Jimi's build update


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
Bigzavs;1567162 said:
was wondering recently what youd been up to, sorry to hear about the HG tho

What up Ben. No biggie, I knew it was a long shot, but thought I would give it a try anyway, seeing how hard it is to track down a well built engine. So what have you been up to? Did you join the military or what?

gtsfirefighter;1567289 said:
Thread revival... :wOOt:

Good luck Jimi!

Thanks Ken, So hows your supie treating ya?


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
gtsfirefighter;1568259 said:
It's engine-less right now just taking up space in the driveway. Big plans though....

That sux, I thought you had found a good one...bummer....

IBoughtASupra;1568267 said:
How did it blow? The wastegate did not open and over boosted? No fuel cut?

No, It's a long story, but the head was warped slightly from the rear timing cover not being decked with the block (thanks JARCO!), that blew HG #1 on cylinder #1, and then I redid the rear timing cover to match the block But did not redeck the head as it was at it's limit. Put a new HG on but the head was warped from being bolted down to an uneven surface..so yeah...this is the result.....