
"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
I've never played WoW but I have a friend who is nuts about it and he actually sold one of his characters for $900 after it was upgraded to a certain extent or something I guess... I was just..."Wow... wait, what?!"

You nerds do that too? :D


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Poodles;1182198 said:
Are you on a PvE or PvP server?

PvP and you're never bored, and I was working towards getting my PvP gear so the EXP wouldn't hurt me...

Not that you didn't get EXP before anyway for doing the quests in the battlegrounds...

No, you get xp for the battlegrounds, not the quests. I was on a PvP server, max level I got to was 55 on my lock.

drunk_medic;1182225 said:
Tell me you were bored with PvE content before this XP and I'd be likely to call you out. Most people didn't complete Hyjal, Black Temple or Sunwell Plateau until after the major nerf a month ago. The average raider had trouble progressing beyond Karazhan, and would try to do the first couple bosses in Zul'Aman because they couldn't hack it in SSC and TK.

Most people who were bored with PvE were bored because they:
#1: Weren't in a guild that was any good
#2: Relied upon PUGs to try and progress [who were never prepared]
#3: Didn't know their class[es] or what specs were best for max damage/healing/etc [whatever their raid utility] in PvE
#4: Never brought raid consumables and weren't prepared to do their best
#5: Had no patience or wouldn't read boss strategies

There are more reasons, of course, but my main point is you can't bitch about PvE unless you have cleared it all - and few [compared to the WoW population as a whole] have done that.

I was bored leveling the same toon, casting the same 6 spells in the same order. God, my first toon should have been a rogue or a warr.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Rogue is even worse...

Load up with Sinister Strike then hit Eviserate. If they're not dead, repeat.

Bah, I really don't want to buy the expansion AND a game card...


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
pssshhh.... ~$35 for the exspansion and ~$30 for 60 days.

~$1/day for 2 months and then $.50/day after that.

Unless you're like me and go 2 months w/o playing, it's not really that bad of a deal. Of course it's not as good as 'buy the game play online for free' but still... Cheaper than buying a new game every month, which is what I'd be doing if I didn't do WoW


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Poodles;1182406 said:
Rogue is even worse...

Load up with Sinister Strike then hit Eviserate. If they're not dead, repeat.

Bah, I really don't want to buy the expansion AND a game card...

Took me the same time to get from 0-42 on my rogue as it dod from 30-40 on the lock. Besides, against a higher level ganking situation, I would rather have my rogue. Easier to sprint away and then vanish. On the lock, I would need to fear them till I could get to a town, no speed boosts on them. You also need to remember, im on one of the oldest PvP servers out there (actually, the same server as one of Poodles toons). It is loaded up with young kids, in 70s that love to gank, especially in high quest/grinding areas.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Poodles;1182406 said:
Rogue is even worse...

Load up with Sinister Strike then hit Eviserate. If they're not dead, repeat.

Bah, I really don't want to buy the expansion AND a game card...

You're doing it wrong, as far as raiding is concerned. THIS is why people don't progress - they don't know their class.

Stay behind your target. I use a Combat Swords build, but I may change it depending on how the new end-game looks; I hear they are giving more love to Dagger/fist Rogues. I still enjoy Swords, so we will see what happens. Deadly poison on off-hand, instant poison on main-hand. Ideally, you will keep Slice n' Dice up AT ALL TIMES, have poison ticking, and Rupture doing bleed damage while you [yes] use Sinister Strike. For maximum damage you will do more than just this, though; you will have proper raid and self buffs, proper gems and enchants, and you will strategically use your abilities/cooldowns during the boss fights. A good example of this would be waiting for someone to pop bloodlust before going berserk with adrenaline rush, blade flurry, a haste potion and/or your [x] second +damage trinkets.

There is more to this than 5x SS, 1x Evis.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
I don't raid (unless it's battlegounds) as it takes WAY too long to set one up.

psycho: what build was your lock? I'm demonology and I ripped through the levels. My rogue kept dying (no vanish yet, so no real crowd control), but my main was a Pally (yeah I know, boooooooo).

Priest is easy as well, spec shadow until later on or you suck solo.

I really want to play now, but I can't afford it...


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Poodles;1182878 said:
Priest is easy as well, spec shadow until later on or you suck solo.

Now you tell me... Talent Points Spent in Holy: 56

Seen heals as high as 5k and damage 3k. I just do not have enough mana...


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States

I've just about told you everything I know about PvP gear and proper gameplay.

I remember some random guy BITCHING for the longest time about me casting Smite once. "you're just supposed to heal... blah blah, I pwn joo, blah blah" He wouldn't drop it, so I stopped healing him. He died, bitched for 10 mins wanting a rez, I told him I could only heal, and he quit. We finished w/o him, no problem. I've just now started looking in to what I'm really supposed to be doing, and I've gotten much better aside from forgetting to buff first thing.

4575HP ftl. (was like 2k up until the last time I upgraded 2-3 levels back... lol)