house. Drug dealer fires up the caddy and leaves, never to be seen again in the area. When asked about it, the old guy simply says he explained a little about life to the kids.

The same guy stopped by the house one day to let me know when a shingle blew off my roof.

I kind of like having him around. He's better than a security guard.


New Member
Jul 18, 2009
the same guy again last night with 6 or 7 in of snow on the ground broke into the car next door and attempted mine before he was meet with the end of my pistol we live in a exspensive part of the area as well nothing around is under 300,000 and still got this shit. o well the kid did get arrested last night cause i called the cops and waited out side freezing my ass off


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
karlmk3;1466117 said:
the same guy again last night with 6 or 7 in of snow on the ground broke into the car next door and attempted mine before he was meet with the end of my pistol we live in a exspensive part of the area as well nothing around is under 300,000 and still got this shit. o well the kid did get arrested last night cause i called the cops and waited out side freezing my ass off

Wait?! You pistol whipped a car thief last night? Thats fucking awesome.


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
None of the stuff that has happened in my neighborhood has been from actual people that live here.

I hate people that think they can go around stealing from others who have worked for it.