What to eliminate from aristo harness into mk3


New Member
May 2, 2015
Alright guys so I have the connectors tied into the body harness and was able to get the car fired up, fp wasnt kicking on when key was On and coolant temp wasn't working, just a few bugs to sort out. So I pulled out the complete aristo Harness which is out of an auto car btw and I'm running a r154. So there's a good bit I want to delete, and auto trans stuff, ac etc. I labeled all the connectors I was using such as the igniter plugs etc. But things such as the skid sensor on the left of the trans not sure if I need that. I'm sure the info is out there deep but I run such a tight schedule with work and free time. I'm going to make a list of what I'm using and other pins that may be questionable to unpin and clean up this harness. If you already have a list of what you kept and did away with I'd appreciate it for a good start point.


New Member
May 2, 2015
Alright, I know some of you could answer this but it's too much work I understand. I'll generate my own list