Shitty year celica supras (87-88) and real supras (90-92)

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Mar 30, 2005
supra junkyard
ive recently made a mistake, buy selling my 90t supra and buying a shitty year 87 supra, without a doubt the 87 that i currently own is a piece of shit and has further lead me to believe that all 87-88's are pieces of shit. just the look it self is shit, the tail lights look like celicas, the front bumper is seperated from the upper lip which gives it a old and nonaero dynamic look, the steering wheel is by far shitty also blocky with all the wrong shapes, with the leather peeling off, i feel bad for others that have to look at it everyday. the trim is always falling off, the performace is by far no way close to as good handleing as a 90-92, every wire in the engine bay is fray and exposed, and alot of dirt in and around everywhere, alway missing the original carpets, antenna is broken off, center ash tray wont stay down, the tems buttons are peeling off, also the cookie cutter wheels dont help for the look also, further more climate control looks like a old 80's sony casette tape player also peeling off, and the speedo is making noise like its on its last few miles of life waiting to break on you. the reason why i dont mention 89's its because they are half breads of 88's and 90's.. I just miss the more well built 90-92 supras, i dont believe that any supra eairlier than 89 are supras, they should have kept the name supra celicas. they are like cockroaches you see them everywhere like as like celicas, the rare more better supras are the 90-92 imo.
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Boostaddctn said:
ive recently made a mistake, buy selling my 90t supra and buying a shitty year 87 supra, without a doubt the 87 that i currently own is a piece of shit and has further lead me to believe that all 87-88's are pieces of shit. just the look it self is shit, the tail lights look like celicas, the front bumper is seperated from the upper lip which gives it a old and nonaero dynamic look, the steering wheel is by far shitty also blocky with all the wrong shapes, with the leather peeling off, i feel bad for others that have to look at it everyday. the trim is always falling off, the performace is by far no way close to as good handleing as a 90-92, every wire in the engine bay is fray and exposed, and alot of dirt in and around everywhere, alway missing the original carpets, antenna is broken off, center ash tray wont stay down, the tems buttons are peeling off, also the cookie cutter wheels dont help for the look also, further more climate control looks like a old 80's sony casette tape player also peeling off, and the speedo is making noise like its on its last few miles of life waiting to break on you. the reason why i dont mention 89's its because they are half breads of 88's and 90's.. I just miss the more well built 90-92 supras.

AMEN brotha, I told ya you would miss the 90 - 92s! The brotha preaches the truth!


Turbo-Joe said:
quoting yourself on two screen names is gay

BITCH, someone registered my SN before I could, so I am using 90suprat! aight peace


Boostaddctn said:
what are you talking about??? my screen name is boostaddctn and only have one sn, the adims/mods can provide proof.

Damn it! Stop messing up my name!


Power Blue!!
Apr 8, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Boostaddctn said:
with the leather peeling off, i feel bad for others that have to look at it everyday. the trim is always falling off, the performace is by far no way close to as good handleing as a 90-92, every wire in the engine bay is fray and exposed, and alot of dirt in and around everywhere, alway missing the original carpets, antenna is broken off, center ash tray wont stay down, the tems buttons are peeling off, also the cookie cutter wheels dont help for the look also, further more climate control looks like a old 80's sony casette tape player also peeling off, and the speedo is making noise like its on its last few miles of life waiting to break on you.


you just got a poorly maintained 87 supra :p your own damn fault for buying it ;)


Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
90suprat, if you want the BoostAddctn name, PM me, I'll remove him and rename your account, stealing someone elses name (especially such a unique one, not like MA70Supra for something), is stupid.

Let me know.


Ok..this topic WILL NOT be covered or brought up again. If you want to discuss the year differences discuss in it the general forum. Do not start stupid fights about year differences here.... any other threads started with this topic will be immediately deleted..and other threads tainted with this crap will have the posts deleted..or the thread locked... enough is enough...the joke is over...
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