Gm Transmission Kit Oh ya!!


Apr 1, 2005
roadrunner built my converter. its fairly loose. i flash stall at about 5100 rpm and can foot brake it up to 3500 or so, depending on conditions.


Apr 24, 2005
Tampa, Fl.
i have the adaptor to mount the toyota bh to the th350 or th400 front pump. was working on a custom flexplate to allow the use of a stock gm convertor wit hthis setup, however at $1500-2k for the first one i couldnt afford to do it. now if we had like 10 people willing ot poney up the dough for the finished product it would cover the r&d. then only thing left custom is the driveshaft, trans lines, cooler, aftermarket shifter etc... otherwise i can use the stock flexplate and get the convertors made locally for $400-700. they dont have an exact quote cause they dont know how long itll take to make it. now after the first one is done future ones should be cheaper id think. i have a junk shortblock and the flexplate, th400 wit hthe a340 bh already on it i can drop off to have it made, though im buying a house right now so cant shell the cahs out myself. for pics of the adaptor plate look at the cardomain for my 84 or look for the for sale thread i started a long time ago. i can get the steel adaptor for $230 shipped to your door in the us. prolly $240 shipped for canada.