Promox - OpenVZ


New Member
Feb 5, 2008
Houston, TX
Really getting tired of the multiple PCs starting to stack up in my home...

Since there is still no support so far for having a thin client that can run current video games I will have to keep my i7 in my main win7 PC.

Plan is to consolidate the following systems:
Ubuntu server: Currently running Subsonic/ Teamspeak3/ Bittorrent/ Gallery3/ Samba/ Vent/ and a few other minor server apps. Also acts as main media storage for all movies/music/shows/documents.

Pbxinaflash/Asterisks server: Using this paired with Aastra phone system with google voice to provide free home phone service. ( Now also compatible with skype )

In comes proxmox which has done some pretty neat things with openvz and KVM support.

The only spare computer/processor I have is only capable of OpenVZ and not full KVM support. After loading ubuntu vz image up started to run into issues...

The main issue is I am unable to mount a samba share. Basically ubuntu states it is unsupported. I am really not in any way attached to Samba but it really makes me wonder how many issues I am going to run into trying to get everything functioning in a OpenVZ template.

Also from what I understand any large data storage should be done in a separate hardware based PC. Which means after proxmox is setup I will end up with 2 servers constantly running anyways but it will allow me to shift some other things around as well as test out new things without screwing up my running ubuntu install ;)

If anyone has any experience with OpenVZ/Proxmox and would like to chime in your experiences with getting the damn thing to actually function that would be great.


New Member
Feb 5, 2008
Houston, TX
Looks like this is one of those things OpenVZ makes overly complicated. Not really sure how yet but seems I have to mount the samba share to the proxmox host and use bind to get it to the containers....


New Member
Feb 5, 2008
Houston, TX
After editing the fstab on proxmox host to include

//serverip/shared /shared cifs username=user,pass=pass 0 0

then mounting it via:
mount -n --bind /shared /var/lib/vz/root/102/shared

Its now accessible to the vz... Not sure how to get it to mount on startup of vz though...

But I was able to get nginx/apache2/mysql/subsonic/gallery3 up and running so far on it. Only hitches i ran into was while trying to install lame for encode on the fly feature in subsonic the package didnt exists. I guess the apt sources on the ubuntu vz where missing quiet a bit. Just had to add a bunch of repositories and update apt-get.

Still do not understand the diffrence between venet and veth for vz image other than and the fact that while it was set up as veth it had DNS issues.