What is OEM head gasket thickness on 7M-GE?


Nov 2, 2022
I'm shopping for a new MLS headgasket and my machinist has decked the block and cut the head. This is the first time the head has been cut and block has been decked. He said I don't need a thick headgasket due to compression ratio being 9.1:1. No power adders either. Also its been bored .020 so it'll be 83.5mm bore. But he says 84mm will work also. He said go with stock thickness. Does anyone know the official stock thickness?

So far I've seen answers like 1.37mm compressed is stock thickness. I aiming cometic headgasket but they don't have 1.37mm. They the next size up and down which is 1.3mm or 1.42mm. Should I go with 1.42mm because the block and head were machined to compensate?