July Meet


New Member
Jul 6, 2011
Portland OR
Wow, thanks for the offer, bloodasp90!!!

I just went over to PRE and dropped all the rest of my discretionary income but it STILL won't be enough to get it running. Wiring harness is a week late today getting there, and Jason said he was investigating that when I called this morning. Groan. Estimate is more than 4 grand more than I have, but he was really nice about working with my budget. So far it's custom wiring harness for the 1JZ going in, motor mounts for same, new battery, new brackets made for tranny cooler, speedo cable (disabled cruise control and AC; ask me how much I care!), radiator hoses, 3-1/2" items supplied were too big, not enough room in there (he showed me), and a few other things that escape me at the moment. Argh! I guess I'll have to go buy some lottery tickets to come up with the funds to finish off the new estimate of 6500$. (Now I have to go lie down in a dark room for awhile to recover.) Maybe next year I can get her repainted. She's midnight blue, but has that peeling-sunburn clear coat look . . . oh but she's sweet. I can't wait to get her moving on her own power. Oh, and yep, I'm sure it was newer than 89, that gorgeous blue one I saw at the car wash. Brighter blue than I want, but still! Where's my hanky? I'm drooling at the thought. Again!!!

Is there going to be a meet anytime soon, does anyone know?