PS3 or Wii??

Puppy Eater

from the rooftop...
Mar 31, 2005
in your dreams....
im just curious as to what next gen console everyone thinks will do better. personally i think the Wii will sell more and be much more innovative than the ps3. what ya guys think?

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
You forgot to mention the Xbox 360.

Im betting on the Wii. It has a way lower price then the PS3 and its supposedly coming out in October giving it a jump on the PS3.

Dont think the PS3 will fail though. It already has a hardcore fanbase. So there is going to be a strong demand for it, especially with the very limited first bunch which is only a few million units world wide. I believe Sony's going to copy Microsoft (Seems like their new game plan) by creating an artificial demand by limiting the number of units released.

The PS3 has been running into alot of development problems so im personally not buying a first gen PS3 since it will probally have hardware problems and a new model will come out afterwards. Sonys trying to incorporate alot of new technology such as the Cell processor and Blu-Ray format which have been costly for Sony to develop and incorporate.

Games wise a number of developers are dropping from the PS3 saying its too hard and costly to develop games for. The launch lineup seems very healthy though something like 29 games now (Compared to the 360's 18 Games).

Graphics will rival the 360's closely but the 360 is believed to have the upper hand in processing power.

Sony's also launching an Xbox Live type service, that is supposedly free. But im suspecting you either pay for a "Gold" type membership or have to deal with advertisments.

The Wii I see more as a family console. Parents know the Nintendo name, and it offers alot of games for the younger audience which Sony hasnt ever done much of. nintendos also many of our first sytems (It was mine) and newer parents will see it as a safe choice from experience to pick for their kids.

Nintendos fanbase in Japan is greater than the PS3 and 360's put together. Nintendo knows this and already has production started on the Wii (Hence the early release) to meet the demand for the system. Ninteno wants this system to be available so If you want one opening day you will get one opening day.

The controller is a definitely a fresh idea. From what Ive seen the controller has been incorprated into the games very well, and will offer all sorts of different experinces for gamers. Some people however may be turned off by it and skip on buying the system.

Nintendos always had great first party games so theres no worries about the quality of games. Mario, Zelda, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon...just to name a few.

Im not a nintendo fanboy or anything (I dont even have a Gamecube) So if I made the Wii sound like its going to dominate the market my bad.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
The Wii will rape. I can't believe you didn't mention it's greatest feature...THE VIRTUAL CONSOLE!!! That's right, the Wii connects to a database housing damn near every game Nintendo has ever made and some Sega games. For a small fee, you're supposed to be able to buy the rights to ROMS and be able to play games from old systems anytime you want.

Also the controller, it's fresh and innovative, something that is definitely missing in the videogame market these days. The idea of playing Zelda and just swinging the conrtoller to control Link's sword in a fight is really cool.

Plus the Wii is really not that much more powerful than the Gamecube, it's just been made to accomodate new features such as WiFi and the conroller. Nintendo announced it's return to making games with good a good balance of graphics, gameplay and replay value rather than solely focusing on And I think this will bring back a lot of gamers that grew up with the atari, commodore 64, NES and those that can remember the Sega vs NES days that the current gaming market has forgotten and driven away.

Anyways, the Wii will defintely be a family console much like the original NES and that is in no means a bad thing. I remember when I was a kid me and my family used to actually spend time together and play games like Duck Hunt and Zelda and everyone had fun. Plus it's why Nintendo changed the name of the system from Revolution to incorporate the family idea.

Yes I am a Nintendo fanboy haha, but I do really think the PS3 and Xbox 360 will just be more of the same in terms of the last generation of consoles...just prettier (as the Xbox 360 has already shown). I do love my PS2 though, but only because of Square and some other makers of RPG's

Eidt: fixing more of my spelling errors...
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Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
Forgot about the virtual console. Sounds alot like Live's arcade which is a genius idea for Nintendo. I would buy the Wii solely for that.

...As long as it has Contra.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Haha...Contra...that brings back sooooooo many many memories of me and my brother throwing the controller...*sigh*...those were the days...

Haha, I want it for the original Mega Man. Still the hardest game EVER IMO. I have honestly never been as pissed off as I get when I used to play that game.

Puppy Eater

from the rooftop...
Mar 31, 2005
in your dreams....
i thought the only way to get the most out of a 360 or ps3 is to get a high def screen. also i read something about how the blu ray technology is only supported on certain high def monitors.. i hope im wrong.. 600$ system plus another 2 or 300$ for a high def monitor.. thats a lot i could be spending on my supra..

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
The lower model PS3 will not support HDMI dont forget so it will not display 1080P/I like the higher end one, It is also unupgradable so youll be stuck that way. (Max res is 720P on low end model)

Youll need to go to a high def screen within the next 10 years anyways as TV companyies will be switching to a HD signal. Dont forget to get a TV with an HDMI card/tuner/port/slot whatever. or else your TV will just become obsolete in a few more years.

Ive spent ove 2K to get the most out of my next gen system.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
PS3 would be good if it weren't like 600 bucks or more, I mean u can buy a decent PC for that much, I hate nintendo since they didn't progress quickly enough after the N64, I love Playstation and its titles but I am not wasting money like that, I would try an xbox 360 but I don't like xbox cuz the control setup and the controller I hate, I love Playstations controllers and setup more friendly and more fun.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Ah the Dreamcast was too ahead of it's time. If Sega had waited a little bit they would still be in the hardware arena. Shenmue = one of my favorite games though. And SNES = Super Mario RPG = THE BEST!!! I still have mine hooked up, haha


Formerly Got Boost?
Apr 3, 2005
Houston, Tx
Topher E said:
Dreamcast ftw.

Yup. I had mine for Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Capcom vs. SNK, Rival Schools (or whatever version it was for dreamcast) and a couple of others that I don't remember off the top of my head. After that was stolen, I pretty much stopped playing games for a while....


Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
Ahhh...Contra. Best. Game. Ever. I think I'll play that now.

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A B A Select Start

Yeah Baby!