volvo s70 efan install


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
so about a month ago i started to notice my car was running sorta hot when driving out the mountains to go to the river. after some investigating i came to the conclusion my clutch for my fan was done. cause when the car was hot the thing would just free spin and had no drag on it. and if you put your hand in front of the radiator you couldn't feel really any air moving at all......i know not having a shroud doesn't help but it was obvious the fan wasn't really doing anything. now i have an extra engine that has a newer clutch fan since the motor was out of a newer gs300 so it had to be newer than my old sc300 one. but i wanted something better since i race my car upgrading is always good when possible. ive never liked how little air the stock fan moves at idle when letting the car cool after runs. thats the biggest problem with clutch fans compared to efan. they just don't move a ton of air at idle period. heres a pic of what i was rocking for a couple years.

i wanted to run a large single fan for the fact that wiring it was easier and i just don't have much space at all to work with so fitting one was gonig to be hard enough. after doing some research i found the fan off a ford taurus was a big favorite among many projects. its a 2 speed fan made by siemens so its oem quality and reliability compared to some overpriced poorly designed aftermarket fans. then i stumbled across a thread about the VOLVO FAN :bowdown:!!!!! now i know volvo's have many issues but one thing they got right is the fan set up. its actually the same fan as the taurus but has a better shroud plus a relay and fuse assembly thats right on the shroud to make wiring it a breeze!!! so now that i knew what fan i wanted to run i went to the local yard. and of course there were tons of volvos there to choose from lol :hsugh:

got the fan, shroud, and relay/fuse assembly for $35! i tried to trim the shroud down to get it to fit but it was too thick. and the fan blades stick out past the mounting surface so you can't just mount it with those shitty fan zip tie things. even though i wanted a shroud and wouldn't used those on my car anyway but just a fyi. so i measured and bought a piece of aluminum sheet cut to the dimensions to fit my radiator. then drilled holes in it to mount it and slots for it to clear hoses and drain. then after some fiddling found where i wanted the fan and cut that out. i used a jig saw and it made niece clean cuts with minimal clean up. also had to bend the sheet slightly to clear my intercooler pipe. i did that by putting the sheet between two 2x4 then screwed them together and shaped it with a small sledge. worked great cause i had to keep it flat where it bolted up and past that.

then found where i wanted the fuse and relay. the fan plug and fuse have christmas tree type mount on the back so i just drilled a small hole and they snapped in. the relay i made a L shaped bracket and so it sits on that then two holes to pass a zip tie through to keep it in place. for wiring theres a ground coming out the fan harness then a plug for the the power feed on the relay. then theres a plug with two small wires that control the fan. they're switch by a ground signal so its really easy. i just got a double throw switch and ran the wires to my glove box. then grounded the switch to the firewall. oh and when i tested it on the ground when i first got it i thought it was gonna fly away when i put it on high hahahaa

here it is all said and done. this fan moves a TON of air!!! on low you're like wow this thing moves a lot of air then on high you're like HOLLY FUCK ITS GONNA SUCK A BIRD THOUGH THE GRILL LOL!!!! you can feel air rushing past the intercooler and radiator its awesome!

Been a little over a month an so far its been great. i recently drove 200 miles to medford raced all weekend in 90* heat and drove back home without any overheating issues :biglaugh:!!! after my practice and 5 lap time attack i pulled off into the pits and let it sit with the fan on low and it would get it below operating temp! only used high when racing. really its a quality and powerful fan for a great price. i just had to share how pleased i am with it. i recommend it to anyone looking for the extra cooling that a clutch fan just doesn't do. espically in traffic or anywhere where the car is at low speed low rpm. oh and i gained mad horse powerzzz from loosing that truck fan :ugh2:
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New Member
Oct 18, 2009
Nice, but make sure you have an extra fuse and relay hanging around, that's the lesson i learned. What is the model of the volvo?


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
thanks guys! and yeah its definitely an upgrade from what i had on there since my clutch fan wasn't function properly. when it was though it worked to cool the car as i used it for years. but like i said clutch fans just don't move a ton of air at low rpm when compared to an efan. theres tons of situations where you can benefit from that. like in line at drag races, cool down laps, cooling in pits, stop and go traffic, im sure theres more but you get the point. i know for a fact though that fan on high moves waaaaaay more air than the clutch fan ever could at idle. even on low prolly more. and i liked my clutch fan and have nothing against them since they do work. im just pleased with how the efan works and has useful perks espeicallly when racing.

and i do have an extra fuse and relay ;)


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
IndigoMKII;2026153 said:
Any info on actual cfm numbers?

im sure they're out there but never looked. it has to be pretty high up there when on high and low moves a good amount of air also. maybe someday when im bored i'll make a video