running issues.


New Member
Jan 4, 2008
Marlboro, NY
i have an 88 supra. I bought the car last summer. The head gasket was not blown but the stock afm was bad. So i figured what the hell and i would get a 1.2mm metal hg.arp headbolts. lex afm. 550s. and a gates racing tb. so i installed all of these things and went to start the car. nothing. So i figured out that the i had both cams lined up on time but where the notch is on the harmonic balancer was an advance in time. so i set the timing to zero and the car fired up but would not idle well or rev over two grand. so i then figured out that my cps was off. fixed that and the car idled smoothly but would still not rev over two grand. So then i went off to school and the car sat. i just got back and went to fire her up. She started right up but wont idle for more than 20 seconds. she spits and sputters and is backfiring and such. Why is this? i am going crazy trying to figure it out. could it be that i still havent installed the injectors so theyre still 440s. i wouldnt think so but is this a possibilty? i will seriously pay someone thats near monroe N.Y. and has done this before to just come and look at my car and give me some advice!


7M Love
Apr 4, 2005
Norman, Oklahoma
Wait, you have or have not installed the 550's? As far as I know (no actual experience with the lex/550 combo) you need to do both at the same time to have it run smooth at all, or else you are giving it too much air or too much fuel.

Aside from that, it seems like your timing may be way out of whack or the MAF is bad (still). If you know of any other local supra owner that would be willing, it is easy enough to unscrew the little sensor out of the MAF housing and replace / plug it in to your housing to see if that is the problem. More than likely it is a timing problem though (I've had the same problem about not revving or having power in mid-high rpms). It turned out to be that the timing belt was off a tooth and the CPS was adjusted just enough to run (maxed out one way), but not well. When you check the tooth alignment, make sure to manually crank over the engine a few times and recheck the alignment as they will roll around at different points.

The supra actually ran for about a month like this (I think the ECU was compensating a little bit for it) but on a few days it wouldn't start at all, or the timing would eventually be way off.

Anyways, some food for thought.


dirty mechanic
Aug 12, 2007
no it will still run without the 550's just a little lean when you hit the loud peddle.I suggest re setting your timing as per the tsrm and double check its set right.If it is then make sure the maf is working as itll do exactly as you described otherwise( rev up then die.)When the car is running then cutting out, does it smell like its overfueling at all?