Engine bay painting for under $100.00


New Member
Hello Ian here
If you want to make your engine bay nice this would be it

1. Your going to need scotch scuff pads x2, 2 cans of brake cleaner, windex, shop towels and shop rags and if course the paint.


First you want to use the brake cleaner and shop rags to get rid of all the heavy grease that's been caked on for all those years. Be sure to get into every corner.


Next take the scotch scuff pads and scuff up the entire engine bay to the paint is all scuffed up so the new paint will stay on and dry better also before you start painting the engine bay please be sure to use the windex and shop towels to wipe down all the surfaces to assure they are all clean and dry. Now you are ready to mask off all the electrical components left in the engine bay please use bags to cover ur master cylinder, slave cylinder, power steering tank. Also if your car has nice clean paint please mask Off from your wind shield , both fenders, and the nose of the car




Now the fun part use engine enamel that is also set to stop rust( trust me it helps) black gloss is nice but it's honestly ur own personal preference on color choice and apply 3 light even coats.( read instructions on can for proper drying time and safety precaution) use 15-30 minutes of drying time depending in the temperature. If your working out in the cold like I did my self 30 minutes between each coat will be just fine.




After paint has fully dried take all the material used to mask off the engine bay off the car and properly dispose of it and your good to go now ur engine bay is set for your engine installation

Items used:
Brake cleaner-3.38 x2
VHT engine enamel- 6.99 x2
Shop rags 12count- 5.00
Shop towels 1 roll- 4.50
Scuff pads -3.75

I am sorry if this write up is missing photos my iPhone kept on resetting duke to the cold but hope u all enjoy


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Looks good. You can also get your original paint code in a rattle can also. There are companies on ebay that sell them. I bought two cans of renaissance red for my sc300.

Scott 88-1JZ

New Member
Dec 9, 2007
Looks good. What did you do with all the brake lines, wire harnesses and other engine bay items. Did you spray over them or just mask everything. It is hard to tell in the pics if you got coverage over the entire engine bay but it looks good from the photos. On mine I actually kicked it up a few notches and removed all the pieces and masked what I couldn't/didn't remove. I went with actual spray gun paint instead of rattle can so my cost was a bit higher but I also have a 3 stage paint which sucks to paint. Also for a tip I used an engine de-greaser and a power washer before prep.

Photo of bay after pain. The lighting makes it look a bit yellow.