window switch problem


New Member
Apr 10, 2005
My passenger window will not roll up!

Last night I took my passenger switch apart to clean the contacts and the switch worked perfectly. The driver's side passenger switch still did not roll up though, and down stopped working too. So, I took the driver's switch apart to clean it. After I got it all back together neither the passenger switch nor the driver's passenger switch work at all. What the hell happened? A little spring did fall out from the window lock, but i tried just removing the window lock button all together and it still doesnt work. Now my passenger window is stuck down. LAME.

Anyone know what I am overlooking? I need a new driver's switch anyway b/c the little tab broke on it, but in the mean time I'd like to at least get my passenger window up so I can drive it.

I swear everytime I try to fix something it gets worse. lol


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Your window is stuck down ?? well simply take off the switch, then there will be the wiring harness that goes to the window motor, just jump it...using a booster pack if u have one. Just ground the pack on ur car or find the black wire, and try the other wires with the positive, should go up...or down.