Filling Coolant Everyday and then losing it the next.

so after a drive 5 mins or so then i park and leave it for bout half an hour then go home on the way home my coolant is gone. and my radiator light comes on.

today i took off my air filter and ic piping to see where the lower coolant tube from the radiator when. and behind the powersteering res. i see this tube thats torn .. not sure if thats whats causing my leak...

i dont even know what thats for

also when i first start my car i always hear this swooshing liquid noise from the dash.

also about a week ago some how this other piece broke it shaped like an L and controls the opening and closing of some coolant..
since then ive been dramatically losing coolant...

heres some pics

thanks everyone and anyone who could help me out


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Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal
Ohh Fuck.

You're missing the front Exhaust manifold heat shield!

That hose is not fun to replace. You'll need the water jacket gasket too...

PM'ed you about the valve and the wrong hose.


New Member
Sep 20, 2009
If you havent replaced that torn hose i would start there, i believe it is a water pump bypass hose. as for the broken plastic piece that is a heater control valve, bolts up on passenger side firewall. START there. those are coolant lines

The noise you are hearing from the dash might be from the heater core, located behind dash. I would check floorboard area inside of car you may have a leaking heater core if all external leaks are fixed, and no signs of bhg.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under


Crankin since the 1900s
Aug 13, 2008
Tallahassee, Florida
I would get some insulated heat wrap for the replacement hose. There is a metal heat shield that is supposed to be there also, so without it you definitely need the shielding. I have the metal shield but also wrapped my hose in the insulated heat wrap. It available at most auto stores. The hose clamps need to be under the heat wrap so if you need to wrap some thin wire around the outside of the insulation to secure it over the clamps and hose that works well.


Aug 10, 2009
New London, CT
the waterfall "swooshing" sound you're hearing is air in your heater core - because of the coolant leak issue. once you fix the leak...and burp the system'll go way.
alright so today i replaced that hose that was torn and drove it around thinking that my problem was fixed drove it around a couple of blocks came back with an even worse coolant leak? coolant steam everywhere...

immediately took off my ic tubing and airfilter to look at where i believe my leak was and the tube i had replaced was completely dry.. couldnt see where it was leaking.. by the time i got everything off to see where it was leaking it cooled down and stop spewing out coolant..

lost..... the toyota tsrm online isnt very much help on detail and images on where the cooling system is routed and where and what it goes to...

like i said lost.

also if anyone is in thte sf bay area and is a real gear head at the mk3 pls let me know id love to have someone near me who actually knows whats going on in my car...
as i am still learning.

well thanks in advance.


New Member
Sep 20, 2009
go and get a coolant pressure tester put it on and pressure up the system but not too high or you can potentially create more leaks. Only test up to what the cap reads that is the safest.


Crankin since the 1900s
Aug 13, 2008
Tallahassee, Florida
I tried to post some pics but I keep getting a "Upload of file failed" message. If anybody can tell me what I'm doing wrong I will post the pics.

That girgling sound is probably steam in the heater core if it's hot when you are hearing it. Any wet carpets or slimy fog type residue on the interior windows? If not then the leak is probably not from the heater core.

Any steam coming out of the tailpipe? (=BHG)

Also check the big radiator hose that twists around the power steering pump. It is around sharp pieces and gets close to the exhaust manifold. Check around the hose clamps for tears.

There are two bypass hoses in that same area. Check them both close. Look for discoloration from coolant/steam flashing onto surfaces. There is also a hard pipe that connects with a flange and two bolts. That flange connection can leak also. Also the hose behind the head by the firewall is hard to see. Check it.


Crankin since the 1900s
Aug 13, 2008
Tallahassee, Florida
The hard pipe from behind the water pump routes around the block to under the intake manifold. A hose goes from it up into the intake manifold/cold start valve.


Jul 5, 2009
Las Vegas
Im in the bay area myself, but im trying to diagnose my issue. I thought i had a BHG, all the symptoms were there, but i still can't put my finger on it.

Im obviously getting water into all my plugs to foul them.
Im so lost as to what to do next so i'll take the help anyday.


Ive Infracted
Apr 6, 2008
Richmond, Virginia, United States
im working on this same hose and i put another one on with similar results to yours. my car is still leaking. i believe the fitting coming from the block is bent out of round and thats why its leaking. it happened on one of the other fittings on the driverside firewall and i got that one strait and it solved the leak. Ill be tearing into mine again in the morning to try to determind why exactly its still leaking.