New Member Gathering Info


New Member
Mar 3, 2008
Hi, to everyone here at supramania. As you can tell i'm new to the forum and have not posted a thing til now. I'm building a 7m-gte engine and all I've been doing is gathering info. The engine is going into a(please don't anyone kill me) MK II supra that i've had for a # of years. I'm finally taking it to the next level. Since I'm new to the forum and by the way incredible forum that it is.

I don't want to ask a questions that the answers can be found by using the search function. Now that i've started the build which by the way will take a while, you know the wife and kids keep eating up all my funds. I'm ready to start asking some questions. By the way i'm also looking at a possible purchase of another supra and yes it is a mk III. So i'm off to the appropriate area to ask my first earth shaking question.