Cops are assholes, period!


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
your driving a fast car with expired tags,and not wearing perscribed glassware. hmm why did you get pulled over?
sounds like you gave the cop the opportunity to give you a bad time.


Need Rust Repair
Aug 24, 2005
Bryan, OH /Lima, OH
I know of some videos that show what the cop can and cant do when you get pulled over, Ill try finding them

But on point if your license says you are to wear them and your not, that is your own fault. Lieing to them about contacts wont work either, for it takes a whopping 10 secs to pull a contact out no matter where you are, mirror or no mirror.

As far as searches Ill post a topic about knowing your rights when it comes to it


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Syris said:
But on point if your license says you are to wear them and your not, that is your own fault. Lieing to them about contacts wont work either, for it takes a whopping 10 secs to pull a contact out no matter where you are, mirror or no mirror.

I would never comply with an officer demanding I prove to him I'm wearing contacts by taking it out of my eye. I don't keep soap to clean my hands and lens solution to place the contact in after taking it out in my car. No way would I risk dirtying or infecting my eye for an officer's satisfaction.

But I would never drive without them... My prescription is over -6.0


Need Rust Repair
Aug 24, 2005
Bryan, OH /Lima, OH
OneJoeZee said:
I would never comply with an officer demanding I prove to him I'm wearing contacts by taking it out of my eye. I don't keep soap to clean my hands and lens solution to place the contact in after taking it out in my car. No way would I risk dirtying or infecting my eye for an officer's satisfaction.

But I would never drive without them... My prescription is over -6.0

Then dont try to argue that you have something when you dont, and it says it on your license that it is required


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Some cops are assholes, that cant be denied, but you definately made a few mistakes that you can now correct so it doesnt happen again.

1. wear your glasses/contacts or go back to the DMV and prove you dont need them for driving and have the limitation removed from your licence. An alternative is to get a pair of your favorite sunglasses with prescription lenses and keep them handy, slip em on before the officer comes to your window.

2. Get your tags updated and the registration in your name at your correct address. Giving the officers no reason to pull you over in the first place is worth the cost in aggrivation alone.

3. If you have some time to waste and feel like just being a pain in a cops ass then when they ask if they can search your car, say "based on my 4th amendment rights I have the right to refuse consent to a search of my person or property without probably cause. Simply refusing consent does not constitute probable cause. Traffic violations also do not constitute probably cause to search for contriband. I am therefore refusing consent" . It will really irritate the cop and could result in you having to wait for the officer to call for backup and confer with his shift supervisor, and may result in your vehicle being impounded. But if you have nothing to hide and a video camera to back up your story it could result in a nice false imprisonment lawsuit.

But seriously, the tickets you got you cant really be pissed about. The rest of it is complete bullshit, but little more than a hassle. Try not to give them reason next time. You know what I drive and I havent been pulled over and hassled in at least 10 years.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Syris said:
Then dont try to argue that you have something when you dont, and it says it on your license that it is required


If you're wearing contacts and they don't believe you, well fuck'em. It would be stupid for a cop to ask you to take out your contacts with your dirty hands.

Put your grungy hands in your eyes to prove you're wearing contacts if you want. :ugh2:


New Member
Apr 14, 2006
Kennewick WA
in my town refusing to allow a cop to search your car give the cop probably cause according to our local laws so your screwed either way if a cop wants to search your car


Jan 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
JustAnotherVictim said:
They need a warrant.
To search under your hood is a different story...

oh okay. thats when the "my latch doesn't work" story comes in huh? I know a guy that actually convinced the cops that it didn't open and the latch was stuck even if he was pulling the wire.


Jan 17, 2007
jacksonville, nc

im a cop myself and let me reassure u not all cops are asshole....u have the ones that are all about the letter of the law instead of the spirit of the law...and being most likely boot cop as u said...the secondary cop was prob his mentor and you just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time...and got cought up as guinea pig for some on the job training

but trust me i know exactly how it feels


Active Member
Oct 4, 2006
Oxnard CA
Ckanderson said:
should have told them they couldent search your car. i always wonder what they would do then.
This makes them even madder they will find a way to search your car or find other excusse's to writ more tickets