Titan Motorsports and parts for the mk3



Well i have been working trying to get more parts added to our site, and more mk3 parts added. it has taken longer than expected, but its finally up and running. there is a few things left to add like turbo kits, and options for parts, as well as the car specific section, but let me know what you guys think, and let me know if there is something you dont see you would like to see on there.




Cya said:
AB Flug A-duct replicas via mail order, would be nice.

probably not, not a big fan on replicas, do you know how many calls i will have to deal with with people saying they dont fit!


emiliorescigno said:
Where is the "Search by car" section/category? It's not very useful without it.

like i said its not 100% done, just letting you know what i have been working on, there is a litte more editiing, and adding the car specific section. dont worry its there, just not up and running yet, everything should be done in a few weeks.


Nov 1, 2005
Burbank, CA
I really like it.... I liked it better before all the vendor logos on the sides popped up when the page was loading. They really make the page look very busy and draw too much attention away from the actual products in my opinion.

All the pictures of the products look very good, glad to see you have review sections, I hope lots of people use them. You may even want to go through supramania's review section and grab reviews from products to fill them up if you have extra time... i find reviews to be very helpful.

I like the "new products for [month]" feature too, very cool. I hope you can make that work for each specific car ... like "new mk3 supra products for [month]"