John Kerry loves the military.....


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
rakkasan said:
You're right, research is key to everything. By researching, you would have found out that Tricare Extra & Standard are options to the family member, whereas Prime is available to all, free of charge.

So, when are you going to post the information for the second planned pay raise in '07?

Keep throwing the slow balls across the plate, I'll knock them out of the park every time.

I DID post it. It's here:

On April 1, warrant officers and some middle-grade enlisted will get a second basic pay raise, the latest in series of adjustments to keep the pay table competitive. Warrant officers raises will range from .8 percent to 8.3 percent, depending on grade and years of service. Enlisted grades E-5 with 8 or more years of service, and E-6 and E-7 grades with 12 years or more service will see April raises of 1.2 percent to 2.5 percent.

This means if you're a grunt with UNDER 8 years, you get 2.2%. If you're an E-6 or E-7 with UNDER 12 years, you get 2.2%. Is that FACTUAL enough to suit you.

You are also correct. Active Duty personel DO get FREE health care. TriCare Prime and Extra are most used by activated Reservists and Guardsmen for their families. The actual increase in costs of drugs was to the Dept of Defense, NOT to the servicemember. My error.



Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Greg55_99 said:
I DID post it. It's here:

On April 1, warrant officers and some middle-grade enlisted will get a second basic pay raise, the latest in series of adjustments to keep the pay table competitive. Warrant officers raises will range from .8 percent to 8.3 percent, depending on grade and years of service. Enlisted grades E-5 with 8 or more years of service, and E-6 and E-7 grades with 12 years or more service will see April raises of 1.2 percent to 2.5 percent.

This means if you're a grunt with UNDER 8 years, you get 2.2%. If you're an E-6 or E-7 with UNDER 12 years, you get 2.2%. Is that FACTUAL enough to suit you.
So there's actually three pay raises. The standard 2.2%, the enlisted 'targeted' & the officers 'longevity' raise. the standard 2.2% isn't huge, but in 2000, the E-1's made $930.30/mo. In 2007, they will make $1301. That's nearly a 40% raise in 6 years, and that's not good?


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Greg55_99 said:
Let me tell you what my "point" is. You slam John Kerry, a decorated combat veteran

I'll only quote this part..
Time and time again, I hear people refer to Kerry as a "veteran". Bullshit.
He's not a veteran, he's a two-faced scumbag who turned against the people who he fought beside during the war.


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
well,it's true if you think about it. how many of you that have served in the military have met someone who was dangerous just pumping gas or re-filling the cigarette machine? i'm not saying that all of the men/women who are over there serving and defending someone elses' country are idiots,but i've known a few.and i shudder to think that they have guns

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
This has nothing to do with anything, as already pointed out. The left cherry picks items and tries to exploit it to redirect from the issue at hand. And that issue is that liberals view the military minorities as dumb, poor, have no future and losers in general at life.

John Kerry said:
I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown, We must not repeat the travesty of the inequities present during Vietnam. I also fear having a professional army that views the perpetuation of war crimes as simply 'doing its job

So there is the issue at hand. It was no joke, it is his opinion. And it the opinion of others on the left. As they want him to shut up and go away. Not one liberal in the press or politician has come out and say that he was wrong in his statement. So read the information from the heritage foundation and find out who serves, despite what people like Michael Moore try to pass off as facts.

Stop redirecting Greg.

liberals said:
the military isn't there for people to earn a living, it has always been low paying
When asked why service members should not recieve a raise.

John Kerry like all liberals view the US military as the worlds great evil. No matter how you redirect, that will always be the issue.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
supraman7mgte said:
well,it's true if you think about it. how many of you that have served in the military have met someone who was dangerous just pumping gas or re-filling the cigarette machine? i'm not saying that all of the men/women who are over there serving and defending someone elses' country are idiots,but i've known a few.and i shudder to think that they have guns

mouth breathers are everywhere. Does "do you want to supersize your order" sound familiar?

EDIT: Not directed towards anyone in particular, just saying that people that are dumb than a bucket of rocks can be found in any field of work....


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Greg55_99 said:
Let me tell you what my "point" is. You slam John Kerry, a decorated combat veteran, because he "inferred" that troops in Iraq are stupid. That has been "inferred" as his opinion (not the truth). Yet when presented with evidence that the Bush administration has:

-Underfunded the troops and support equipment
-Overextended troop rotations
-Not provided proper body armour to troops
-Not provided inexepensive medical drugs to military families in favor of lobbyists
-Increased out of pocket medical expenses to military families
-Given troops the SMALLEST pay raise in years
-Not given Reservists and Guardsmen their fair share of benefits
-Decreased Veterans benefits for Iraq War Veterans

After all of this, instead of slamming the Bush Administration for what they have DONE to the troops, you slam John Kerry... who has done NOTHING to the troops.

Why is your sense of outrage directed at Kerry?


You have zero clue about the military do you? Let me break down your nonsense point by point. Unlike you, I served. Unlike you, I was over there.

Underfunded the troops and support equipment
The guard and reserve, the troops that were under funded for awhile, have always been under funded. That’s not news. What was really news, was the democrats in congress that voted against military funding to get them the equipment they needed. Kerry voted against funding, fyi. What was news, were the dems grandstanding and delaying the money the troops needed.

Overextended troop rotations
News flash. Year rotations were in effect even before 9/11. Nothing new. We were doing this before the war.

Not provided proper body armour to troops
Money issue, already covered.

Not provided inexepensive medical drugs to military families in favor of lobbyists
-Increased out of pocket medical expenses to military families
Absolute total horseshit. All medical except cosmetic (no free boob jobs), is absolutely 100% free.

-Given troops the SMALLEST pay raise in years
Actualy, that was Clinton. He made sure that military pay stayed behind inflation for a decade. Because of him, when I first joined the military, I qualified for foodstamps.

One of the first things bush did when he became president was give the military the largest payraise in almost two decades. Then every year since then he has given us out of cycle pay raises (which you were trying to say accounted for our total raises) that we NEVER got from clinton. The out of cycles were to fix Clinton spitting in our face, and to get us back above inflation. Bush has been awesome for military pay.

Not given Reservists and Guardsmen their fair share of benefits

Again, BS. G and R now have all the benefits of AD.

-Decreased Veterans benefits for Iraq War Veterans

Where are you getting this horseshit? I am a disabled (VA 20%) GWII veteran. Our benefits are the highest they have ever been in the history of the US military.

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
Good job guys!::salute:: You've effectively ripped greg 55 a "new one"!!!:biglaugh: I never fail to get a laugh from these wacko liberals,:nuts: and their convoluted ideals, that they claim to stand for!!!:confused: Priceless!:boink:

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
supraman7mgte said:
well,it's true if you think about it. how many of you that have served in the military have met someone who was dangerous just pumping gas or re-filling the cigarette machine? i'm not saying that all of the men/women who are over there serving and defending someone elses' country are idiots,but i've known a few.and i shudder to think that they have guns

Yeah, everyone just grabs a "gun" and goes out and does their own thing once you're outta' basic training! It's really cool, cause' ya' can go shoot at anything ya' want!!!:icon_razz No sergeants or officers to worry about, or obey...:naughty: cause their doin' it too!

WHAT A FREAKIN" IDIOT! Stay out of this thread please, you obiviously lack the intelligence to comprehend the subject matter!:flamed: :biglaugh:


Backroads Driver
Jul 15, 2006
91T breezen' said:
Yeah, everyone just grabs a "gun" and goes out and does their own thing once you're outta' basic training! It's really cool, cause' ya' can go shoot at anything ya' want!!!:icon_razz No sergeants or officers to worry about, or obey...:naughty: cause their doin' it too!

WHAT A FREAKIN" IDIOT! Stay out of this thread please, you obiviously lack the intelligence to comprehend the subject matter!:flamed: :biglaugh:

are you out of your mind 91T? people in the army really shoot and do things they aren't supposed to. just b/c there is authority doesn't mean it doesnt happen. think of the prisoners, or the vietnam war.

don't tell people to leave the thread when they are right. in fact, you are wrong, and should probably do research before you post again.

thanks :)


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
bonus12 said:
are you out of your mind 91T? people in the army really shoot and do things they aren't supposed to. just b/c there is authority doesn't mean it doesnt happen. think of the prisoners, or the vietnam war.

don't tell people to leave the thread when they are right. in fact, you are wrong, and should probably do research before you post again.

thanks :)

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... so everyone in the Army goes out and shoots things and does things they aren't supposed to huh? You realize if that was the case, then the Army probably would've been done away with right?

Common sense > your post


Backroads Driver
Jul 15, 2006
SupraDerk said:
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... so everyone in the Army goes out and shoots things and does things they aren't supposed to huh? You realize if that was the case, then the Army probably would've been done away with right?

Common sense > your post

lol. no not everybody. why do you think i said everybody? is there any reason at all? hmmm.... your post = complete garbage.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
bonus12 said:
lol. no not everybody. why do you think i said everybody? is there any reason at all? hmmm.... your post = complete garbage.

bonus12 said:
are you out of your mind 91T? people in the army really shoot and do things they aren't supposed to. just b/c there is authority doesn't mean it doesnt happen. think of the prisoners, or the vietnam war.

don't tell people to leave the thread when they are right. in fact, you are wrong, and should probably do research before you post again.

thanks :)

I have no idea where I could've gotten a silly idea like that. I guess when you say "people in the army" I should automatically assume you don't mean the people that make up the army (aka everyone in the army).


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Just like Kerry's real feelings came out, so did bonus12's. Apparently because I was in the military, I'm a lame fuck. Haha.

It's just too much fun watching your rep bars dissappear when I hit ya. You have given me a new mission in life. I see red in your future, coward.


Backroads Driver
Jul 15, 2006
outofstep said:
Just like Kerry's real feelings came out, so did bonus12's. Apparently because I was in the military, I'm a lame fuck. Haha.

It's just too much fun watching your rep bars dissappear when I hit ya. You have given me a new mission in life. I see red in your future, coward.

lighten up.

SupraDerk said:

I have no idea where I could've gotten a silly idea like that. I guess when you say "people in the army" I should automatically assume you don't mean the people that make up the army (aka everyone in the army).

you should instead assume that i mean more than one person.

person plural = people. forget about it though, i don't want to teach english right now.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
bonus12 said:
you should instead assume that i mean more than one person.

person plural = people. forget about it though, i don't want to teach english right now.

Or you should learn how to structure a sentence so that it says what you want it to say. People does = plural, no shit! Thank you for pointing out something I already know. Which is why when you say "people in the army"... that can be taken as the people that make up the army...thus leading to EVERYONE in the army.