Possible video/picture shoot


New Member
Aug 1, 2006
Van Nuys, CA
just an idea!

ok well here i go. i wanna do something for a while to cure my boredom. so im looking into to gettin some kinda easy to use but decent video editing software. my plan is to take some video and pics of a bunch of cars and jsut throw them into this magical video. ive been watching some videos that people had made and i like some of the ideas.

so with that said i want to get a bunch of cars together to take pics/videos of in maybe about 2 weeks or so from all different forums of all different types of cars. so since i know alot of you people go on more boards then i do post up on there that i wanna get this goin somehow.

i wanna get a wide variety of cars so it doesnt matter as long as they look and sound kinda decent cause i wanna record some revving.

let me know what you guys can get.

oh yeah it will mostly be done in the valley just to let you guys know and you can also bring your own cameras/camcorders.

just to give you an idea of some of my pics heres my old car and some pics i took of it. ( i would show you some with my Supra but my harddrive crashed)

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