Hello 911? I'm a dumbass....


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
wow, felony for that? Im definately not passing through Colorado on my way to TX this fall...lol

as for the OP, thanks for being a stand up guy and reporting his ass.

I will admit somewhat reluctantly that I have gotten behind the wheel when I was far too toasted to drive safely. Fortunately for me, I was never involved in anything bad, but I know now it could have been different. After my wife asked me to move out, I quit drinking and have been sober 7months now.

I know you all are just kidding, but shooting on sight is little harsh for drunk driving...sometimes people just make mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes have serious consequences. Fortunately for the kid in this case no one was hurt, hopefully it will be a wake up call for him!


exander said:
No I wasn't innocent, but all I was doing was driving somewhat fast. I hear about so many drunk drivers that just get a slap on the wrist if that. Look at New Mexico for example. They have people that have like 8 dui's and still have their liscense. In my case it was the first time I've ever been pulled over and they try and stick me with a felony. That's bullshit, I lose half my legal rights because of a speeding ticket.

Oh yeah, I was only going 90
First, at 90mph on an open road you are putting people in danger...to think otherwise is just completely 100% moronic and ignorant.

Secondly..driving is a privilege. Rights are not something you have to be tested for...i.e. voting... privileges are things you earn..by being responsible adults and knowing the laws....which you obviously do not if you feel that 90mph is not dangerous


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
Oh come on i dont mean to sound how this is going to sound but youve never gone 90 mph on an open road lanky

i agree with you on the rights and privaliges though


Pie + NYQuil = FTW
Apr 5, 2005
Edmonds, Wa
rofl? 90 is weak sauce. Before I got my racing ticket I used to race kids all the time through traffic doing 120 +..

Hence the racing ticket :rofl:


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
sitting back, eating popcorn, waiting for the flaming to begin...........:flamed:

Great job squid. This will help build character. Not everyone is capable of doing the right thing. Takes heart to know when someone is doing wrong and then stand up to them................lol and respect.


silent_sniper said:
Oh come on i dont mean to sound how this is going to sound but youve never gone 90 mph on an open road lanky

i agree with you on the rights and privaliges though
to say i've never done ninety on an open road would be blatant lie...ask Squid...ask any of the Toyota Supra club of Va guys...they know...ask my Fiance who rides with me some nights when I just get in that mood.

However, I don't for the first moment beleive it isn't incredibly dangerous to myself and others...there is absolutely no way to know that traffic (be it one car or ten) will not appear on any given stretch of public highway..the ONLY way 90mph is safe...(safe is obviously a relative term here) is on a closed course, a controlled environment public highways are not such.

I know and accept the DANGERS...involved...the risks to other people..again as squid what I did to my 73 celica..i'll show you pics if you like...and I had a good friend riding with me when I did it...i knew what I was doing..i knew the dangers and so did he...I chose to accept responsibilty, and that choice could have (althought thankfully it didn't) cost me alot..including my friends life.

I love speed...i love driving the hell out of my car, squid can again testify to that as he followed my through my favorite twisties last winter...but I never..ever...ever try to say its not dangerous for any reason be it a hardly travelled road...late at night...or a straight stretch that is visible the full length. Imho, being sober and speeding and causing harm to an innocent bystander is worse than being Drunk and doing it...becuase when you are sober you are in complete control of yourself. I'm not excusing drunk driving just explaining my standpoint.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
just so you dont take this wrong, this is not a personal attack...I just love a good discussion!

lanky189 said:
Imho, being sober and speeding and causing harm to an innocent bystander is worse than being Drunk and doing it...becuase when you are sober you are in complete control of yourself.

You have to be kidding! Let me get this straight, if Im sober and I speed on an open road (perpetrating a tminor traffic offence which btw is less than a misdemeanor) and some idiot pulls out in front of me and I hit him causing physical harm...THAT IS WORSE than if I decide to get plowed and CHOOSE to get behind the wheel, then do the exact same thing (which by the way is now a Felony)? So by making TWO bad decisions, they've somehow cancelled each other out being that I wasnt "in my right mind"?

Come on, you dont really believe that do you? Im pretty sure if you thought more about that you would take back what you said. Im hoping you were just saying that to get your point across about how dangerous it can be to take the wheel AT ANY TIME. I mean if the speeder was doing 90 down a residential zone at 8AM with children in the crosswalks...ok...but comparing going 90 on an open road to felony DUI is rediculous.

Lastly, I dont think the poster who mentioned the speeding ticket ever said he didnt think it was dangerous...just that the penalty was a bit stiff.


Anything but Lurker
May 23, 2006
Actually I did say that I wasn't putting anyone in danger, however that is not true I put myself in danger, but that was it period end of discussion, there are no what if's, there was nobody on the road. The cop that pulled me over was just a jack off cop that was fooling around in his cruiser going way faster than I was. He happened to "catch up to me" and then I proceeded to slow down because there were people around me now. I did not know it was a cop yet. He continued to ride my ass for about 5 miles after I slowed down. Once already out of his jurisdiction he turned on his lights. I think he might have waited till he was out of jurisdiction on purpose, because he knew he was doing the same thing in his patrol car and had a guilty conscience perhaps. Anyways the only reason I didn't get the fines is because of that reason. And BTW I do think 90 is a safe speed considering all of the higher speeds we have all driven.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Exander, everyone has an opinion and everyone is entitled to one. I read your whole thread and the only thing that gets me is your very last sentence. Just because we have all driven higher than 90 doesn't make 90 safe. Ninety will never be safe. The time you have to react to a situation is one third what it would be at sixty, and your car is going to take longer to stop. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not preaching. I drive about 90 when I can, if traffic permits. I will never say that it is a safe speed though. I've driven my car at 145 before, but that still doesn't make 90 safe.............lol

I just reread my post and it sounds like I am preaching to you, but I'm not. That would be the pot calling the kettle black. I've always driven fast. I've always had a supra also. Every since 1992 I've owned a supra. I owned a Celica before that. Anyways, I drive fast now, but like Lanky said, I know it's not safe and you will never hear me say that it's safe. I just hope you don't think I'm preaching to you, cause I know at your age it seems like everyone is...........lol


Anything but Lurker
May 23, 2006
No, I know you're not tryin' to preach to me. And I do agree that it isn't safe; I only said it is safe compared to what we have all driven, such as the 120 and up speeds. As for endangering anybody besides me I will simply not do. I will not drive like that with other vehivles anywhere around me. I do however think that Lanky has taken it a little out of perspective by saying "No matter the conditions, driving at hight speeds endangers other peoples lives to include on an empty road"(paraphrased) Now that is just a rediculous statement how can you endanger the non-existant. I already stated in several posts that I do not drive reckless in the presence of others. Therefore I would like to conclude with my original statement, "It is rediculous that speeding charges are sometimes more harsh than DUI charges."


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
If it's true that speeding fines are harsher than DUI fines, then I agree with you. There's no way that I would agree with DUI's being anything less than a felony. Just my two cents worth.............lol


Anything but Lurker
May 23, 2006
suprahero said:
If it's true that speeding fines are harsher than DUI fines, then I agree with you. There's no way that I would agree with DUI's being anything less than a felony. Just my two cents worth.............lol
Well here that is the case. The same state that got STI's for patrol cars also have laws such as anything over 25mph over the speed limit is an automatic felony, vehicle impounded, and liscence revoked. I know of several people that had DUI deferred, now that is some bullshit. The rest only had community service and liscense revocation for 30 days. Which do you think has the steeper penalties?


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
A guy came into my work today that had to breathe into a breathalizer for his truck to start... I just looked at him like this:nono:


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
let me ask you this...is the harshness of the penalty by any chance related to your age? 'Cause you look young to me, and Im not 100% sure but I think some states have very strict policies regarding drivers under the age of 18 (maybe even 21 in some states). Meaning, if your 25 and caught doing 25 over the limit, the penalty is far less than if you're 16 and do the same.

I believe this line of thinking is meant to reduce the number of accidents and therefore fatalities in the less experienced drivers demographic. Im under the impression that statistics shows its working to some degree.

Anyway, I just wondered if that was the case for you.


Anything but Lurker
May 23, 2006
No the only difference with the age is points. Under 18 you are allocated points. 18-21 you are allocated 9 points, and over 21 you are allocated 12 points. My ticket was 12 points by itself. That is the only legal differnce, as far as the cops profiling the 25 under group is a whole 'nother story though.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
That's got to suck. Our laws here aren't near that strict. When I was seventeen, I got two tickets in two nights. I had a total of five at one time on my record. Never was threatened with losing my license. Maybe I should have been, but I wasn't.

Another time I passed a Jefferson County cop doing 115 in my MKII going the same way he was going. It was real foggy and I didn't see him at all. He pulls me over and asked me if I was in a hurry. I said yes, and he told me to slow down and didn't even give me a warning ticket. I was doing 115 in a 55. This was before they changed our speed limit to 65.......Good luck Exander, I wish you the best............lol

Edit: Sorry Squid for hijacking your thread.......lol


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
My first car was a 67 Chevelle. When I was only 19 I already had 29 tickets on my record, including 1 Attempting to elude, 1 wreckless driving, 2 careless driving, and 1 competition of speed. Most of the rest were excessive noise/smoke. My licence was suspended for a total of 3months. ( I also successfully eluded the police 3 times, once in a car, once on a street bike, and once on a dirt bike)

Between the ages of 20 and 30 I had 1 DUI, 3 driving on suspended, a bunch of speeding, and a few no insurance/registration, with a rough total of around 15 tickets. My licence was suspended for a total of 6months.

Between the ages of 31 and 42 I have had 2 tickets. 1 for illegal turn (In Oregon its illegal to turn into anything but the nearest lane, in AZ it is not, wasnt expecting that one), and 1 for no seat belt (brain fart), I was also pulled over once for going 73 in a 55 and was given a warning. I have had no suspensions, my insurance has never lapsed, and I havent forgotten to put on my seat belt once since the ticket.

In over 25 years of driving I have had a total of 3 accidents...NOT ONE was legally my fault, all were at posted speeds and none were paid for by my own insurance co. The most serious was a 35MPH inpact into the side of a car while on my motorcycle (Inattentive driver turned left in front of me...I superman'd over the top of it, the two bottles of beer I had in my backpack were left unbroken...my right leg and left arm were not so lucky)

I would say 2 things about these stats. A) my driving habits have changed B) My luck has also changed.

moral of this long ass post: Slow down! think! use your head for something besides a hatrack, grow up now because you may not live to do it later.

That is all, Peace!
Last edited:


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Good story Weezl. I loved your moral of the story. It's always good to end with a paraphrase or a moral.............lol

I wasn't aware that you are IJ old. Man we've got a lot of old fogies on here...........;) Sorry, I read that here somewhere........."IJ old" like it's a new number or something. I'm not far behind you guys so I better not joke too much..................lol


theWeezL said:
You have to be kidding! Let me get this straight, if Im sober and I speed on an open road (perpetrating a tminor traffic offence which btw is less than a misdemeanor) and some idiot pulls out in front of me and I hit him causing physical harm...THAT IS WORSE than if I decide to get plowed and CHOOSE to get behind the wheel, then do the exact same thing (which by the way is now a Felony)? So by making TWO bad decisions, they've somehow cancelled each other out being that I wasnt "in my right mind"?

Come on, you dont really believe that do you? Im pretty sure if you thought more about that you would take back what you said. Im hoping you were just saying that to get your point across about how dangerous it can be to take the wheel AT ANY TIME. I mean if the speeder was doing 90 down a residential zone at 8AM with children in the crosswalks...ok...but comparing going 90 on an open road to felony DUI is rediculous.

I am not kidding. I didn't say that the penalties should be harsher...just that in my opinnion it is worse to speed, drive irresponsibly, while sober and kill people, than to be drunk and do it. My reasoning is this...when sober you are completely in control of your judgement..there is no impairment whatsoever. When intoxicated it has been proven that your judgement is impaired by the alcohol. Now, am I excusing drunk drivers by any means? No...i take a firm stance on it and side more towards the on spot execution punishment for such offences.

exander said:
Actually I did say that I wasn't putting anyone in danger, however that is not true I put myself in danger, but that was it period end of discussion, there are no what if's, there was nobody on the road. The cop that pulled me over was just a jack off cop that was fooling around in his cruiser going way faster than I was. He happened to "catch up to me" and then I proceeded to slow down because there were people around me now. I did not know it was a cop yet. He continued to ride my ass for about 5 miles after I slowed down. Once already out of his jurisdiction he turned on his lights. I think he might have waited till he was out of jurisdiction on purpose, because he knew he was doing the same thing in his patrol car and had a guilty conscience perhaps. Anyways the only reason I didn't get the fines is because of that reason. And BTW I do think 90 is a safe speed considering all of the higher speeds we have all driven.

Wow...Just curious how old are you? How many friends have lost in single car accidents? Have you ever had a deer or other large animal jump out in front of your car on an empty road? Have you partaken in any high speed driver training? Was the incident on a closed course? (I ask this again).

The only way that 90mph is safe is on a closed course as I previously said. Saying otherwise is completely stupid. (am i calling you stupid, no.) Your OPINNION of safe doesn't mean shit to anybody but you. If your speeding along at your supposedly safe speed of 90mph on an "empty" road how can you ensure 100% that there will not be another car coming in the other direction...turning into your lane from a side street? etc....you CANNOT say that anything above the posted speedlimit is safe...the speedlimits are posted for your safety. People are conditioned and used to traveling at certain speeds and their brains and bodies are simply not capable of reacting at higher speeds. Ask a race car driver if the transition from street car to his first race car was simple..its not. Unless you're Mario Andretti or Boris Said and your driving on Mid-Ohio Raceway or Laguna Seca your driving 90 mph is NOT SAFE IN ANYWAY! Unless you are omnipotent, which you're not, you cannot garuntess lack of interefence from anything while your are doing that.

This is not to say that I don't do the same thing! However there is a difference between acknowledging the risk and being aware of the dangers and becuase of this more apt to remedy a problem and simply proclaiming it not dangerous and whimsicly cruising around and nearly double the safe speed.

exander said:
Now that is just a rediculous statement how can you endanger the non-existant. I already stated in several posts that I do not drive reckless in the presence of others.

On the road, the open public highways there is no such thing as NON EXISTANT traffic, distraction, wildlife, potholes, scap metal in the road etc.
Imagine your cruising down the road and it is devoid of human and car...running your super safe 90mph you happen to notice a glint of light in the distance...then bam...its right under your bumper and you realize then its a sharp peice of metal fallen off of a truck. It takes out your drivers front tire pulling the car violently to the oncoming lane...you over correct out of gut reaction and careen off the road to your right and bounce over into the back of somebodies house...crashing through the back wall and into thier dining room where the family had just gathered for dinner...you just killed 4 yr old blond haired blue eyed susie and her dad.....

not dangerous huh? non existant you say?

you're gonna get a nasty wake up call my friend and don't post in my off topic asking for sympathy about your torn up car or your broken wrist.