Cops are assholes, period!


Dedicated Member
Apr 6, 2005
Texas Motor Speedway

So, I start my day off like I usually do, I went to Taco Bell to get some lunch, had to wait 20 minutes for my food because of the lunch rush, which was ok, I wasn't in any hurry. So I head home, with my food, excited to eat and relax until work I have to go to work later today. I turn to get on the highway, right before , I pass a cop. As I'm on the turn to get on, the cop turns around. I'm thinking to myself, "Ok, he's gonna check my plate and just go on his way." This wasn't the case here, right when I turn, he puts on his light (And just to give a background here, I'm always very courteous when it comes to dealing with police, I say "Yes sir", "No Sir", shake their hand, and I'm always cooperative. I always follow traffic laws, and hardly ever speed for the sake of gas mileage.) So, I pull over to the side, he pulls up behind me. I realize these cops have nothing better to do when another car pulls up right behind the one that just pulled me over, he was obviously in the neighborhood, and decided to stop by, DOUBT IT. This was an attempt to get as much out of me as possible, and you'll understand this later in the story. He comes up, asks for the usual license, insurance, blah blah blah.

After inspecting everything for 5 minutes, he asks, "Where you coming home from?" I say, "On my way home from Taco Bell, just picked up some lunch." He responds with a, "Coming home from lunch, huh?" As if I wasn't on my way home from lunch, and you could clearly see my Taco Bell cup in my cupholder, so I don't know why he was second guessing me. He then asks he to step out of the car. I oblige, thinking it's just a simple protocol. He then asks where my corrective lenses are, as I'm not wearing them, I was wearing my Oakleys, but I always keep my glasses in the center console, I even went to the car and pointed them out. He still asks me to step aside, and has the nerve to ask me if I have any drugs, or narcotics in my car.

I say, "No sir, of course not." He then asks to search my vehicle, again, second guessing me. So, this is where the second cop mentioned earlier comes in. While the first is searching my car, literally tearing it apart, the second cop is blocking me from seeing the searching, while personally searching me for any weapons or contraband. They don't find anything, on me or in the car, and then give me two citations. One for my registration, which expired in May, but I haven't even registered the car in my name since I haven't had the Celica for very long anyways. And another for not wearing corrective lenses (which, BTW, aren't even necessary anyways, I use the glasses for reading).

So, as you can tell here, these cops weren't just after a routine traffic stop, they pull over a person who looks like he is in the teenage years, trying to squeeze as much out of me as possible. I can see where the citations come in, but the fact that they were trying to possibly arrest me or find drugs on me is just ridiculous. I've seen asshole cops before, but these guys take the cake for the worst.



Jan 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
If glasses labeled on your license you need them on when ever you drive. But that sucks what they did. But actually they did have the right to pull you over with the expired registration.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
The next time you get pulled over and asked where you're going, answer like this: "I'm sorry I was speeding officer, but I couldn't wait to get to your mom's house so I could bang her!"


just here
Aug 1, 2005
thats nothing two weeks ago i got arrested for public lewdness. i stopped and piss. we were in the middle of nowhere. four cop cars and like 5 cops were there tearing threw my friends car. looking for everything and anything. while we were in handcuffs. finds a closed beer my friend get the blame for that. then finds some pills that were the owners. we both end up getting charged with that, because neither one of us would claim them. they said they found a roach i seen it. looked like it was three years old. they haul us off we get bonded out. the owner of the pills told the cops at the station that they were his, and that he would have to go to court and prove that. we bond out. now am looking at a 500 fine plus 125 to bond out. now i have to pay a lawer and all that crap. just for stopping and taking a piss :3d_frown:


Far From Maddening Crowds
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 30, 2005
Dude this shit happens all the time.
I personally take all costs to avoid it now. (I had too many bad experiences a few years back) But it always seems to come creeping back and nab me.
I know exactly how you feel.

Few months back I got pulled over for my tint. I previously tried to remove the rear hatch tint that had gotten all bubbly from the previous owner (and is freaking old!) But I was unable to get it all off due to the rear defogger. I had already taken off the tinting on the little side windows. My door windows had some very light (also old) tinting one them, but I thought nothing of it. There are tons of cars around here with limo tinting, mine isn't even close to that.

I rolled through a good yellow (just turned) and this cop comes flying up from behind me. So I'm like oh great here comes the pig probably going to use the excuse I ran a red. Come to find out he says my tinting needs to be removed! I was no expecting this at all, so I explained that it was probably as old as the car itself and I had tried to remove it and haven't gotten to the door windows yet. Still he writes me a citation. So have to go through all the motions take off the tint, go to the county building, have a cop check it later. Yada yada what a freaking pain.

So a couple weeks ago I go to my buddys birthday party which is kind of in a not so great part of town, but not bad. I park on the street go in back and kick it for awhile. Because I was driving I never ever drink anymore, not even one. So I pass up the multiple beer offerings from my friends. Later on a cop comes up to the front door looking for this guy with the blue car on the street. So I go up to the door thinking the cop wants me to move the car, that I am in someones way or something. Nope. Turns out my car matches her description of a wanted suspect. WTF

Again I was not expecting this. She asks me if I know this guy and if anyone else drives my car yada yada. No and No. So I ask her if she is looking for a Toyota Supra, dosn't really give me an answer. I tell her there isn't many cars that look like this. I can tell she cant tell a camaro from a supra from a eclipse. She says I don't match the suspects description (no shit Sherlock) Basically she has no clue what she is talking about. I know her description on file is a blue two door hatchback or something simple. Ends up taking my name and number and shit. Nothing ever comes of it.

I conclude with, in toned down words, I despise them. Very much.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
One thing that you can always do to make sure they earn their money on speeding tickets is write a simple letter requesting certain information in 30 days or less under the Freedom of Information Act. Make sure you ask for a copy of the engineering study that justifies the speed limit they were enforcing as well as a copy of the calibration records for the radar unit in their car.

Worst case senario is that you managed to waste an hour or more of their time digging up, preparing and sending the documents. Best case is that they supply nothing at all or can't back up their ticket, both of which mean an easy win in traffic court. There's more of this kind of thing at


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
So let me get this straight... You weren't wearing your glasses like your DL says you should and you were driving around on expired tags because you're too lazy to register the get cited for both and the cops are assholes?

Did I miss something? :dunno:


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
Shytheed Dumas said:
One thing that you can always do to make sure they earn their money on speeding tickets is write a simple letter requesting certain information in 30 days or less under the Freedom of Information Act. Make sure you ask for a copy of the engineering study that justifies the speed limit they were enforcing as well as a copy of the calibration records for the radar unit in their car.

Worst case senario is that you managed to waste an hour or more of their time digging up, preparing and sending the documents. Best case is that they supply nothing at all or can't back up their ticket, both of which mean an easy win in traffic court. There's more of this kind of thing at
info on fredom of information act?


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
I never liked the cops and I never will. their a waste around here... always starting shit. sucks to hear that tho... knowing myself I'd be a dick and end up in handcuffs.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
matt, i just edited your post to break it up into paragraphs. it makes it easier to read. :)

that's one crap story. i won't get into fault... :( though, i've met many cool cops in my runnings around.



Apr 11, 2007
I would have pulled him over too.
Then hit him with a stick and sprinkled some crack on him.

lol:yelrotflm :yelrotflm :yelrotflm


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
OneJoeZee said:
So let me get this straight... You weren't wearing your glasses like your DL says you should and you were driving around on expired tags because you're too lazy to register the get cited for both and the cops are assholes?

Did I miss something? :dunno:

He needs reading glasses... I don't recall the last time someone needed reading glasses to see a speed limit sign. The expired tags I agree with ya, but the rest is bullshit.