Gas War Join The Resistance!!!!


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
In response to bobiseverywhere's friend. The thing he doesn't seem to be taking in to consideration is the fact that the price of gas is going up disproportionately to the price of crude oil. And the difference is rising at a much higher rate than before. In all truth it should be getting smaller as technology improves, costs should go down. Most of us can understand and accept the way the price of crude oil is influenced but it seem our own oil companies have found a way to price gouge us and play it off as someone else’s fault. And for those that do see what is going on they know we are not in a position to do anything. It's sad but I think the government is going to have to take care of this. They need to regulate the price as they did with gold when those prices got out of control. Unfortunately I don't see our government doing anything in our favor on this subject anytime soon.


bobb'n for money
Apr 1, 2005
I like you point it is just as valid as well. As far as it being unproportional well that is just a matter of view point. I am not fighting for the gas companies but look in euorpe the price of gas there and in Asia is Crazy as well as many other places on the planet. I still think we all get Raped by the companies for it but who is going to stop them. Where i live 53% of the price at the Pump is Tax. The Goverment is not about to just give up all the Extra revenue that they are making off of all of this

dirgle said:
In response to bobiseverywhere's friend. The thing he doesn't seem to be taking in to consideration is the fact that the price of gas is going up disproportionately to the price of crude oil. And the difference is rising at a much higher rate than before. In all truth it should be getting smaller as technology improves, costs should go down. Most of us can understand and accept the way the price of crude oil is influenced but it seem our own oil companies have found a way to price gouge us and play it off as someone else’s fault. And for those that do see what is going on they know we are not in a position to do anything. It's sad but I think the government is going to have to take care of this. They need to regulate the price as they did with gold when those prices got out of control. Unfortunately I don't see our government doing anything in our favor on this subject anytime soon.


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Very true. The Government is turning a pretty penny on tax from gas. I primary reason I don't thing will be seeing any real help from them anytime soon. They will more than likely give us a band-aid fix while they skirt the real issue at hand. You aren’t kidding about Europe being higher. I went to Rome last summer and it was crazy. No wonder everybody rides scoters every where. But that is other counties. The issue at the moment is our country. Why the unbalanced change? Comparing it to other countries only gives upping the price false justification. It's never explained why we have to follow Europe when the U.S. has dealt with the gas prices on its own for so long.


bobb'n for money
Apr 1, 2005
I see where your heading what is really going to cook your noodle even more is that the USA only imports 20% or not even that much of it's oil from other coutries Canada imports 3% so the hicked up price you are paying is for your own oil taken from your own land. It's all about world markets and keeping an even balance. i know it sounds dumb but that is the name of the game. the Us have never realy set it's own prices. Niether has canada. We are all subject to the World market due to our economy and how it works. regardless of where the Raw product comes from. Look at aMany other things that are afected by world markets. Even though they are never brought in from out side


D34DC311 said:
same here ill fight if its necciarry but please Boostaddctn and charlesbboy tell me what our troops are fighting for over in iraq? well.
and charlesbboy if u knew nething about veitnam u wouldnt say "fuck hippies" my uncle went to nam was a sniper, he's an alchohlic now. he fought 6 years to keep his 2 of his brothers out of nam. tell me what we accomplished over in nam?

We went into "nam" as you call it to stop a domino effect of communism from spreading all over asia, its like saying why did we step into WW2 or the GULF WAR, all the wars have been justified, hell we are fighting over in Iraq for those that can't fight or unable to have an army to fight their oppressors... aight peace


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Boostaddctn said:
We went into "nam" as you call it to stop a domino effect of communism from spreading all over asia, its like saying why did we step into WW2 or the GULF WAR, all the wars have been justified, hell we are fighting over in Iraq for those that can't fight or unable to have an army to fight their oppressors... aight peace

WWII the world was in trouble we had to fight or be taken over
NAM the french were in nam for almost 30 years, we still lost in nam did communism spread in asia no.
gulf war we went in because quate was getting attack by saddam, quate was our allies cause of oil.
Iraq my ass, i can name 30 more places that needed help more for one what about north korea hell they have fuckin nukes right now that can hit hawaii, bush has said much except iraq has weapons of mass destuctions hmm wander what happen to all those weapons, we didnt go to iraq to free a people we went in for the oil.
aight peace.


wastegate hose is pulled
Mar 30, 2005
Long Island, NY
D34DC311 said:
WWII the world was in trouble we had to fight or be taken over
NAM the french were in nam for almost 30 years, we still lost in nam did communism spread in asia no.
gulf war we went in because quate was getting attack by saddam, quate was our allies cause of oil.
Iraq my ass, i can name 30 more places that needed help more for one what about north korea hell they have fuckin nukes right now that can hit hawaii, bush has said much except iraq has weapons of mass destuctions hmm wander what happen to all those weapons, we didnt go to iraq to free a people we went in for the oil.
aight peace.

If we went for the oil, then where is it? If we invaded Iraq to steal thier oil, we'd be paying 25c a gallon for gas by now. Without that reason (that is so painfully obviously not true), why else would we send troops to Iraq? We haven't gone to North Korea because they have nukes, duh.

Oh yeah, it is spelled Kuwait not "quate". I'm not ususally a stickler for spelling but it took me a while to figure out WTF you meant on that one, lol.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
we live in an imperfect world. why is it this way? because people (like the corporations behind the scenes) are greedy, power hungry, selfish bastards.

lots of things shouldnt be the way they are. but who has answers? i dont.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
still no one has answered to me why we went over there and as for the "no we didnt go into iraq for the oil" thing, yes we did the companies now can regulate the gas prices how they want to. just because they are over there doesnt mean gas is goin to be 25c a gallon. they have a monopoly now instead of goin through iraq to buy their oil then sell it here, they stole it now they have total control.
and as for the spelling srry about that i was in a bit of a rush and had to get to class i pretty much through some letters togetther that sounded like kuwait.


we don't go after North Korea because they have Russian nuclear warheads mounted on crappy indian delivery vessels (or some bastard combination like that) In all reality..the vessel CAN reach Hawaii... but the warhead won't go off.. or the warhead would go off but the vessel wouldnt..

don't underestimate the intellegence we have over North Korea... last I checked they were gassing thier own people... raping women in camps...and imprisoning children nationwide....


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
then how come we dont go over there they really do have weapons of mass destruction and they are opressing their people?
iraq didnt have weapons of mass destuction and they really didnt want us over there.


iraq didnt have weapons of mass destruction?

really? prove it.

also.. aside from iraq's weapons...what about they're many many infractions against the UN.

how about all the planes they flew in the no-fly zone...what about all our planes they shot down while we patrolled that zone?

as far as Im concerned that was grounds enough for action there....
also Deadcell what your sayin in a sense is that we shuoldnt have freed the people of iraq...we shouldnt have gotten the children out of the jails... let the people have free elections... did you see all those iraqi's holding up thier fingers covered in ink? they are so proud and happy...


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
bush even said it was a miss communication between the CIA, he even said they didnt have weapons of mass destruction thats pretty much proof of him stating yea we fucked up.
well if u say infractions against the UN then wat about cirra or iran hmm, they do the same shit they just get the cold shoulder,

you see what the media shows you, what about north africa, lyberia(sp?) they are desperate, hell what about north korea, what about all the countries in the world that have it 6 times worse than iraq what about them, they get the we dont give a fuck because you have nothing we need. afaghanstan what happened there we left WTF how come bin laden is still out there, you know why we let afaghanastan, because they have nothing we need.
and as for the people of iraq, i have a friend that came from iraq yes you are right he hated saddam but the iraqies are a people of their contry and they didnt need democracy forced apon them.


if you know where bin laden is..please tell us, for all you know we have him in custody but we're not letting on so that his cells will scramble for help and expose themselves..

also.. Iraq is a stepping stone...maybe Burton will get on the UN and make it grow some damn balls instead of Kofi Anann's little brat punk ass son running things.


Ahhh Yeah!!
Mar 30, 2005
chevyeater said:
We haven't gone to North Korea because they have nukes, duh.

I really hope your not serious! :3d_frown:

DeadCell I agree with you on everything you have said. That is some really scary stuff, such as those prison camps, wtf is that shit.


D34DC311 said:
all i can say is DRAFT if we go into cira or iran.

you're wrong, our army is only a small percentage dispersed to Active Combat Theater at the moment. Also..a small voluntary army is usually more effective than a larger consigned army. Add to that the different plan of attack Syria or Iran would be taken by compared to the massive on foot presence of the Iraq invasion, and a Draft is nowhere in the future for our country... we simply don't need any more people.