front bumper issue


New Member
Oct 22, 2008
mountain home ID
so in reality, my front bumper/trim pieces are held on by zip ties. It has been this way since i got the car. could someone tell me exactly how many bumper bolts i need to buy to get this ohio mk3 back to factory bumperwise? its really floppy and im wondering exactly how long itll stay on this way. also, i've since found out that the bumper, or more precisely, the grille has been cut out. is there any real way to route a 7m intercooler pipe across the engine bay like a 1 or 2 jz intercooler pipe? it'd look really nice not to have a damn intercooler halfway across the stage left side of my car


that give some sort of understanding, i guess... its tilted slightly, and id rather an entire bumper wide intercooler, as it looks cooler to have your bumper filled with ic fins, ya know? the whole 7m intercooler is... just... awkward