Jesus Christ

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Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach




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Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
get a sense of humor...this shit is funny....if you dont like...dont look...end of story... i COULD do something about this thread and frankly i want to keep it OPEN simply to defend the fact that im tired of everything being PC to keep certain people happy...if you dont like it dont look or listen to it. that simple.

Da Kine Guy

Uhhh, how bout the people that are offended not click on this thread anymore and let those of us that are non-Christian and/or find this funny have a laugh. Save the drama fo yo mama.


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
A) John you have no right to force your beliefs upon others.

B) You shouldn't be so serious about things, you'll die before your time.

C) As a moderator you have a responsibility to think about the community FIRST and not about yourself. The fact the you said you would take this down immediately because it offends you , shows that you are not looking out for the forum first and are currently not in the right state of mind to do your job. Take a step back and then act.

D) Finally, this thread should be deleted for the simple fact that it's not worth the trouble it causes, VS, the information it holds.

P.S. maybe my sence of humor is off today but they don't seem that funny.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
dirgle said:
D) Finally, this thread should be deleted for the simple fact that it's not worth the trouble it causes, VS, the information it holds.

Right to free speach.. a SM RULE that I personaly view as high importance..

this thread will not be deleted by either ideal or me (not sure about others) becuase both of us belive free speach is VERY important to SM.


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
Idealsupra said:
get a sense of humor...
I know that the people who posted against this do have a sense of humor. That is not the question. The question is about respect. Do we respect those that are offended? Do we respect the religions that others hold sacred? If you’re going to call this humor, you need to call it cheap humor or white trash humor or something of that nature.
Idealsupra said:
...this shit is funny...
To you and to some, but disturbing to others. We already know that some find it funny. Are you people considering those that find it disturbing? Or are you just siding with the thread starter because he is your bud? What is best for the forum? That is the issue that needs to be considered first!
For me it goes like this, first the forum, then the forum members individually. And then I have my standards on how I and others will be treated in my presents.
Idealsupra said:
...if you dont like...dont look...end of story...
Go on. Why not also say, “if you don’t like it, leave the forum?” Because that is why people leave forums and make a new one. One of the reasons why this forum exists is because the smarter and more mature people wanted to get away from SF and the more immature crowd there. How are we going to fulfill that task when the mods act like punks? Posting more pictures to piss people off is definitely punk behavior.

If the moderators on this forum, that are supposedly “forum leaders” are acting like brat kids, and they themselves aren’t mature enough to do their job, than this forum will not be a successful one or meet what people want it to be. The problems are that some find this thread very disturbing. CK chose to tell those contributors to get the fuck out and then he posted more pictures that he knows would disturb them further. As far as I am concerned, that is just another power tripping bullshit move on his part to say, “FUCK YOU!” to them. I don’t think a supermoderator’s job is to piss off people who have contributed more than he will ever to this forum.

Idealsupra said:
...if you dont like it dont look or listen to it. that simple.
Or leave – don’t forget that one. Be sure to show those that have been most helpful the way out, won’t you.

MDC is more supramania than anyone on this site.
He is exclusively SM. He was the fist to ever help me out. He doesn’t go to other sites, then comes here to power trip.

John Lunsford is a mature individual, and telling him to “get the fuck out” with even more pics that would be sure to further disturb him is not at all the profession type of moderation I would have expected at all.

We need moderator on this forum that are loyal to the forum and not their friends.
We need moderators that mod for the right reasons, not for power tripping or to feel as if they are special for having the “keys” to threads.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
tony i think you are over analyzing the situation... why must it be all or nothing? what i said is just that.... if you dont like THIS SUBJECT....DONT READ THIS SUBJECT....

if you look at it and it bothers you then give the guy negative rep and move on.....

this is OFF TOPIC... not a technical forum or anything else....this is a place for people to do and say almost anything they please with NO ONE moderating them...

as a moderator i feel that this is a section where i DONT have to be "above the rest in manners and views" i can be ME and not have to worry about it.

i know mcd and john are good one is questioning that.... but if they (moreso jjohn apparently) want to take it to the point of where the rest of us moderators have to choose between allowing our members free speech and having that one or two other members leave...guess what.... byebye....

no ONE forum member is greater then the forum said it YOURSELF.... forum before its members.... well i see it as though the forum must reatain its rights for people to speak their mind and as long as it isnt PERSONALLY attacking someone else i dont see a problem. and last time i checked...jesus christ isnt a registered member here and regardless of what some people may think...hes no ones personal friend or family member either...

therefore he is a symbol...and symbols CAN be made fun of.

read into it what you wish...but the bottom line is there is nothing wrong with this thread as it was intended. if it causes people to leave then they better head straight to chruch and repent for looking at it.


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Ckanderson said:
Right to free speach.. a SM RULE that I personaly view as high importance..

this thread will not be deleted by either ideal or me (not sure about others) because both of us believe free speech is VERY important to SM.

A very good point CK. And I'm glad there are people like you defending that fact. I'm not so generous with my opinion on these things, I evaluate the worth of each thing and then try and find the balance. The value of the information in this thread doesn’t balance the trouble of keeping it open. The data contained here can easily be search for on the internet and found.
The information is not high in value like some things. However I'm glade someone is willing to fight for the freedom to post it. I guess I'm just to lazy.

Also here is an interesting point. I guarantee you that some of the people protesting this, trying to censor it are also the same ones that are getting pissed about censoring the word Christmas, and replacing it with holiday. You can't have it both ways.

P.S. the Christmas thing pisses me off too. It's Christmas, people, get over it.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
dirgle said:
A very good point CK. And I'm glad there are people like you defending that fact. I'm not so generous with my opinion on these things, I evaluate the worth of each thing and then try and find the balance. The value of the information in this thread doesn’t balance the trouble of keeping it open. The data contained here can easily be search for on the internet and found.
The information is not high in value like some things. However I'm glade someone is willing to fight for the freedom to post it. I guess I'm just to lazy.

Also here is an interesting point. I guarantee you that some of the people protesting this, trying to censor it are also the same ones that are getting pissed about censoring the word Christmas, and replacing it with holiday. You can't have it both ways.

P.S. the Christmas thing pisses me off too. It's Christmas, people, get over it.

no i think its OFFICIALLY been changed to CHRISMIHANUKWANZUKAH



Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
To hell with you. :icon_eek:

I'm a shitty speller to begin with and there is no way I'd make it thought 30 Christmas cards with out screwing it up. It’s staying Christmas, that one doesn’t hurt my head.:biglaugh:


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
dirgle said:
To hell with you. :icon_eek:

I'm a shitty speller to begin with and there is no way I'd make it thought 30 Christmas cards with out screwing it up. It’s staying Christmas, that one doesn’t hurt my head.:biglaugh:

bwahahahaha oh man that had me rolling in laughter..... how about:




Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
I see a Z. Z's scare me. :ugh:

That would be a fun word to do on Wheel of Fortune.

I'd like to buy a vowel please.

Ummm..... ok like half the word lit up. What the hell is it?!!?! :dunno:


Idealsupra said:
last time i checked...jesus christ isnt a registered member here and regardless of what some people may think...hes no ones personal friend or family member either...

therefore he is a symbol...and symbols CAN be made fun of.

*cough* umm... I forgive you!

The rest of you sinners tho... strait to hell!

Your Pal




Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
CHECK AGAIN....SOMEONE JUST REGISTERED AS JESUS CHRIST AND IS ONLINE NOW....He must be personal friends of some members so no more talking shit bout him...guess thats one reason to delete this thread.

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