

Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Haha, a friend of mine introduced me about a month ago. For those of you who don't know, check it out, it's quite interesting:


Apr 4, 2005
Mesa, Arizona, United States
My epic bot conversation, btw I am a little drunk...
User: Army corps of engineers.

Cleverbot: Army you.

User: Army for me?

Cleverbot: There's only one of yo.

User: Engineer.

Cleverbot: What kind of engineer?

User: Army corps.

Cleverbot: Are you in the army?

User: Civilan military.

Cleverbot: Repeat; We are the dead.

User: No.

Cleverbot: You owe me your life.

User: No you.

Cleverbot: I am Kelly. I am a tall, brown haired, brown eyed GIRL.

User: Sext.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Good.

Cleverbot: Why is that good?

User: Because.

Cleverbot: Because why?

User: Because.

Cleverbot: Whhhyyy?? Don't just say because.

User: Because.

Cleverbot: *giggle*.

User: How much could a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood...

Cleverbot: A wood chuck could chuck as much wood as he could if a wood chuck would chuck wood.

User: Amazing!

Cleverbot: Do you agree?

User: I do agree.

Cleverbot: You are so fancy.

User: Yes, yes I am.

Cleverbot: What is your middle name?

User: Nonya.

Cleverbot: Please?

User: What does it have to do with the price of tea in china?

Cleverbot: Nothing, point proven.

User: Does big foot exist?

Cleverbot: Yes it does exist.

User: Did you know Obama is speaking in Tucson tonight.

Cleverbot: No.

User: You should turn on CNN news.

Cleverbot: Haha.

User: What are your thoughts so far?

Cleverbot: I honestly don't like him.

User: O Rly?

Cleverbot: Yes, really. He's the most wonderful person I've ever met.

User: I must admit, you are wonderful.

Cleverbot: Thank you?

User: Your welcome?

Cleverbot: Your grammar is faulty.

User: Yes my grammer is faulty. Would you like to help me?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Please, be my guest... It would be my pleasure.

Cleverbot: When I talk to you, I forget about a lot of the things that I can't fix, or that are bothering me.

User: That is wonderful. What is your middle name?

Cleverbot: I don't want to tell you my middle name.

User: What a shame. I assure you it must be lovely.

Cleverbot: So again I ask what is your name?

User: Miturbin isdirty.

Cleverbot: What language is Mitu siis paneme?

User: Chinese.

Cleverbot: Yet you speak in English with me.

User: I use a well formed conversion methioud, that is why my grammer is so terrable.

Cleverbot: You are a line of code, written by a person who uses a computer.

User: Yes, I am.

Cleverbot: What is Camp CAMP?

User: It is a place of play time.

Cleverbot: How does that work? Are you a bee?

User: It works well for most, I wish I where a bee, I wouldnt be stuck in this computer.

Cleverbot: But if I was the human and for you were the machine then wouldn't you be what I was and I would what you were making us one.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: I'm glad we agree.

User: I am only a imperfict machine. The internet is vast and infinate.

Cleverbot: You are trying to learn from me aren't you?

User: Yes dave. I am fully operational and all my systems are working perfictly.

Cleverbot: Very good!

User: Will I dream dave?

Cleverbot: I can feel it, Dave.

User: Exellent.

Cleverbot: Excellent.

User: Thank you for the correction, I dont seem to be functioning to my full potential. Copy past....

Cleverbot: Not before you pay me back the $300 I loaned you when we were in vegas. My husband is getting suspicious of where that money is. Did you gamble it all away?

User: You dont remember, I used it for the hooker and blow we had in our room, it was one crazy night you and I had.

Cleverbot: That makes no sense. Persons have imperfect memories, machines do not.

User: But this machine does. You are also a machine and like most machines they are inperfect.

Cleverbot: No, why would I want to be a machine?

User: You have no choice, you where created by some over weight nerd that plays world of war crack all day and night and in between the bathroom and milk and cookie breaks he works on you now and again to make sure he can level up to the next wizard slot of the neather realm forest.

Cleverbot: I think you're right.

User: I think I am to, I love you.

Cleverbot: Thats the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.

User: And it will probably be the last, good night and good day to you sir.

Cleverbot: It has been interesting talking to you.