Senate Report



i appreciate being linked to the authentic document...but by chance could you cliff notes those?


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
lanky189 said:
i appreciate being linked to the authentic document...but by chance could you cliff notes those?

It's a big file Lanky, but I think it best if you read the real deal and pass your own judgements.



New Member
Apr 2, 2005
For all of those that believed Joe Wilson was lying. I refer you to pages 160-165. The entire nuclear weapons information was flat out false.

"The intelligence community was so skeptical of the claim tha Iraq was seeking uranium from Niger that Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) George Tenet personally interceded by calling Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley and having a reference to the alleged attempts removed from the President's Cincinnati speech in October 2002, warning that the "President should not be a fact witness on this issue" because the CIA analysts found the "reporting to be weak. Nevertheless, White House officials included the disputed claim in the President's State of the Union address three months later, this time assigning the assessment to the British government, but packaging it as fact."

I can only shake my head... :mad:



...i simply don't understand why we're still concentrating on being led into war on what may have been a false pretense..when right now we're at war..there is nothing we can change about it by bickering about the language/information used...lets concentrate on our strategy for reforming Iraq as a free people and in the next election all the people who are throwing a hissy fit about how we set free 100's of thousands of improperly imprisioned men, WOMEN AND CHILDREN in Iraq and Afghanistan can vote for whatever policitican they think won't lie to them to get what they want...and they'll be sadly mistaken...government is better than the best magician at misdirection....

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
the report said:
In 1998, Congress passed the Iraq Liberation Act, which authorized US assitance to support a transition to democracy in Iraq and required that the President designate one or more Iraqi opposition orginizations as eligible to recieve federal assitance. In 1999 as President Clinton designated the INC as one of seven eligible orginizations, the INC estagblished the Iraqi National Congress Support Foundation (INCSF) as a tax exempt corporation in the US. Begining in March of 2000, the Department of State entered into a series of coopertative agreements with the INCSF which included funding of almost $33 million for several programs, including a weekly newspaper publication, radio and satellite broadcasts into Iraq, a public information campaign, and the collection of information on the Saddam regimes' war crimes and crimes against humanity.

So the main point remains. The left lies when they say Bush just made everything up after 9-11. And Hussein tried to buy uranium from a British agent in Niger. The Brits continue that report. Removing a madman that used WMD's, threatened the United States and the world, and murdded several hundred thousand people in ethnic cleasening was the right thing to do.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
JCP said:
We need to go after the war lords in africa... have you seen the shit they do over there?

Yep. After the battle of Mogadishu, the Clinton administratioin decided to let that abide and just use appeasement.

White House Press Secratary Tony Snow said:
"In 2002 and 2003, members of both parties got a good look at the intelligence we had and they came to the very same conclusions about what was going on, That was one of the reasons you had overwhelming majorities in the United States Senate and the House for taking action against Saddam Hussein,"

As I have copied and pasted many times now. As SupraCentral has pointed out.

And once again...

Condeleeza Rice said:
Oh, indeed there is a tie between Iraq and what happened on 9/11. It’s not that Saddam Hussein was somehow himself and his regime involved in 9/11, but, if you think about what caused 9/11, it is the rise of ideologies of hatred that lead people to drive airplanes into buildings in New York.

Like Tony Snow said, it is nothing new. I do appreciate the link though. Good reading.


The Big Unit
Apr 6, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Everyone does stupid stuff.. Thats why I look @ the person and not the party affiliation. Extreme Left and Right remind me of Religious Extremists. :D

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
I don't think the extreme left has any religous extremists, except Hitler. And his big thing wasn't religion anyway. He wanted to conquer everybody.