Driving unlawfully. How old are you?


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Moy;1760364 said:
...second time I was going with the flow of traffic on a highway, cop decided to pick me over the others... (both tickets in a non-standoutish car)

See, I always thought that was kinda BS. If you're going with the flow of traffic (no matter how fast or slow said traffic is going) I'd say you're driving in as safe a way as possible. Now if you're in traffic that consists of a lot of sporty cars and you're all doing triple digit speeds, that's another story, but being picked out of traffic? Bad luck man.


HKS Whore!!!
Oct 31, 2005
Los Angeles, California, United States
I'm 25 going on 26. I drive Semi-Defensive and Semi-Aggressive. Between the ages of 16-21, I drove like a jackass. But now that I know girls really aren't interested in how fast my car is I drive slow and allow my self a chance to pick up on one or two of them. Once they're in the car I show them how fast it is::dt-blonde:::boink:


Jul 21, 2007
TrqMnstr;1762797 said:
I'm 25 going on 26. I drive Semi-Defensive and Semi-Aggressive. Between the ages of 16-21, I drove like a jackass. But now that I know girls really aren't interested in how fast my car is I drive slow and allow my self a chance to pick up on one or two of them. Once they're in the car I show them how fast it is::dt-blonde:::boink:

I think we'd have to find chicks who are car enthusiasts now. Makes things alot more interesting.


New Member
Sep 19, 2011
I am 16. I drive like a moron only when inflamed. Under normal circumstances I drive safely and slowly. But when some dude on my street is yelling at me or the guy next to me challenges me to a race I bring down the rep of sane 16 year old drivers everywhere. Never been close to wrecking though.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
mk3_7m;1762809 said:
I think we'd have to find chicks who are car enthusiasts now. Makes things alot more interesting.
I think pretty much everyone is an enthusiast after a ride in a Supra. I know my car has converted a few here and there. ;)

damicorb;1762814 said:
Never been close to wrecking though.

Yet. ;)

Trust me... it's rarely ever YOUR driving that you have to worry about...


New Member
Sep 19, 2011
te72;1763032 said:
I think pretty much everyone is an enthusiast after a ride in a Supra. I know my car has converted a few here and there. ;)

Yet. ;)

Trust me... it's rarely ever YOUR driving that you have to worry about...
So true, just last night was my first close call. I was in my sister's 2002 TRD Celica, my car had a cell die in the battery, and I was "Drifting" out of Subway parking lot in the rain, and some, not to sound racist but, Somalian woman pulls out of a parking lot without stopping at the sign while talking on a phone and almost causes me to crash, instead I whipped the tail out, floored it, and avoided the collision. But it was close. All thanks to her inability to pay attention.

---------- Post added at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 PM ----------

I was in one of these.


---------- Post added at 09:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 PM ----------

Also forgot to mention, it was late at night while I was almost the only one out.


Mar 6, 2009
Merced, CA
22 and when i had my 7m i only drove fast when other supras where around but i usually drive the speed limit thats probablt why i got 400+ miles a tank


New Member
Sep 24, 2010
Bay Area, CA
dubsupra209;1764001 said:
22 and when i had my 7m i only drove fast when other supras where around but i usually drive the speed limit thats probablt why i got 400+ miles a tank

u get 400+miles a tank?!?!?! lucky lol

I just turned 20 a few months ago and for the most part i drive to the flow of traffic and 3+ the flow wen im on the freeway. i got a na so im not to excited about going was in a straight line but wen i go up into the mountains i take the turns quite fast


Mar 6, 2009
Merced, CA
rodama5anthony;1764006 said:
u get 400+miles a tank?!?!?! lucky lol

I just turned 20 a few months ago and for the most part i drive to the flow of traffic and 3+ the flow wen im on the freeway. i got a na so im not to excited about going was in a straight line but wen i go up into the mountains i take the turns quite fast

it only cost me $40 to get to ace's meet in back that 1 time from merced to santa rosa thats pretty good...

yea the most miles i have gotten on a full tanks was 463 i went to lasx from merced and made it back to 559


New Member
Sep 20, 2010
te72;1763032 said:
Trust me... it's rarely ever YOUR driving that you have to worry about...

True. I just about wrecked the Supra. Some guy in a Honda Civic tried to pull out in front of me.. as I'm turning left in front of him. Lets just say hes lucky my car can handle, because theres a reason I put a 4-way in my car...


New Member
Sep 24, 2010
Bay Area, CA
dubsupra209;1764008 said:
it only cost me $40 to get to ace's meet in back that 1 time from merced to santa rosa thats pretty good...

yea the most miles i have gotten on a full tanks was 463 i went to lasx from merced and made it back to 559

nice well i feel like i dont get that kind of mileage but then again my mile counter dont work and my speedometer is of so i wouldnt get an accurate reading anyways XD


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
rodama5anthony;1764006 said:
u get 400+miles a tank?!?!?! lucky lol

I just turned 20 a few months ago and for the most part i drive to the flow of traffic and 3+ the flow wen im on the freeway. i got a na so im not to excited about going was in a straight line but wen i go up into the mountains i take the turns quite fast
I used to see ~400 miles per tank, but that was an NA. Get about 300 to a tank, give or take, but rarely run it anywhere near empty, so... yeah. Would probably see 400 per tank on the highway though. :)

And being up in the mountains, about all you need to worry about is wildlife and idiots trying to cut blind apexes. That last bit scared the hell out of me in the Miata on the road to Canyon Lake in AZ. Skinny road + people taking boats to the lake in big pickups = people frequently crossing the center line...

Backlash2032;1764010 said:
True. I just about wrecked the Supra. Some guy in a Honda Civic tried to pull out in front of me.. as I'm turning left in front of him. Lets just say hes lucky my car can handle, because theres a reason I put a 4-way in my car...
Remember, the majority of people on the roads these days are COMMUTERS, not enthusiasts. Most people are idiots with an operator's license, not operators with an understanding of what it means to be responsible on the road. I just know some a-hole is gonna wreck my car someday, and I may very well lose it, all over their face. :nono:


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
I am 30 years old and I drive however I damn well please.

I tend to take it easier after my street racing ticket in 2005, I have not had a ticket since. I do still slide around turns when I am in the mood or race if I feel it's not a hazardous situation (puts on flame suit). In the 4 years Ive owned this Supra, I have played with some friends maybe 3 or 4 times, and I've raced one complete stranger (80s 442, owned him hard). I think she has hit 120mph twice; once on the highway last year and then out in the Everglades a couple months ago.

I also work where my driving record must be good, and kept that way. I work for Roush Industries test driving proto-type vehicles. They really don't take kindly to doing donuts in their SRT8 Chargers or Boss 302 Laguna Seca edition Mustangs. (However, I have played a little, the secret is to not overdo it, as Ive never been in trouble or got written up in the nearly 2 years Ive been there)


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Tanya;1764527 said:
I also work where my driving record must be good, and kept that way. I work for Roush Industries test driving proto-type vehicles. They really don't take kindly to doing donuts in their SRT8 Chargers or Boss 302 Laguna Seca edition Mustangs. (However, I have played a little, the secret is to not overdo it, as Ive never been in trouble or got written up in the nearly 2 years Ive been there)

Words can't even express how slightly jealous I am of you at this point... that sounds like an AWESOME job. :D


New Member
Sep 19, 2010
Austin, Texas, United States
But whats the point of testing if you don't push it up to, and past the limit, is the point of testing not to see what said new car can and cannot handle? sometimes I really don't understand what go's through these peoples heads lol

sorry the way you word it just makes it sound like they want you to baby the car your TESTING and then give it a good score after a "hard days work" :p

Kick ass job By the way.... I would kill for that job... So where did you say you live again? *evil grin*

Tanya;1764527 said:
I am 30 years old and I drive however I damn well please.

I tend to take it easier after my street racing ticket in 2005, I have not had a ticket since. I do still slide around turns when I am in the mood or race if I feel it's not a hazardous situation (puts on flame suit). In the 4 years Ive owned this Supra, I have played with some friends maybe 3 or 4 times, and I've raced one complete stranger (80s 442, owned him hard). I think she has hit 120mph twice; once on the highway last year and then out in the Everglades a couple months ago.

I also work where my driving record must be good, and kept that way. I work for Roush Industries test driving proto-type vehicles. They really don't take kindly to doing donuts in their SRT8 Chargers or Boss 302 Laguna Seca edition Mustangs. (However, I have played a little, the secret is to not overdo it, as Ive never been in trouble or got written up in the nearly 2 years Ive been there)


Mar 6, 2009
Merced, CA
rodama5anthony;1764019 said:
nice well i feel like i dont get that kind of mileage but then again my mile counter dont work and my speedometer is of so i wouldnt get an accurate reading anyways XD

every1s speedos off lol


T-virus infected
I normally don't drive like a fool and I haven't had a speeding ticket since 05 but this morning it was nice and cool and I was driving the mk4. The whole way to work is Interstate driving 70mph BUT the road was clear and I didn't come a touch under 120mph the whole way to work.. Kissed the 150+ mph a few times before I started catching up to traffic. lol it felt good


Sep 30, 2011
Paonia, Colorado
I'm 19. First week that I had the Supra, I drove like an idiot. Accelerated reeeaally hard, cruised at 90-100, got it into triple digits multiple times when the road was empty. Then I realized that I was A.) going to get caught sooner or later and B.) going to either wreck my car or cause it to break down because I was running it so hard. So, I decided to slow the hell down and drive like a grampa. Works for me.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
LunaVyohr;1771191 said:
A.) going to get caught sooner or later and...

Good to see you get that point at such an early point in your driving career. Also, I approve of your xkcd inspired user title. :)