Jimi's build update


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
jimi87-t: I'm awestruck.
Also, post pics of the supe blushing. That, I gotta see. lol
Excellent work, man. I take it you come from a Mustang background?

:edit: please show how you made the mustang rad work, because, IIRC, isnt the inlet/outlet perfectly opposite to our original configuration?


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
Well for anyone keeping up, I found the air leak. It was just a vac line that I forgot to hook up for the heater valve:icon_redf

But, a new irritation has popped up, valve clatter at about 2500 rpms. Car sounds like a mercedes diesel, but only at 2500. Quiet as a mouse, at start up, before 2500, and after 2500.

I double checked to make sure it wasn't knock by unplugging spark plug wires, it didn't go away. So I figure Jarco did a half ass job on the shims.

Car is not throwing any codes, I just get a steady blink. So no problems there.
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shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440

What the hell are you running for wheels/tires?? lol, they look real skinny, and hardly "H" rated...


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
Thanks guys!

Yep, I come from a mustang background, how could ya tell, HAHA. Actually I do, There is a 67 parked next to the Sup in the garage, but that didn't influence me picking parts for the Sup, it just happened to work that way. (also the gauge pillar is for a stang, haha, until I get my full replacement pillar. It was a cheap alternative -$29- I found at the parts place just to get her up and running).

I wanted the Mustang "style" rad for the lay out, and yes it's opposite of stock. Even so, I have the lower hose coming out in front of the PS pump and not wrapping around behind, I was able to do so because the PS reservoir was moved and the mounting tab was cut off. So the flow is actually more direct. Not to mention this rad was way cheaper cost wise than a stock aluminum replacement (domestic performance parts usually are, just like the TB). And it has a little more surface area too. I'll try to get pics of the underside to show the mount I fabbed up.

supra90turbo said:
What the hell are you running for wheels/tires?? lol, they look real skinny, and hardly "H" rated...

HAHA, they are the stockers, came with the car when I bought it, over 3 years ago ( I've only driven the car MAYBE 10 times since I bought it) Yeah traction is a problem, I drove it for the first time today after getting her running, tires broke lose pulling out of the drive, taking off onto road, around almost every corner, and pulling back into the drive. And this was all while trying to keep the revs down for the fresh build. (I think it has more to do with the 70mm TB being too sensitive)
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shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
So, is the lower hose coming out of the LH side of the radiator? Or are they both on the same side vis-a-vis a Scirocco radiator?

Also, is it possible to give me some dimensions on that radiator? Is it for a '67 or possibly Fox Body? I've been looking at radiators for that same purpose. I want to get rid of the factory upper hose routing. i feel it cleans up the front of the engine immensely.

If you're looking for an A-Pillar guage pod, I have a Lotek one here that I could get rid of. It's for 60mm gauges, however...


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
It's a cross flow rad, so the outlet is on the driver side. The dimensions are: 26" x 19" according to the manufacture, (I measured it as 26" x 18.5"). It's a tight squeeze, but it clears all the AC and PS lines running along the inside of the frame rails. It's not for a 67 (the 67 rad is smaller). It is a universal, with a mustang lay out. So it's not really made for a specific car. The only thing about it is clearing all the pulleys and belts with the lower hose. I can barely fit my finger between the AC compressor pulley and the outlet hose on the rad. The lower hose also had to be secured to the fan bracket to miss the crank pulley. I will get some pics and post them up. Here is a linkJegs RAD.
Is the pillar for only one gauge? I only need one.
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
Ok here are some pics, hope these help, the lower mount is made of steel.






^^^There is a diagram for ya, blue = steel mount, red= rubber pad


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
And no, sarichmond, I have not forgot to put something together to show the air box. I just can't seem to get good pics, everything is black, so it's hard to see.

Side note I got an 89+ CC installed today, and put red LEDs in place of the green ones.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
NICE!! Thanks Jimi, that's great, and nice diagram! ;)
It seems a bit tall, though, isnt it? It looks like the bottom goes quite a bit lower than the original lower mounts, no?

I'm sure there will be no issues, though. Can't argue with the price at all!

Also, sorry, my A-Pillar pod is a two gauge.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
Thanks guys

Get your sweet A$$ ride on the road first
Haha, I'm working on it:biglaugh:

It looks like the bottom goes quite a bit lower than the original lower mounts

It does hang lower than the stock, but I think the pic makes it look lower than it is. I could even move it up about an inch if I wanted to. When the fenders were off, I could see the clearance from the side, I still have plenty of room before the cap would hit the hood.

I'm actually going to build a block off/ tunnel from the bottom of the IC to the rad to help force all the air into the rad instead of going under, but as of yet temps are staying dead on, even with only one fan.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
I wouldn't imagine it would be a problem, Jimi, just being a nitpick.
I'm hoping to make a shroud for my IC as well, I even have been tossing around the idea of a v-mount... but that's for much later when I can actually think about that. Building the engine is first!
What I think i'm going to end up doing, however is I'm probably going to pick up a Scirocco style radiator inside the support area where the AC condenser should be.
Time will tell, on that one, though.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
supra90turbo said:
What I think i'm going to end up doing, however is I'm probably going to pick up a Scirocco style radiator inside the support area where the AC condenser should be.

That would be kick arse!


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
I'm hoping it will, Jimi.
Now just to go gather up some measurements, which is difficult, since my garage is not heated/insulated and any time spent in there is cold... so I'm just putting it off... I'm supposed to be getting a Diesel heater for that place, but "out of sight, out of mind" I dont think about it, it's been too cold! By the time I start seriously thinking about a heater for that place, it's gonna be April, and I wont have to bother with it, lol.