
  1. Oaks

    Oaks' MX62 7MGTE Drift Build

    I picked up this '81 Cressida a few months ago. It was all original and stock when I bought it. The 5me engine that was in it was a good running engine. After daily driving it for a while it decided to throw a bearing:3d_frown:. I could have thrown a new bearing in but I came across a good...
  2. D

    805LIDE @ Balcony 2/23/14 Presented by JUSTDRIFT

    Some of you may have been to some of our 2013 events, that were all possible thanks to the the people of JUSTDRIFT. Anyone who has been to them knows that the track time for these events is ridiculous! Now we are back in 2014 with our season opener, so come and test and tune your cars before...
  3. D

    805LIDE Drift Event at Willow Springs Int. Raceway hosted by Just Drift

    Some of you may have been to some of our 2013 events, that were all possible thanks to the the people of JUSTDRIFT. Anyone who has been to them knows that the track time for these events is ridiculous! Now we are back in 2014 with our season opener, so come and test and tune your cars before...
  4. D

    805LIDE DRIFT and GRIP Event at Horse theif mile at WSIR, CA hosted by just drift

    Who: JUSTDRIFT hosting 805LIDE What: Beginner -> Advanced Grip, Intermediate -> Advanced Drift Practice on Horse Thief Mile Where: Willow Springs Intl. Raceway (3500 75th St West, Rosamond, CA) When: Sunday April 28, 2013 Price: $125 Per Driver, $10 Spectator at the Gate 15 Driver...
  5. Igknyte

    Igknyte's Supra Timeline & Progress! Data Plans Beware!

    Hi Everyone! [ holy crap this is long ] Name's Bryan C. from the San Francisco Bay Area. Ive been on this forum for quite some time. Just now putting together something showing just about everything i been through with the 4 MK3's I've owned. It's not quite a build thread but its pretty...
  6. P

    Supra Drift in Canada

    Short clip of me drifting my 1JZ'd MK3 at Western Speedway on Vancouver Island. Fun time. Drift trains all day long :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGPbW0LDSHg&list=UU8Gkc4dsFCYqehgRFXLokWQ&index=1&feature=plcp There's more vids on my channel with my MK3 in them. Check em out. Enjoy!
  7. Bulkierzero

    MazdaSpeed 6 playing in snow

    Just having some fun last night in friends 06 mazdaspeed 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS7_izqF-3o
  8. Bulkierzero

    Want to start drifting

    I want to get started in some entry level drifting. I was thinking tein ss coilovers and a 2 way kaaz. If you drift an mk3 i could use some advise on setup; any input on coilovers and diffs feel free to post your experience with them.
  9. SupraPieces

    Feeler thread for possible Drifter Meet NOT EVENT!!!!

    Was just looking to see what kind of interest there might be for a Drift Meet, not a drift event (yet :naughty: ) Some time in maybe late April in Monmouth County, NJ Might have a few locations willing to allow us to have a social meet where we can discuss our cars and ideas. A friendly meet...