89+ Shine Auto JDM Front Lip Interest?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
I would love to see a bolt-on stock-type lip that extends forward about an inch(not downward).
I think it would look good.


Boost Addict
Apr 30, 2012
If I remember right it would be roughly 260. But if shine decides to take on the project (if) then they would determine the actual price

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New Member
Jul 31, 2006
any way the wind blows
Alright guys. So here is the situation with Shine and the JDM front lips. Ken responded to my email and this is what he said:

"Hey Riley,

Thank you for contacting us and thanks for the link. Having once owned an MKIII Supra (which is why we offer so many parts) I've always liked the JDM lip more than any other lip we offer, BUT, I've always felt it was a bit too thin design wise. If it was 1/4-1/2 inch fatter/lower, I think it would be the perfect lip. We actually had an authentic brand new OEM lip in our posession years ago. I looked at it. I'd say it would've been ton of work trying to take a mold off of it with no gaurantees. It is a very soft rubber material. It is not rigid or stable enough to make an accurate mold off of. Yes, the OEM lip is durable because it flexes with the slightest touch, but if you pay close attention, more often than not, when installed it looks crooked or flimsy and this is in large due to the fact the OEM lip is soft.

I am actually surprised there is a replica of it in Japan. I wonder if they've made any changes to it for easier production. If I recall correctly, there were quite a bit of tight spots such as the slots in the vents, where it is so thin, it is difficult for a laminator to get his fingers in to to properly produce the part. Making the lip slightly bigger will actually make life easier for us. I would only take on this project if I can get my hands on the JDM replica from Autostyle. It is too difficult to work off an authentic OEM lip.


And here was my response:

"Oh, okay. I understand. I know I was looking at the Autostyle (Km's) front lip from Japan but wanted to hold off and see if it were possible through you guys to make your own.. It's something around $600 for Km's! Mostly for shipping...

But, maybe I could take one for the team. The only lip that I want on my Supra is OEM/JDM as I'm going for a factory look.. or it's no lip at all. And I feel like it definitely needs something up front. And I feel like a lot of people would feel the same way. I know that on the forum they are guys who have authentic JDM lips, willing to send them to you guys to replicate, just to have another lip for back up.

I'm considering purchasing the Km's lip from Japan in the next few weeks now that we've discussed this a bit more. If I were to buy Km's, would it be a definite yes on your part to replicate it? I'd be buying Km's even if you decide not to take on this project. However, as interest has grown I thought that this would be a great way to give back to the MK3 community.

Again, I'm not too familiar with the processes that involve replicating parts, but if replicating Autostyle km's is the way to go, I'll try to have that available for you guys to use.

Please let me know!

So I'm going to try to start and save money for the km's lip that Ken thinks will be the best way to go about replicating a JDM lip. I'll let you guys know what happens!


New Member
Jul 31, 2006
any way the wind blows
LOL! I hadn't realized that autostyle stopped offering shipping by sea, which is cheaper than air... They only do air now.

It's going to be around $1000 so this might take a while!

Tyler Mitchell

New Member
May 27, 2013
Santa Ana CA
Idk about you guys but if shine will 100% commit to replicating a lip if they can get their hands on AutoStyle Km's lip I'm down to shoot you some money to get that lip over here.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Tyler Mitchell;2064920 said:
Idk about you guys but if shine will 100% commit to replicating a lip if they can get their hands on AutoStyle Km's lip I'm down to shoot you some money to get that lip over here.

Good man Tyler. I have been known to take one for the team when it comes to bringing Shine parts to market for us Mk3 folks, like ERA is trying to do.

On that note, I'd also be willing to pitch in $20 to ERA (just PM me dude, and we can work it out) for the purchase of the Autostyle lip. I have no need of a lip myself, but the more options we have for stuff like this, the better. :)


New Member
Jul 31, 2006
any way the wind blows
Hey guys! I just wanted to give everyone a quick update!

So I've placed an order for the Km's replica lip from Japan. These front lips are made to order with a production time of 2 months if I've understood this correctly.
I'm going to give Shine a quick update as well to see if this would still be a go for them.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 22, 2007
San Diego, CA
Count me in as I too have been searching for a factory lip, including Jdm model to no avail. I actually just talked to Ken about making me a lip but if this goes down I would much rather go this direction as everyone will benefit from it too


New Member
Jul 31, 2006
any way the wind blows
Update! A message from autostreak!

"Hi Riley,

Your order with autostreak.jp has been shipped.
We've enclosed some tracking information, so you can follow your order to its final destination.

Here is your tracking information...."

According to their website shipping from Japan would be around 2 weeks. I'll take pictures when it gets here!
Also, Ken from Shine says that the project is still a go!


New Member
Jul 31, 2006
any way the wind blows



SP Tuned
Apr 6, 2009
Ken from Shine said that it would help the mold process if it were 1/4" to 1/2" lower. I actually think that is a great idea visually, as I always loved the JDM lip, just felt that it was a little short compared to the USDM lip. Having it 1/4" to 1/2" lower would make for a great compromise IMO.


Jun 13, 2007
Spokane, WA
^ +1 I actually have a mold handing on the wall in my garage that I started for this. I just never got around to finishing it.......