Do targa tops really seal?


Want The Boooooossttttttt
Oct 12, 2006
Cape Coral,Florida
Have you tryed vasoline yet? Mine leaked like crazy from the middle and came down into the dome lights and the left side drip rail youd hit the brakes and itd fall all over the left side of you, I took the top off and got her all lathered up with vasoline smacked the top back on and tightened her down.....its been threw 2 hurricanes and i dont know how many florida down pours and it hasnt leaked yet.........prolly will now that i said something tho....

You need to be careful tho if its hot and you use alot of vasoline it will melt and fall on your interior it didnt damage mine but i cant account for anybody elses.

This is only a temp fix it will wear off and I (and you should) plan on buying new seals. IF thats whats wrong (not saying yours are bad)


Active Member
Mar 16, 2007
Memphis, TN
I pulled everything down yesterday afternoon and re-resealed everything again. Put a nice coating of baby powder over it all and set the targa top back in. Will pull it apart this evening after work if it is still leaking and let the baby powder tell me a story. Hopefully I got it right yesterday. My side rails sealed up perfectly the first time I replaced the seals on it. No more of those turning/stopping surprises.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Boosted Supra;1203003 said:
Glad you like the new old picture :evil2:

Been here and there, mostly working crazy OT before the end of the year. How's the car?

Still not done, but I got a month or so till I go back to school, so hopefully some progress will happen.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
My targa seals are good... I remove it occasionally for nice highway cruises, and it goes back in leak-free... assuming I tighten it properly. My rear hatch seal is another discussion...

Poodles, is the order that critical: dri/s front than pass/s front? I do the two rears good and tight, then whichever front is closest to snug, then the other front to snug, then snug up the rear, then snug down the fronts alternatively, in no particular order. I figured doing one bolt straight to tight, one at a time, wouldn't let the targa sit properly.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Yes. If you look at the targa you'll notice that the mounting hole is straight in while the passenger side is a slide.

Tightening the passenger side first and you'll end up stripping the driver's side (previous owner did this).


Supramania Contributor
^ +1
My targa never leaked. I rushed one day or maybe I was intoxicated when I put the targa back on. Couple of days later it leaked on me. I removed the targa and carefully followed the order and the issue was resolved. If you have the factory sticker on the car it is very specific about how to remove and replace the targa top.


New Member
Nov 24, 2007
well on day sum light rain caught me with my top off and i rushed to put it on noticing the car was not on a level surface ( grass ) and i did them out of order all hay wire ( i believe the driver front, then back ,then passenger back and front, and i haven't leaked scince.. the funny thing is before this my top leaked on the driver side from any little sprinkle of water.. Now i dont plan to take the top off for a loooong time..


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Poodles;1203563 said:
Yes. If you look at the targa you'll notice that the mounting hole is straight in while the passenger side is a slide.

Tightening the passenger side first and you'll end up stripping the driver's side (previous owner did this).

You wisdom is only exceeded by... umm... I dunno, probably by something.

Thanks Poodles, noted.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2007
Memphis, TN
For the record Ifollow the diagram for the same reason Poodles noted. I happened to loo at my top when it was off and made note that there was difference. As for my problem, I took my top off last evening for another inspection. I found much of the body seam filler missing from the leading edge along with a fair amount of surface scale rust. I put the top from my parts car on to give it a try and see if this is where the mystery water comes from. Hasnt rained and I am not standing outside right now with a water hose as it is hovering around the freezing mark here. Will report in when I have an answer.


New Member
Apr 13, 2007
So what exactly would I have to replace to stop water from falling onto my lap(or the passengers' which is VERY embarrassing) when ever I brake or turn?



On the road again..
Dec 9, 2007
ms07s;1202683 said:
Been there, done that. I think it may well be impossible to make a targa leak free, and still be functional.

I replaced all 4 seals this summer as well as the windshield. There is a great write-up in the tech section on how to seal a targa top. I missed a step the first time and got soaked in a downpour. Re-did the seals and it doesn't leak a drop. I had to trim the seals on the targa itself to make them fit (they were from champion toyota). Not everyone has had to do this though.

To find the instructions for removing/installing the targa top, pull down the DS sun visor.