Collector Car Insurance


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
I am posting this and explaining my experience with surfing around for the best price in cost and best coverage I can get and afford at the time.

I found this page through google. I did an online quote and wasn't sure what value i should put. So i did 18000 yea i know my car is not worth that much but hey i've put well over 10K. I called the company up and talked to a person there. I emailed him the following pictures and explained everything I had and how much i spent for it (yes i remember just about everything off the top of my head i've spent on my car its a curse).









While we were on the phone he was explaining to me that an 88 Toyota supra in their book is valued at $6,500. I told him, well i believe my car is worth more then that although the paint is not mint or custom everything else is good.

We continued our conversation he went over the pictures and came to the conclusion that the car is worth $10,000. Yea i said that right $10,000 dollars, I asked him a series of questions in regards to worse case scenarios about accidents marked my fault or not, the insurance process for a claim, the type of coverages they have, yatta yatta yatta.

Comp and collision 500 dec.
TLC - Towing etc etc included
Driving experience under 10 yrs = surcharge - 200% as in his quote.
Maximum 5,000 miles annually
No racing allowed at all so no runs at the track or circuit at all
Can be driven like a normal car, meets, cruises, etc but no racing at all.

$394 a year. WOW cheap and IMO worth it. I don't race much, i don't drive the car much, 3,000 in 4 yrs. I do plan on going to supra meets and stuff.

I am 26 years old, i've been driving since 18, I have 1 accident with in the 3 yrs marked as 50/50 as posted some where here. Price is still good, if my car was seen as a value of 18,000 it would have been 520 a yr! Banana's. I will be speaking with this gentleman again in a month to start my insurance but before i Do i have a ton more question i want answered and i will re ask my questions to see if the answer has changed.

I currently pay 335 for 6 months with progressive, not bad but hey 394 a yr is allot better and i have coverage of my car.
Apr 6, 2005
Alpharetta, GA
I insure one of my supras with the same company at the same agreed value, and deductibles, but my premium is much less than yours. Don't be upset, because I'm many years your senior.


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
I just contacted them also about mine, and they told me that once the photos come in from my end that a total value of $19k would cost me $415 a year. and that is basically full coverage with a $500 deductible. You have to have 10 years driving experience and the car MUST be kept in a locked garage. Minimal driving, no DUIs, or wreckless driving stuff within the last 10 years either. So nice to know that there is an insurance company out there that actually notices the work we put into our cars and values them like we do. Thanks for the info and I will be getting this insurance once the car hits TN soil in September/October time frame.


New Member
Aug 21, 2009
Lima, Ohio, United States
Damn it. I wish I was older. =[ I pay 175 a month, and that is on my parents plan. So my coverage is bare minimum. Im 18 and a male, so I know that affects it. But geez. 415...A YEAR for car insurance?

Unless im on a completely different subject.


Oct 16, 2007
your guys insurance is quite cheap compared to nz! a few different quotes ive got for mine value form $1600 to $1800nzd (I would have to pay for an independent valuation myself 1st) and its not even agreed value so im sure at time of claim they can probly decide its worth less but either way that will cost me $1600 per year from one company then another one was $2700 per year im 25 10 years driving (legal age is 15 here) unfortunaly I have 2 dui's a doz or more speeding/general traffic offences had my car impounded for "boy racer activity" so that doesnt exatly help (most of these ofences ar4ent taken into account now as I was 16-20 for pretty much all of it even without tham they said it wouldn't be to much cheaper anyway more effects my excess I have to pay the first $4500 if it gets stolen if I dnt have an alam they approve of then it goes down to $1500 and that doesnt include mag wheels have to insure them and claim separatly its a joke here I tell you


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
Well, 5,000 miles a yr isn't bad if you don't daily your car. So if you do 1. its not a collectable in their eyes as you daily it. You must have 1 other car used as a daily to "fit' their terms. I've only driven my supra 3K in 4 years! So yea 5K a yr isn't bad when its not broken or being upgraded. I do NOT have a garage, i live in an apartment building in NEWARK NJ use to be #1 for auto theft. I rent a spot in a gated area with stadium lighting and cameras w/ barb wire when the car is complete. Also it is out of town and isn't a far ride and is in a way better area. At the moment i have a private garage that im allowed to work on my car in. Which i will get rid of once its done as its too expensive 175 a month vs 70 for a gated area with a car cover.

I'm past 10K and would rather drive my car 5K miles a yr and be covered for 10K atleast and pay 394 a yr which is better then 700 for liability. No offense taken blackdevilsupra. With age comes with wisdom and a better thought process LOL. Plus i have a recent accident that is 50% my fault per NJ laws. So im sure that hurts me a bit.

I don't plan on driving my supra much as i have a 14 month old boy and a 3 yr old step son. So i'm a busy father. Its become a summer weekend toy when i have the time and 5k is more then enough to cover my Toy. Plus the value of the car will become greater with the more modifications i put into it. Like more suspension and brake work, engine management, better coilovers, paint, lip, side skirts etc etc and eventually redo the interior and a nice sound system. Along with a bigger turbo and maybe a build 2j n dry sump. So i know my car will be protected.
Aug 24, 2009
I guess if you see yourself getting close to that 5K limit, you can disconnect the speedo for a month or whatever, lol. Or before a road trip, long trips don't really tax the car that much anyways. That might affect the ABS though...among other things. Not sure if it's as simple as reaching back behind the dash and unscrewing it though, on these cars. Very tempting for me to fudge the miles a little, being a pizza driver, but I bought mine with 240K on it already, so that's kinda pointless at this ...point, lol

Can't you just get regular insurance and request an extra $5K-$10K coverage for accessories or something?


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
Sure you can. All day long. Now will they give you that value, LMAO NOPE! I have USAA which is one of the better ones ( so I have heard ) and they value my GT Limited which is from Japan, at right around $1800. There are thousands of dollars worth of parts on it but they don't give a damn. They only give the KBB or NADA of the car.


Mar 31, 2005
Troy, MI
Dylan JZ;1595812 said:
I find it hard to see why any mk3 owner would have full coverage..

Because I can't afford to be without a car if anything should happen but I can afford the extra $15 a month. It's still only $800 a year even with full coverage (31, 1 ticket in past 3 years).


Sugar, Water, Purple
Apr 8, 2008
Lafayette, Louisiana, United States
Check out my dad has that insurance on his 71 Olds 442 and his 02 Z/28. unlimited miles you just have to have a DD car and it has to be in a locked garge. you can drive your car any time you want just it can't be you main means of transportation. i think he pays 600 a year for both cars. he never drives eother car but you dont have to worry about mileage. his Z/28 has 2750 miles on it.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
MK3pizzadriver;1595794 said:
I guess if you see yourself getting close to that 5K limit, you can disconnect the speedo for a month or whatever, lol. Or before a road trip, long trips don't really tax the car that much anyways. That might affect the ABS though...among other things. Not sure if it's as simple as reaching back behind the dash and unscrewing it though, on these cars. Very tempting for me to fudge the miles a little, being a pizza driver, but I bought mine with 240K on it already, so that's kinda pointless at this ...point, lol

Can't you just get regular insurance and request an extra $5K-$10K coverage for accessories or something?

Yes i could do this but why go through the hassle and mess with the mileage

Dylan JZ;1595812 said:
I find it hard to see why any mk3 owner would have full coverage..

For the average MKIII yes i can see your point. But with as much as i've put into the car restoring and upgrading and my future plans. Full coverage is the only choice. If i go put regular and it gets broken into, stolen, hit, or i crash it. I want something back from it. I dont want a thread saying O LOok what happen and insurance only gave me 1500 bux or 4K but i had 10+K into it.

89nasupra;1595919 said:
Check out my dad has that insurance on his 71 Olds 442 and his 02 Z/28. unlimited miles you just have to have a DD car and it has to be in a locked garge. you can drive your car any time you want just it can't be you main means of transportation. i think he pays 600 a year for both cars. he never drives eother car but you dont have to worry about mileage. his Z/28 has 2750 miles on it.

I will check them out. Miles in driving doesn't bother me. I haven't driven her since last year.


New Member
Apr 26, 2009
Spring, TX
I use Hagerty for my 75 280z. Its like around $200 a year. And thats with their Hagerty Plus premium plan. It covers up to 125 mile tow or $100 road side assistance for any of your cars. Comes in handy with the Supra! haha.

I would insure my Supra with them, but its my daily driver right now. I see that it now qualifies, which in the past it didn't.