Yet another Climate Control question (but first by me)


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
I swapped out my stock '88 climate control this past summer with a '90+ unit.

I noticed that during a trip this summer (hot day) I put the AC on at 74 degrees AUTO and left it alone... After a while, it got FREEZING in the car, yet it did not shut off... I had to put it up to 84 degrees to get it to cut off...

I dismissed that incident, figuring that it may have been an air pocket in my heater core keeping it from moderating the temperature, but still found it odd that it wouldn't have shut the unit off as I increased the temp...

Now that it's cold out, I'm having another issue... My unit won't turn ON unless I turn it up to around 84 degrees (sometimes it even cycles off when using 84 degrees and setting it at 85 degrees is the only way to keep it on), even if it's FREEZING in the car... There's a large gap between 74 degrees and 84 degrees (the actual settings vary) where the unit remains off, but when I set it below 74 it starts trying to cool (it switches it from floor to face and puts out lukewarm air)! When set at 84-85 degrees it blows hot air using the floor vents...

What could be causing this? Where is the temperature sensor located, and what could be effecting it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

