Sputtering problem in high RPMs with ECT power button on??


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
3p141592654;1815740 said:
Unfortunately that cleaner is not compatible with our AFM. If you got it on the AFM optics, they are now ruined.

Yup, look on the back of the can, if it's the can I'm thinking of, it says "do not use for karman vortex maf sensors"


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
I'll take a look at the back of the can and see. If it ruined my afm electronics then why does the car still run fine aside from the sputtering up top which was already an issue? From my experience bad afm's make the car run like crap over all. Also, is it possible for a alternator thats going bad to cause the break up issue? I've notice my Alt. is starting to make a noise and the lights in the car are dim. Another supra owner mentioned to me that a bad alt can cause the car to sputter like mine is but I've never heard of that.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
Well my sputtering problem has been solved!! Turns out my battery ground to the body of the car was extremely loose. Also, the negative and positive terminals were very loose. Tightened everything up, re-did the coil ground while I was at it, and the car runs better than ever! I did read the back of that can and it does say to NOT use on our cars. I must have simply gotten lucky it didn't ruin mine.
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Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
99 times out of 100, it's the damned simple answers that we miss. Good job on finding it before you spent a fortune on swapping parts out that would have done jack to fix your problem.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
Supracentral;1818587 said:
99 times out of 100, it's the damned simple answers that we miss. Good job on finding it before you spent a fortune on swapping parts out that would have done jack to fix your problem.

Yes, I was about to go buy brand new plugs again, AFM electronics, possibly new alternator, and who knows what else. Instead, I figured I'd completely check everything over first to see if it still wasn't something simple I was missing. Popped the hood and went through my engine bay for like a hour checking things. Then I got out my timing gun to check timing and this is when I found that my battery terminals were very loose. Connected my timing gun ground to the negative battery terminal and the terminal about fell off!! Wiggled the positive side and it was very loose to. I then looked at the battery ground and it was about to fall out. Tightened it all up and went for a drive and I was sooo happy when it finally pulled hard all the way to red line with out breaking up!


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
what will be back?? The sputtering or the timing? I just tried the process for adjusting the timing about 15 times. Its either at 4 degrees or like 16-18 degrees. I cant seem to get it set at 10* Any Ideas? maybe Im doing something wrong?


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
Then explain to me why the sputtering problem COMPLETELY went away after all I did was fix some grounds and my battery terminals? That's literally all I fixed and the problem was gone.

I would have to disagree. Ground and power wires are pretty darn important. If your grounds are loose you aren't getting a proper ground, if your power wires are loose you wont get proper power, or a cut out of power. For something like your coil packs or Igniter, having a proper ground and power wire is a must. Without one or the other they won't work properly. But I shouldn't have to be telling you this.

Like I posted previously it had nothing to do with the ECT power botton. I thought it did since it reached those higher RPM's more. However, I found it had nothing to do with it when I simply left it in drive and let the RPM's go up, it still sputtered. After fixing ground and battery problems the issue is completely gone, no matter what mode its in. If it was the timing causing the problem then I would still be having the problem because the timing is still the same as it was before.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
IBoughtASupra;1818885 said:

No, not "Oh-oh" -- Gary is not infallible, just damned near... People can/will disagree with him from time to time.

Suprafanatic, let us know how it goes -- if the problem does come back, then you're going to have to do a lot of diagnostics.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
Uh-oh was a response to the attitude in the post, or so it seemed to have an attitude but I could be wrong...

If you disconnected the cables completely off the posts, you essentially reset the computer, I *THINK* that's what Gary meant.

OP, I do agree with you that grounds are important but if it was that loose off the terminal, I'd suspect you'd have a hard time getting that starter to turn...


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
^Yes the car was harder to start with the loose wires. Also all my lights were pretty dim. After fixing the wiring the car started up much much faster and my lights are much brighter.

I ment no attitude, sorry it if came off that way. I just don't see how you can say that its highly unlikely for the loose power and ground wires to be the problem. Especially, when after fixing the wiring problems the sputtering problem was completely gone. If it had nothing to do with all the loose wiring then you would be saying that the problem just magically went away for the time being.

To put this to the test I went back out and loosened all the power and ground wires that I fixed that same day. Went for a drive, and guess what? The sputtering problem was back. Came back home, tightened all the wires back up. Went for another test drive and the sputtering problem was gone. So does anyone still not think the loose wiring is responsible for the sputtering/breakup issue?


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
suprafanatic;1819033 said:
...I just don't see how you can say that its highly unlikely for the loose power and ground wires to be the problem. ...

I can easily say that. Of course power and ground are important but they're not a factor in this case. As I said, all things considered. I can see how a layperson like yourself would think otherwise though.

suprafanatic;1819033 said:
...To put this to the test I went back out and loosened all the power and ground wires that I fixed that same day. Went for a drive, and guess what? The sputtering problem was back....

Lmao. Sure you did. And I'm sure everyone can duplicate it on their cars. I just wonder if you'll be as quick to tell us if the problem returns...
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New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
To each their own. This sputtering/breakup problem has been going on for quite a while now, and it was a constant issue. It did not come and go, it was always there. It was there right before I fixed my wiring problems, and then completely gone after I fixed the wiring problems, and still gone. So to say it wasn't related I find very hard to believe. And to say a ground isn't a factor in this case? How well can your ignition system run without grounds? Or a good supply of power for that matter.

And if the problem returns I would be more than happy to let everyone know. Boostlee (jeff) can even vouch for me on this. He's been there through every car issue I've ever had, and fixed. I am a person who is happy to admit when I am wrong, no body can be right about everything.
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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
suprafanatic;1815820 said:
If it ruined my afm electronics then why does the car still run fine aside from the sputtering up top which was already an issue?

3p141592654;1815740 said:
Unfortunately that cleaner is not compatible with our AFM. If you got it on the AFM optics, they are now ruined.