Steering Rack Question.


New Member
Mar 2, 2008
Lower Mainland, B.C.
As the title says, I have a question about my steering rack.

I have yet to personally inspect it, but I'm pretty sure my steering rack is on the way out, as well as its bushings. The problem is that my Supra is a JZA70 and my question is: Can I use an MA70 steering rack on the car?

The obvious difference is that my car is RHD and the MA70 is LHD. I was thinking I could get an MA70 steering rack and just flip it around. Will this work? I don't want to tear my car apart and end up with it not working. Aside from all this, is there a decent aftermarket brand out there? I have the feeling one from Toyota will cost too much to justify buying from them. Thanks in advance.