Protein supplements, building muscle, creotine, shakes, pills...?


best be eating your soup!
Jan 28, 2007
Norwalk, IA
what does everyone use to "build muscle"? [sorry if its a repost]

ive seen the whey protein pills at target and walmart and the big bottles of creotine shakes. i also know that u have to be working out alot for that stuff to work. what does everyone use to see good results safely?

what do u use and how do u do it? whats your workout routine? how much does the stuff cost?

just for kicks n giggles. i was curious.



Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
eat healthy, heavy on protein, and lift weights. do low reps, high resistance.

if you're naturally very thin, you're hopeless. I've had tons of friends try and build muscle with every sort of formula out there. Some people just don't build muscle well.


Authorized Vendor
Mar 30, 2005
^^ yep same advice i got from a pro. i just started to lift and gonna try to gain 10lbs in a naturally thin but i'll see wat i can.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
this discussion has caused my my first "old guy" moment

i wasn't always a lard-assed truck driver

a few years ago, i was like 210, pretty hard

the only supplements i ever used were the protien shakes. back in my time, so to speak, the idea was a gram of protien per pound of bodyweight. have you ever tried to eat that much? i was consuming 6 full meals a day, working out 2 hrs in gym, and worked a physical packing house job 12 hrs a day.

the gym owners eventually just gave me a key to the place, was cool, could go in at night and have the place to myself.

back to the old guy moment...when i was doing this dorian yates was still the man. a couple of weeks ago, i gave another driver a lift to the gnc in okc. it was pretty embarrasing, me, and a bunch of thick-necks. someone suguested i get back into it, and i tild him the last time i saw a weight stack, yates was still mr.o. he looked at me and said...yeah i remember him, he was my idol back when i was in jr high!

thanks kid, appreciate it


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
diet first, get that right, then start the supplements, in my opinion, that is 90% of bodybuilding. lots of protiens, cut fat as much as possible, (i didn't touch red meat for 2 years, that first steak was orgasmic) lots of veggies, moderate carbs.

when you are to the point you are measuring everything you eat, then worry about the pills


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
and if that dosen't work for you, hit up the nearest gnc, they will help you out, but keep in mind it's expensive as hell, 2 month cupply cost the driver close to 300 bucks, with the gold card discount.


best be eating your soup!
Jan 28, 2007
Norwalk, IA
eeek. lets say i have a 6 or 7% body fat right now. will a bottle of those whey protein pills and a good workout schedule at the gym do me good? will i see results? will it be worth it?

will the protein shakes do me anything different then the pills? will they work if i start doing 3 mile runs for part of my workout and the usual situps/pullups/pushups? or does it have to be strenuous weight training?


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
I used to lift weights before but mainly for strength...Every country I stayed in and got my own place, one of the first things I bought was always a gym.
If the gym could handle 300 lbs, I would strenghten it to handle more.

I think my power to weight ratio is impressive. Im 180 lbs. Growing up I was skinny..but strong. I'd say on my best days, I could squat 500-600 lbs lbs...more if I trained harder...Bench press 350-400 lbs.
The first day I walked into the gym I squated 400 lbs...And I am average/skinny.I always played sports n ran alot from a very young age so my legs are strong and put wieghts in my backpack and tied sand bags to my legs n ran and jumped.

If I started training from start, it would take me 2-3 months to squat n bench that much and sometimes even sooner. Bad thing is I get too busy and stop working out...

Body type :
Are you skinny, average or fat?
Goals :
What are your goals? put on weight, gain muscle mass?

Workout :
Too many people spend too many hours in the gym and never get results.
The secret is training your body to exhaustion and recuperate fast.

If you are skinny and want to put on mass, spend less time in the gym.This equates to less energy lost therefore more chance of puttin on wieght.
You will need to do mass building exercises... the big compound exercises that affect alot of your muscles at bench press, squat, chin ins, dips, bicep curls. no aerobic activity exept the 5-10 mins to warm up.
I think esp for a skinny person and if you want muscle fast, go hardcore.
Lift big weights with proper form and push yourself hard to the limit.
Because you are working alot harder, you will want to spend less time in the gym like 30-45 mins. Eat, sleep well and you will grow stronger n bigger.

If you are fat, then you would want to lose weight, so you want to spend more time in the gym, more time to burn more energy. You could do the compound exercises with more aerobic activity.

Diet :
I usually eat high protein diet...Works for me...To workout your protein needs you need to multiply your body weight by 2..That is the # of grams of protein you need daily. Eat foods high in protein so you ont have to eat in more quantities...

Sleep :
Very important because its during sleep that your body repairs and builds your mucles. Exercise is like a stress to your muscles. When you workout esp beyond your breaking point, your muscles break down. In sleep, they get repaired and built stronger because they experienced a load (stress) beyond their capabilites and will need to be bigger/stronger to handle that load.

Supplements : I have used creatine, protein shakes and weight gainer products. For me the best brands are from Muscletech..They sell Cell-Tech which is an advanced Creatine formula and their protein is Nitro-Tech.
I have also used EAS products. I am sure for first timers any good brands is okay.

Some manufacturers reccommend for the 1st 5 days to take creatine twice a the morning and right after your workout. After the 5 days, take once/day after workout.
I take my Protein shakes 3-4 times/ day depending on my protein needs.
You can take less if you want to.

Intensity :
I think this is very important. If you do hardcore intense training, then you wont need to spend alot of time in the gym. Sometimes I superset my I do 1 set of 7 reps bicep curls/no rest/ set of 7 reps tricep curls...another example...set of 7 reps of bench press/no rest/set of deadlift...That way you push yourself but be careful you will feel dizzy and some people faint from supersets.

Some guys spend hours and hours in the gym and gain no muscle or do not get stronger.They overtrain...I used to spend 30 mins-45 the most 60 mins and Im out. I lifted big weight with low reps...Low reps is to build mass and strength...Higher reps to build definition. The way I did my workout suited me..I could gain 10-15 lbs of muscle every month but I would have to keep my protein/ carb intake on track.

Every workout you perform, you have to increase the intensity by increasing the reps or the wieghts. I say inceasing the wieghts is better it makes you stronger. I used to increase my weights every workout. Lets say I squated 400 lbs last leg workout day on a Monday...If my next workout is on the Sunday coming I would do a warm up squat on 200 lbs/next 300 lbs/next 400 lbs/ next 450 lbs/ 500 lbs...My final set has to be heavy enough that I can barely do one or two reps. If you do it this way, your legs will be trembling from the pain....but damn you grow strong very fast. Your jumps do not need to be high. You do what you feel, but high enough so it triggers new growth.

Hope that helps...Feel free to ask any more questions.

Last edited:


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
theres a lot of self learning to do. Gauranteed you'll overdue it at least once and tear a muscle. Hurts like hell for a few weeks. Theres a certain happy place to find where you're working your muscles but not the point of tearing them.

Oh, if you're looking to cut weight, work out early in the morning before you do anythign else. For building weight, after the work day is better. I forget exactly why but it does help


best be eating your soup!
Jan 28, 2007
Norwalk, IA
cool, that helps alot. i am a scrawny guy. like pretty dang little. id like to be able to start a nice program for me. im thinking about joining the military here soon and i will have a few good months off before i head off to basic and i think it'd be great to get back in shape and start getting stronger so i can have a nice program/schedule set for myself while im able to work out.

i hear the biggest problem with weight training is making yourself do it.


supra is gone
Jan 30, 2006
wow man you got a long way to go. and don't cheat yeah the protien helps but nothing can replace time. work out at least 5 days a week and just add the protien once you have a nice base. i use isowhey just one shake a day and i went from 165 to 185 in less than 6 months. but i've been working out for 3-4 years solid. you don't notice the gains for so long unless you really pack on the protien. good luck man


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
yeah, just giving you shit

i would hire a trainer for a couple of weeks, take his advice on diet/frequency/supplements...i'm working off of 12 year old info here, sports medicine seems to change on a daily baisis


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Im also 5'8"....

I think since you are starting out, any form of exercise will help you.

When I first started, I spent 2-3 hours working out and that was overtraining to me..I grew slower. So I dropped my workout time to 1 hour and I grew alot faster.

I think because you are skinny, you should do low reps/high weights. But not too high and you injure yourself. 3 times/ week, Max 1 hour each workout, and you will grow stronger.
On your last set, do this set to failure meaning put the weight high enough so you can only push out 1 or 2 reps and you cant do anymore.

Try this and check your weight every week. If it is producing results, then it works for your body. If not, change your workout or figure out your protein/carb intake...
If you want results fast, go hardcore and take twice your weight in grams of protein.

Trucker : I remember Dorian Yates when I was a little boy and used to read magazines about him. I liked his style...Hardcore heavy weights...I remember he used to lift huge weights/each workout like 30 mins and twice a week and he used to grow huge. People used to question how he could grow so strong and big and fast on 30 min workouts.I followed his style. The supersets i got from Arnold, our governer. Lee Haney was huge too.
