Jesus Christ

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Sep 2, 2005
Supra's Interior
holy jeesus freaks batman! i didnt know this was a religion forum! so tv shows like family guy, which are on nightly on basic cable, can poke fun at religion, yet we are forced to not view similar material because one or two members find it offencive? listen if you dont like the thread, then you may leave as easily as pressing the back button. also i dont believe any one on here is any more a christian than me, i went to church with my family religiously every sunday, i was an alter boy(no jokes please), joined a youth group, and performed with a christian ska band. we all poked fun at our own religion, and even others, cause frankly, truth is funny and so is religion, and nothing is funnier than making fun of it all...if we didnt, then life would be that much more boring:)

John Lunsford

Don't Bother Me
Mar 30, 2005
Asheville, NC
supra90turbo said:
JBL: you are a mod, correct?
if you honestly feel like this is a horrible thing, you have more power to get rid of it than most of us...
...i'm not picking on you, John, i'm not singling you out, either. you just happened to be the first person to be offended.

I'm not the first to take offense. It's being discussed on the Mods forum right now. The only reason I don't take it down is because it's not my section to mod and I don't think I can anyway or it would be gone.

supra90turbo said:
it's just the problem with today's society.
there are things that are untouchable. i'd like to think that we can joke and have fun. truth is, we cant...
...and i believe that is one of the main problems with America today.
people get offended far too often, and far too quickly.

Not picking on you either, but if someone you don't know on a public forum posted these pictures (remember the testicle one) with your mother (or any member), is that supposed to be allowed or even funny? This is GOD we're talking about here, and such things as are in this post are blasphemy, an ultra bad thing, not just a little off color humor.

supra90turbo said:
now, please. dont take this the wrong way, John. especially you, since i know your standpoint on Christianity. i've been on your website multiple times. anyone who quotes the bible is more christian than i'll ever be.
i understand that you are christian. but, honestly... what harm did it do?

yes, it is a bit edgy. but, who are we if we can't test the limit once in a while? you must explore your boundaries, otherwise, you will have absolutely no idea where they are, or how close you are living to them.

I take it all offensively, the pictures and the people defending them. Anyone who says they believe in God and don't find this terribly offensive needs to re-evaluate the meaning of "belief" or get some courage.

supra90turbo said:
malloy: i dont believe this is a cause for total SM destruction...

Just the communities morals.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
You can be offended all you want, you say people only bash christianity, RIGHT.
I can name about 500 more religions that get the bashing stick faster than chirstianity
give me a fuckin break i was a catholic, now im not. Y? because ive opened my eyes, and understand that religion is flawed and man made thus it is something that should be taken in intelligently and not as a mindless belief.

What happen to turn the other cheek?

If you are so offended by this, why do you not get offended by racist post or post taking wise cracks at other religions?
I think making fun of a religion is very low on the "it offends people" scale. It shouldn't,

you know why people are mad all the time, cause they cant take a joke.

I had the saying from Ghandi in my sig for a bit dunno if anyone read it, but its very true.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi.
A wise man, indeed.

so next time someone says a racist joke or takes a crack at a religion, or hell a country stand up for them. bet you wont.
Last edited:


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
John Lunsford said:
I take it all offensively, the pictures and the people defending them. Anyone who says they believe in God and don't find this terribly offensive needs to re-evaluate the meaning of "belief" or get some courage.

I dont believe in Jesus, but i believe in a higher power, not some guy who could raise the dead and walk on water.
If someone to day came and told you they where the second coming of Jesus, you would laugh in their face.

John Lunsford

Don't Bother Me
Mar 30, 2005
Asheville, NC
I wonder if you're as loyal to your friends and family as you are to your God?
This is not TV, it's a forum that WE, the members produce and it directly reflects on US. I'm not going to sit back and let trash like this slide because in a small part I'm responsible for it. If I don't speak up, then I'm allowing it and I can't allow that. I can't stop everything that goes on like this, but if I could you can bet I would.

JonnyRedline said:
holy jeesus freaks batman! i didnt know this was a religion forum! so tv shows like family guy, which are on nightly on basic cable, can poke fun at religion, yet we are forced to not view similar material because one or two members find it offencive? listen if you dont like the thread, then you may leave as easily as pressing the back button. also i dont believe any one on here is any more a christian than me, i went to church with my family religiously every sunday, i was an alter boy(no jokes please), joined a youth group, and performed with a christian ska band. we all poked fun at our own religion, and even others, cause frankly, truth is funny and so is religion, and nothing is funnier than making fun of it all...if we didnt, then life would be that much more boring:)


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Redding, CA
John Lunsford said:
I just bet you don't know what a REAL American is do you?




I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
John Lunsford said:
D34DC311, you are an idiot. It's POS people like you that are making this country ANTI-American, but wait, I just bet you don't know what a REAL American is do you?

WoW you edited that quickly.
I'm an idiot, y?

tell me sir what is a real american?


The new american who is ready for a change, someone who is open minded and willing to help the country change as the majority of the citizens feel fit, a country where we are no longer the aggressors, we do things to help other countries, and to help its own citizens. A country that wants to educate and not stick a rifle in the arms of its children. A country where small business's can grow without getting trampled by large corperate business's. A country where separation of church and state is true (Im guessing your against this?)

O yea and for the FYI, im an Eagle Scout, from troop 85 here in TN. I have over 500 hours of comunity service under my belt. Guess im no american. Maybe i should sit on my ass and complain that my welfare check hasnt arrived so i can buy more beer.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
John Lunsford said:
I bet he wouldn't tolerate this kind of crap about his beliefs.

whos beliefs? the native american?
your right he was killed for what he believed in.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Cripes... can nobody just do the obvious? Are we fated to scrap over religion forever?

Johnny, how much does this thread really mean to you? It obviously means a lot to John & Malloy, would you be willing to take it down just to keep the peace?


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Yeah Im with Lunsford on this. I, as a community member say this crap has got to go.

This is the same crap that isn't welcome here just like nude boobies aren't welcome here.... its tasteless, derogatory, and just plain rude.

John Lunsford

Don't Bother Me
Mar 30, 2005
Asheville, NC
My guess is you're a left wing bleeding heart liberal that believes in nothing but what's convenient for you. It is pointless to argue with people such as yourself because you are self righteous, therefore everyone but you is wrong no matter what they say.

D34DC311 said:
whos beliefs? the native american?
your right he was killed for what he believed in.

The native American is proud an unyielding in his beliefs, as am I. He may have died for his beliefs or for defending them, as would I. Whatever happened to him, I'm not the one that did it, so don't try and go there. How about you, Mr. boy scout? Are you gay? We do have a lot of gay boy scout leaders nowadays. Does this question offend you? Is this why the 'nads in the face' picture don't offend you? Does this make you mad at all? It shouldn't bother you, according to people like you this is perfectly fine and should offend no one. We all know that homosexuality is perfectly acceptable to the left wing liberals, like yourself, at least as long as it's convenient for you. Do I have you wrong? You are painting a pretty good picture of yourself. Wait a minute, I guess I'm the one that's wrong here. After all, I'm speaking up for what I believe and in this country that is the one thing you are not supposed to do, at least if you are a Christian. You are supposed to just sit back and take it. That's what you would like isn't it?


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
I believe that when I die, that will be the end. That means that I don't believe in anything but science. This is not a discussion on "what is your religion?", but I am just telling you my background.

Even though that is my background, I will highly respect what others hold sacred! In college, I took religion and studied different religions. From that class I learned that in Islam, the Koron is to be placed higher than ANY book. No book can be placed higher physically in a room. That is to the degree that some hold their religion to. There are many other such examples of such high respect for one's religion. Some may feel comfortable joking publicly over such things, but they NEED to understand that others do and HAVE the right to hold such things sacred. People in the world have killed over religion. Something like this in certain corners of the world would not only bring heat, but extreme punishment and even death.

Some have stated that on TV they do this or that. If one is relying on TV to tell you what is right or wrong, then it is clear that honor--having a sound judgment on what is right and wrong and taking all relevant things in to consideration--is something you lack in this example. TV shows are run by corporations. Corporations are managed by people who are in charge of increasing profit--it is that simple. They don't care about much else other than maximum profits.

We need to be understanding that this site is for many people of different backgrounds and beliefs.

This thread will only disturb people.
It is one that will create bad feelings in the community and not good ones.

On a side note, I also hear people say OMFG. I understand that in one of the Ten Commandments, you aren't supposed to use the Lord's name in vain. Just saying "Oh my God" has offended people in professional settings. Adding the F in front of it is just ignorance, IMO.

Back to the thread, it needs to be deleted. It was bad, it went worse, and has proved to cause problems.

If the thread starter or anyone who supports this thread can understand why it has to be deleted, GREAT!
But it needs to be taken out regardless of their understanding or not.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Yeah, Im with John and MDC too....

There are lots of things in this world to joke about. Dont you have the creativity to come up other jokes than jokes that offend religion?

I mean of course you do know and have seen on this forum that there are
people here who are religious and yet you post those pictures that offend them.

You see all the shit on tv, magazines and in public have everything around you to see all that....I think SM is a good community and it would be good if it stayed that way. We all come on here to learn about our cars and makes friends and buy/sell parts.

You said you had a religious upbringing. What did you learn about religion or was it just your way of passing time?
I think if people want to get involved in religion, do so with all ur heart and not just for fun.
You also said that " truth is funny and so is religion, and nothing is funnier than making fun of it all...if we didnt, then life would be that much more boring. mean to tell me that without jokes about religion, life would be boring. Fuck....there is a trillion things on this planet and a trillion places to go on this planet to have fun. I think you should travel around the globe more often and then you will see what real fun is.

This community means alot to alot of us. If one wants to come on here to offend people I think that person should go elsewhere.

Too many gay fucks around trying to approve everything and make shit look good. I think we need straight shooters here who are not afraid to shoot down shit and tell it like it is.

Maybe God is not important to you. But he is very important to many members on here. You need to respect that...

I bet your Supra means alot to you. What if a Honda ricer comes along and smashed your Supra and told you its fucking fun to smash your Supra...I bet you would not like that.
Same principle...God mean alot to many people on here and if you post shit they will get offended...Fun for you but not fun for us.

Its simple man....You can say whatever you want to say. Your actions will tell the truth...If you decide to keep offending people that means you have no respect for our fellow supra owners...If you decide to delete that post, it means you showed respect.

17 posts and join date Sept, 2005 doesnt say much...John, Malloynx, MDC and others have been here alot longer, contributed alot more and have businesses here helping Supra owners. I think you need to learn more about this community and why we all keep coming on here.

You are the artist with the paint paint your own picture.



Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
MDCmotorsports said:
This is the same crap that isn't welcome here just like nude boobies aren't welcome here.... its tasteless, derogatory, and just plain rude.

you dont like boobies cause your gay.. its ok you can admit it here


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