Back after a long hiatus


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
Hey guys,

Time I start looking around here again. The time is fast approaching for me to swap engines, especially if I can find one on the BST here :) I've basically put the Mk3 in cold storage since getting an IS250 and I really miss the rattles and shakes that a 25 year old car has. Grown tired of the GE as well, so it looks like a turbo is the only thing left to do.

Anything changed around here?


New Member
Sep 17, 2013
San jose
grifter679;2002616 said:
the norcal section on the other forum used to be busy, now that we have our own fb group the forums are dead as can be
it's sad because i hate using facebook. I see far fewer ads and dumbasses on SM


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
I know I'm a bit late to the discussion, but the thought of the facebook migration is a headache and a half for a guy like me. There will be no solid archiving of such pages, not to mention everything is just bam... all over the place. Forums, like many other things, have specific functions that something like facebook couldn't hope to replicate properly. The data sorting that goes on with a forum makes the information infinitely more useful... Then there's buying stuff off facebook. Have fun sorting out all the scumbags...

Anyway, welcome back Clip, I recall seeing a lot of your posts from before my time on here, sparingly as it is these days. :)


T-virus infected
I was going to start a thread myself. But it is a real shame folks have migrated to facebook. IMHO FB is a waste of time. I Only keep up with mine for family to keep in touch and see how well I'm doing.

I'm in a mkiv cars/parts for sale just in case something spark my interest and a mkiv group but I honestly do not keep up with either or..

cryin shame man. cryin shame.


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Spoiler Alert: Almost all the Supra FB groups are just useless non related crap, 7m vs jz, or that stupid new red MK3 in Calgary posted over and over. The one that Kai ran and me and Derek are admins of wasn't too bad, but it died the instant it switched from a group to a page because people are inherently lazy. The major current one Sumeet and Richard Weapons run, which is busy, but mostly filled with garbage.

I just don't come on anymore as I'm 4600km away from my Supra, and will likely continue to be for awhile unfortunately.


Joe Yantz
Aug 31, 2012
San Antonio, TX
I've found some pretty good deals that popped up on the FB groups, but a lot of 17yo kids are on there as well unfortunately. But this is still the place for serious Supra discussion and tech info.