5.0 supra its a comin


New Member
Jun 2, 2005
North Carolina
ok ok ok...if you're gonna do a v8 swap, if you just HAVE to do it...at least make it a chevy engine. And if you are gonna use a ford (mercury) engine....don't use one out of a cougar...those cars just suck. In all honesty...I went to the local drag track in my 93 saturn sl2 automatic with my friend in his thunderbird (or w/e the hell it was) with a 5.0 in it (same damn car as the cougar) and I beat him by a tenth of a second. That's how 'powerful' that engine is...5.0 vs 1.9 both auto n/a's, and I won. How sad is that.


Level 2 Rythym Rogue
Apr 2, 2005
Eugene, OR
Makavelli said:
Then you don't know what does. Just cause one grew up in the projects and loves urban music dosn't make him ghetto. Droppin a crappy US engine in a Supra cause you cant afford to tweak/take care of your Supra engine, that's ghetto. I've got almost all of Pac's CDs. I love rap (though a lot of the new stuff sucks). Am I ghetto, no.

U H8rs alwayz be trippin, talkin that rap sux shizzle. Yall be H8N on rap, but u bumpin that whack ass Bon Jovi an sh**.

There, do I live up to your sterotype now?

Thug Life Baaabiieeee

Wow. :eek3dance You sure showed me.


The Juggernaut has my old
id say put a metal headgasket on the right way and you wont have problems and can get 500rwhp out of the stock 7m bottom end...

no one who does a metal headgasket job right has problems out of it again....

and like everyone says if you want a 5.0 buy a mustang or a cougar. if you want a chevy engine buy a corvette or camaro etc,etc...

i dont mean to be negative but you have a supra not a pento your looking to make faster...

good luck anyhow....


7M's = Peoples Champ
Jul 4, 2005
Greater Gulf Coast
wow i missed a whole day damn. Anyhow ghetto is what some boys down here in the south put 20 inch spinners with some candy paint with stripes. Puting a 5.0 in a supra is not ghetto. while it is not favorable it is going to happen and will be turbo'd by next summer with some trick flow heads running 9.0 to 1 comp getting a reliable 7mge is hard and i am not going to mess with it :icon_evil


7M's = Peoples Champ
Jul 4, 2005
Greater Gulf Coast
BTW how many supras are on having the engine rebuilt, broke down, or BHG are there I can't keep count. oh and here are the pics of the engine that i am going to use. :evil2:





Mar 30, 2005
Winston, NC
my dad has a 96 Thunderbird with the 4.6, and it's faster than that gay ass 5.0

You bought a Supra for a reason I'm assuming. If that reason is to put a American V8 in it, you should be smited. If not, stick to your reasons for buying a respectable Japanese "muscle" car and do it right. Not the lousy cheap way these rednecks do it with their bigger displacement.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
This is just the same as the guys that had the earlier Camaros, Vettes or any other muscle car. They bastardized them to fit their needs for racing or show or whatever. They are now not nearly worth as much as the documented original stockers..This does not mean I think you shouldn't do it, but save it for a newer Mustang or some other make where there are millions available and won't be worth anything anyways..lol..Sorry to the Mustang guys.



Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
Makavelli said:
Creativity is one thing, but you're talkin bout guttin a Supra in throwin in Cougar engine. That's ghetto. May as well buy a frikin kit car.

A frikin kit car... LMAO, There is a guy near were I used to live that makes some pretty sick as in disgusting "fiero"ossa's. Kit cars are soooo ghetto. Best post on this thread goes to Makavelli. Best laugh for me!!


New Member
Apr 13, 2005
in a house
As far as the tranny goes, you can use a TKO or ther are swap kits to mount the r154 to other motors. r154 shares its pattern design with the jeep ax15, there are a few belhousings or adaptors for that, advance adaptors makes them. As far as the rest, as I said, it depends on your skill level. If you cant weld decent, then it isnt worth it, if you can, it cant be. Ill agree 100% that the ford 302 is total crap in stock form, but that can be easily changed. THere are turbo mustangs making 450ish whp range with only an intake, meter, injectors and a crude tune and stock blocked/internals cars making over 550 with better heads. The weakest point on the 302 is due to the mains being below the block, the blocks tend to split , the internals are fairly strong. This has been solved in the last couple of years. There have been stud girdles for years but none have really proven themselves. Now there are 2 products. A fairly inexpensive "halo" stud girdle that effectivly places the mains higher by bracing them properly. Another is a lifter valley brace thatcrosses the upper motor. A mustang recently did 1050 to the wheels with nothing internal but rods and pistons, combined with the girdles(no crank, dart block, etc).I own, both a mustang and an mk3, and have owned about 5 other mk3. I like the car and I dont feel the 7m is a bad motor, but I also feel that a v8 is a good project for someone with the ability. Do people flame people for putting a 7m in a mk2 or celica because of value? No. Who cares if it is from the same manufacturer. Take the car you like, take the motor you like, do a clean install, bake at 1600 for 11 seconds and enjoy. As far as a/c and PS, those are easier to get working than one may think.

There is a mk3 on sds's site that is a decent example of this. It isnt the best but it is a boosted sbc in a full functioning car. The numbers arent all THAT awesome, but the car is still running factory iron heads, stock crank and stock rods and cheap aftermarket pistons.


New Member
Apr 13, 2005
in a house
VanSupra said:
This is just the same as the guys that had the earlier Camaros, Vettes or any other muscle car. They bastardized them to fit their needs for racing or show or whatever. They are now not nearly worth as much as the documented original stockers..This does not mean I think you shouldn't do it, but save it for a newer Mustang or some other make where there are millions available and won't be worth anything anyways..lol..Sorry to the Mustang guys.

Yes, because of the whopping value of most mk3, this holds true. Im not saying to do this to a mint 92 with like 40k, but for the typical $2500 car why not, or even start with an n/a chassis. With the 7m becomming harder to find and more expensive, I see it as another option.


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
I can never understand why people post such harsh comments as to what someone else plans to do with their own car.

Let me restate the facts:
it is his car
it is meant to keep him happy
99% of the people on this board would probably never see it in person anyways

Purpose 1 of cars: to take a driver/passengers from point A to point B.
Purpose 2 of cars: for the sake of the owner's enjoyment and hobby

Do what ever makes you happy. It will really not affect the image of my car or anyone else's car really. It will also not change the market value of other Supras - as some will have you believe.

Now there are guys that use transmissions from other cars. They can do that because they are faster than anyone else. God help those that aren't top dog, they are the ones that don't get props for being different.

How many people here have aftermarket parts? Who is to say you can change this part, but not that part? For the sake of argument, I could say the Supra was really intended as a GT cruiser, not a drag car. (That is what Toyota intended.) One could say, why are you bastardizing that car with non Toyota parts?! Why not keep it original? Just taking the logic of some and applying it in other applications to show it makes little sense to me.

At least this guy is fixing the car. He had a branch fall on it recently, IIRC, from the hurricane. Others may have sent it to the yard and said, "the motor was shot anyways," and they would have received no flak.

If you do something not of good taste (and I really can't say) you just don't praised by others. But mcpcola, seems to be building this car for himself, not for others -- I respect that.


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Lol that engine is sick ugly, anyways..the 5.0 litre etc..writting is sideways...real nice lol Stock 7m will beat ur ass silly..they will probably think you have a 7m with blownheadgasket. Dude it will cost you way less to rebuilt a engine...with all the info on this site, and will be bulletproof.ç

Anways...u seem to be stuck on that stupid bigger is bettermentality..so ..its another mk3 loss..might as well scrap the car