Official thread: 7th annual QS&L Supra meet, Brian Smith fundraiser


New Member
Mar 8, 2006
Hickory area, NC
Ok guys, copied over from SF with permission from Greg. Please let me know either here or via PM that you are coming, and I'll have you added to the official attendance list both over there and over here. PM me with any questions, ideas, or even sponsorship.
Alright guys, its that time again! What time you say? Time for our annual Supra meet!!!! It is the 7th year/row we have had this meet and im very proud of the success we have had each year considering 7 years ago I just had an idea for a small meet and what it has become now! Anyways on to the details!

Quaker Steak and Lube
7731 Gateway Lane Northwest
Concord, NC 28027
(704) 979-5823

Saturday, January 8th
12pm til whenever u want to leave!
Earlier you arrive, the better

Any and all Supras
other cars welcome too, but parking reserved for Supras, Supra powered cars..etc.

waiting on details from Jason, but we will as always have some generous sponsors! Thx to Jason (hotsoup) for all his hardwork and help

New this year, we will have a raffle as usual, but it will be a little different. The small stuff will be a free raffle, but the bigger items we have will be a $5/ticket raffle and all proceeds go to the national kidney foundation/ victory junction gang camp in memory of Brian Smith. Personal donations welcome too!

As most of you know we lost a great member and person this year. Brian Smith was a long time Supra owner and a great friend to many on this board, and always very helpful to those who needed a little advice here and there. Brian passed away in April from a severe pain condition he had for several years.

This years meet will be in honor of him!

Also, we are working on getting some t-shirts made for the meet..stay tuned for details! Thx goes to Brent (NC_SilverStreak_94) for working on that!

Any ideas to make this meet better are greatly appreciated!
Any further questions, comments, feel free to PM me or give me a call/text at 704-519-7250

Attendance list:
1. Greg-93 Red MKIV NA-T
2. Jason-94 Red MKIV T/ IS300
3. B-93 Blue MKIV TT
4. Mike-94 Red MKIV NA-T
5. Abram-94 Red MKIV T
6. Jerry-95 White MKIV NA-TT
7. Roman-95 Red MKIV NA-T
8. Ed-93 Anthracite MKIV NA
9. Karen-93 Black MKIV TT
10. Wesley-87 White MKIII T
11. Dale-94 Black MKIV T
12. Brent-94 Silver MKIV T
13. Joe- 97 Black MKIV T
14. Ponny-96 Green MKIV NA
15. Joey-94 Silver MKIV T
16. Dan-VIP imports R35 GTR
17. Valerie-98 White MKIV TT
18. Frank-93 Red MKIV T
19. Jonathan-94 Black MKIV TT
20. Israel-94 Black MKIV TT
21. Vu-94 Black MKIV TT
22. Levi-91 Red MKIII T
23. Elijah-94 Black MKIV TT
24. Kyle-89 White MKIII T
25. Dalton-98 QSFX MKIV T

Maybe list:
1. Steve-97 Red MKIV T
2. Henry-95 White MKIV NA-TT
3. Joey-93 Red MKIV TT

Other cars:
1. Keith-Black turbo ITR
2. jackie-Yellow turbo ITR
3. Ryan-90 Green Talon
4. Zeb-98 GS300 2JZ-GTE
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