Option opinions...


New Member
Nov 23, 2011
New Jersey
Here are the options I am currently weighing on my build...

Option 1: Temporarily purchase a Chinese 57 trim t3/t4 oil cooled only (bypass coolant lines temporarily)turbo and a ct-t3/t4 adapter and run that (until I can save my money to have Albert rebuild my ct26 to a 57 trim) at around 10psi.

Total: about $200

Option 2: Purchase a brand new CT26 from a supplier on Ebay

Total: just under $300

Option 3: Send my turbo out to Albert for rebuild and upgrade to 57trim

Total: just under $500

I am looking to have reliable 325-350whp. Albert said a 57 trim would be my best bet. I am trying to get my build together properly and reliably however the Chinese turbo being as cheap as it is will give me something to work with until I can send mine out for rebuild and upgrade. Then the stock new ct will be just as reliable as a fresh rebuild but not be trimmed. And sending my turbo out now would be a little too expensive right now I think with all of the other parts I need to worry about buying for my build.

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New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
Is there anything wrong with your stock CT26? If it's still functioning properly I'd continue to run it and wait for option 3. If you need one right away I'd try my best to do option 3.

Options 1 is going to require a custom downpipe to be made. Guessing that it doesn't have an internal wastegate you'll need an external wastegate. Better make sure that CT26 to T3 manifold adapter has a wastegate port. You'll need oil feed and return lines with a return flange on the block. You'll need to somehow modify your turbo to intercooler pipe since the turbo location has changed a bit. You may need to modify the turbo intake pipe due to relocation of turbo (via adapter). The total cost to do this may easily put you up to $500. Making option 3 look like a better idea. And pray this chinese turbo doesn't crap out on you.

Option 2 would worry me. Looking on ebay for the cheapest turbo supplier is a gamble. Good luck with the quality of worksmanship and warranty of turbo if a problem were to arise.

Option 3 is looks to be the best route of the given choices.


New Member
Nov 23, 2011
New Jersey
Scratch option 2? Option 2 is a brand new stock Toyota part... and as far as option goes.. it is internally wastegated and mounts to stock dp and the adapter is about 3/4" thick... no need for any relocation of anything except a coolant bypass until I get my turbo rebuilt..


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
brand new Toyota CT26? I call bullshit, that'd cost well over $300 bucks. Maybe a rebuilt turbo for $300, but not brand new...

TSRM from whenever it was posted listed a NEW turbo at just under $2900. Nowadays prices and availability would probably put it over 3500...


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
SupraPieces;1787597 said:

That turbo doesn't have an internal wastegate. It doesn't bolt up to your stock exhaust. That adapter does not have a spot for an external wastegate.

Option 2 would worry me. Looking on ebay for the cheapest turbo supplier is a gamble. Good luck with the quality of worksmanship and warranty of turbo if a problem were to arise.

I still say option 3 if you can swing it.

Again, is your stock CT26 working? Or is it busted and you need to replace it?


New Member
Nov 23, 2011
New Jersey
Stock ct has a bit of play and with a fresh build I would be much happier with something fresh... that cheap Chinese piece says it has optional internal or external wg... I think I am leaning toward option 2 until I can get the money to have mine rebuilt and upgraded...


New Member
Nov 23, 2011
New Jersey
Albert does the same rebuild for $150 cheaper... and can customize anything I want and still not total $650... I have heard one or two people that said when they got it back there was minor amount of shaft play... I love DM and they have lots of great parts but for the price I will go with Albert...

Jay C

New Member
Sep 30, 2010
Omaha, NE
Have you looked in the 4 sale section? There was a fresh rebuilt 46 trim done by albert for like 200-300 if i remember correct but it might be sold that was a few days ago. However, if that wouldn't provide the power you want i would wait untill you can purchase option 3. Why spend 200-300 now on option 1 or 2 just to respend 500 later on what you really want? Its your money and your decision though. GL.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
IBoughtASupra;1787666 said:

Only thing he will request naked pictures while you make ah toilet.

This is a true story... fool ME once. :nono:

On topic though, why spend money twice if you know your end goal now? ;)